I can't get green

Limu Tolkki

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hate The [Cape]


I've been killing necro boss Jerneh Nightbringer. Ii've killed he about 20-30 times and I haven't got The Nightbringer yet... I can't kill him while he have 2 or 3 elementalist friends (thats about 1 of 3). So I've been thinking that what about if I can't get this green if there isn't those elementalist friends...
But am I able to get it, or not?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

if you are with hench they can steal your drops, if you come up with a build that can kill him 1v1 then you could use your hench to kill his group, then send your hench away until their grey on party list, then solo the boss... hope that helps


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

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IIRC, the odds of a boss dropping his green thing are 1/10 normally. These are general odds, so individual results will vary. I don't know the specifics of that boss, but maybe the program is set so he only drops it when with the elementalist buddies you speak of?

Of course, if you're using heroes or henchmen, they're getting drops, too. Maybe the green thing has dropped a few times but been assigned to AI. When things drop for the AI, there's no mention of it on the screen and you don't see them pick it up - it's simply not there.

Limu Tolkki

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hate The [Cape]


Always soloing, I dont understand why it don't drop it in 20-30 kills except it drops it only with those eles, I've also kill it if theres one ele, but 2 or 3 is too much

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

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Ocean Shores, Washington

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Anti Farm Code Maybe?



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


I solod the Scar Eater 72 times (no joke) before he dropped his green for me. THis was after I'd taken my Ele through Elona so there really can't have been any anti-farming code applied. Sometimes you just get really REALLY bad luck!



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Limu Tolkki
Always soloing, I dont understand why it don't drop it in 20-30 kills except it drops it only with those eles, I've also kill it if theres one ele, but 2 or 3 is too much
Lets state a few facts:
  • Drops are random
  • Who has the Favour of the God DOESN'T drop rate - Can't believe some people still think it does...
  • You Class doesn't affect your drop rate
  • Soloing increases the chance of you getting drop, but the change of getting a green is still very very low.
  • Over farming will activate the Anti-Farming Code
  • Its all down to luck, not chance.
And there you have it.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I found that if I was the same prof as the boss I would not get the green item from it (either primary or secondary)....so I might suggest trying it with a different character and then see what happens.....but that is just my bad luck.

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


u soloed 72 times b4 he droped? sounds like Ghial is for me, still hasnt droped for me ever. scars a different story for me. he dropped 6 times for me yesterday out of about 20 runs.



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by cosyfiep
I found that if I was the same prof as the boss I would not get the green item from it (either primary or secondary)....so I might suggest trying it with a different character and then see what happens.....but that is just my bad luck.
Its just your bad luck. The class your farming as doesn't make any difference. I use my W/Mo for farming all sorts.

Don't give him information which simply is not true.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Its all down to luck, not chance.
If you believe in luck, then luck influences chance. So chance is still very much a factor here.

Lord Naike

Ascalonian Squire

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Knights Online [KO]


Are you in america coz the favor of the gods is always in europe.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Lord Naike
Are you in america coz the favor of the gods is always in europe.
What the hell has that got to do with anything? Having favour of the Gods has absolutely no effect on the green drop rates at all!



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Lord Naike
Are you in america coz the favor of the gods is always in europe.

Good god... read my post above.

Who has the favour has NOTHING TO DO WITH DROPS... NOTHING AT ALL!!!

The favour only effects UW/FoW Access, it doesn't effect drops.

Not gold, green, blue, white, purple or anything else.

Sorry but what you posted is 100% incorrect.

Wandering Star

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Jedimagician
if you are with hench they can steal your drops, if you come up with a build that can kill him 1v1 then you could use your hench to kill his group, then send your hench away until their grey on party list, then solo the boss... hope that helps
Just wondered, do you know if this actually works? (the part about if the hench are `greyed out` then they dont get any drops)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Green drops are random, so it just sounds like the anti-farm code has kicked in on you. My suggestion is to go and hit a few areas that you wouldn't normaly go into a few times then come back. That should take the farming code off. I hardly ever get the good green drops myself but almost always get the ones that no-one else seem to get, not sure if it is luck or if I am cursed.

Mega Mouse

Olfin Bedwere

Olfin Bedwere

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Stillwater, Oklahoma


Originally Posted by Wandering Star
Just wondered, do you know if this actually works? (the part about if the hench are `greyed out` then they dont get any drops)
Nope, not true. Only way to get all the drops is to solo which means going alone. By yourself. If you need proff, move the henchemn out till there greyed and then kill something that`s drops money and see if they still share the drop.

isamu kurosawa

isamu kurosawa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

United Kingdom


Originally Posted by Olfin Bedwere
Nope, not true. Only way to get all the drops is to solo which means going alone. By yourself. If you need proff, move the henchemn out till there greyed and then kill something that`s drops money and see if they still share the drop.
it is true, but gold is shared regardless so thats a useless test. if you enter with a team of real people and do the same you will see they get 0 drops.

My Green Storage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


My Blue Storage


Sending the heroes/henchies away DOES NOT take away your green drop

Gold coins - yes .. they still share amongst the party
If the green drops and their name is greyed out, YOU get the green

I've done that a few times based on the run it takes to get to the boss.

In fact I've been playing around with E/A solo and used heroes henchies to work my way to sharptooth (Sunward Marches) when it was clear, I sent them away, solo'd him and it dropped first try.

It's been proven / noted that sending them away where their name is grey'd out works just as if you went and solo'd by yourself without them

But yea, anti-farm code / bad luck is the reason something doesnt drop after x amount of times.

I've done exuro 12-15 times and not have him drop. I could come back after a half hour / hour and he'd drop first try.

Nightbringer hasn't dropped the last 5-8 times I've tried.
Ghial and my first time W/Mo build, 4 or 5 times and he hasn't dropped it.
Mind you, it takes a hell of a long time W/Mo style .. so if it takes 8 - 10 minutes, I do it once and say screw it. ...
Skybringer took about 5 tries (Practice)
Mindcluder hasnt in 4-6 tries (Practice)




Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Sorry but what you posted is 100% incorrect.
To be fair, there was nothing wrong with what Lord Naike said. There was a question and a statetment, which while the statement is not entirely true, it is not exactly 100% incorrect either. The post says nothing at all about Favor being related to drops in the actual text, though it does leave that feeling...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


I got the green the first time I ever came across the boss, stocked up with hench. I didn't like the green and I didn't think it'd sell compared to the Ghial's staff, so I dropped it in a random PUG and watched them scramble over it. However, when I was trying to see the green of an assassin, it took me days to get that green. Patience really is the key. It's never a question of "if" but "when".

Toll Booth Willie

Toll Booth Willie

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

tn, usa


Originally Posted by Darkobra
I got the green the first time I ever came across the boss, stocked up with hench. I didn't like the green and I didn't think it'd sell compared to the Ghial's staff, so I dropped it in a random PUG and watched them scramble over it. However, when I was trying to see the green of an assassin, it took me days to get that green. Patience really is the key. It's never a question of "if" but "when".
Exactly what happens for me. I have gotten several greens on the first try just doing quest with a full team of hench/hero. But if I actually try soloing for a green i want it always takes forever. Serernity now, serenity now

death fuzzy

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nefarius Union

people try too hard.
I've only farmed one boss for a green and that was geoffers bulwark
And one time on the way to get sunreach, i got a kyrils fervor, but no luck with sunreach

Just recently i found a green dagger while questing in a full hench party and a while ago i got the nightbringer while farming points for sunspear general.

it all comes to patience and randomness

Wandering Star

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by My Green Storage
Sending the heroes/henchies away DOES NOT take away your green drop

Gold coins - yes .. they still share amongst the party
If the green drops and their name is greyed out, YOU get the green

I've done that a few times based on the run it takes to get to the boss.

In fact I've been playing around with E/A solo and used heroes henchies to work my way to sharptooth (Sunward Marches) when it was clear, I sent them away, solo'd him and it dropped first try.

It's been proven / noted that sending them away where their name is grey'd out works just as if you went and solo'd by yourself without them

But yea, anti-farm code / bad luck is the reason something doesnt drop after x amount of times.

I've done exuro 12-15 times and not have him drop. I could come back after a half hour / hour and he'd drop first try.

Nightbringer hasn't dropped the last 5-8 times I've tried.
Ghial and my first time W/Mo build, 4 or 5 times and he hasn't dropped it.
Mind you, it takes a hell of a long time W/Mo style .. so if it takes 8 - 10 minutes, I do it once and say screw it. ...
Skybringer took about 5 tries (Practice)
Mindcluder hasnt in 4-6 tries (Practice)
Thanks for that confirmation
Yet another thing for me to waste countless hours of my life on...