Weird wall thats not blocked off in Bukdek Byway.
Made myself dizzy >< But it was pretty funny.
Monk: Me
Warrior: My bf.
"Sliding" on the wall.
"Look! I can stand on your head!"
On the ledge.
Birds eye view from the bottom-est you can get on the wall.
Dizzy by now. ><
You can run about a good half-an-inch minimap length, from one side to the other down this wall aswell as "climb" the wall up and down in really fast speed. Lol.
(Anyone else run into this weird wall?)
(It's kind of like the wall in Temple of Ages, behind Grenth monument. But 10x Steeper.)
Location of the weird wall, if anyone feels like exploring.
Next to Wings, Three Blade, warrior boss.
-- So sorry if this is a repeat topic. --
Glitchy Bukdek Byway D:
Yeah, I've had things like this happen to me in FoW where i fell all the way under the Forge and into the lava, and some related things in sorrows furnace.
some guy
That happened to me during Vizunah Square once, the wall turned to weird colors and stuff.
hehe i gona go try it !