Near Nahpui Quarter in Wajjun Bazaar, there is a real big gathering of Mantids... all lvl 17 or something... are they related to any quest and if not, why are they there?? I vanquished them all but they didn't seem to drop anything I wanted/needed and they didn't seem to guard anything either... could it be that they are just there as another challenge to whoƫver wants to get the Master Cartographer Title? (though it wasn't much of a challenge to kill them all, but I did notice that my Exploration Bar increased by 0,1%...)
Wajjun Bazaar --> Bunch of Mantids
Demmin Nas
Is this outside the foreign quarter? I've noticed them too. There are more of them closer to the docks (if you follow the path beyond them and take the hilly path down they will well as random am fah assassins on the bridge).
falling demon
they aren't for any quests, they're just a bunch of random mantids (they also drop venerable mantid pincers for people who want to get the collectors armour).