So I was doing /dancenew with my paragon when I went straight to /bowhead. The light and glitter kept going on even when I wasn't dancing.
Ehh, I dunno... kinda strange.
/dancenew glitch
sssshhhhhhhhh!!! they might fix it!
I always do /dancenew then quickly type /dance to get the lights with christopher walken dance
I always do /dancenew then quickly type /dance to get the lights with christopher walken dance
mojave mango juice
Yeah i do /dancenew then quickly switch to /dance bc the /dance is much cooler for the female dervish...
You can do /dancenew then guitar, or drums, or any of the emotes which loop continuously, and have the ball.
LiQuId StEeL
the ultimate idle pose
the ultimate idle pose
Neo Nugget
its been like that since release.....i like it and i dont think its a glitch.
but but but... i like it that way... >.< nooo dont fix it!
Shadow Kurd
Some1 remove this treadh before Anet sees it!