make pets *permeable* or improve fluidity...and improve Rao
i keep play in ha as bunny thumper and it's liek wtf....keep getting stuck on my own pet or heroes/other players pets...-.-
and please make rao a stance so we dun have to stop in middle of run for cast it...
would be good if that pet stuck/blockin way stuff was fixed and same for rao please...
rao+pet impove....
Water Angel
The Silver Star
Well if it was a stance then you wouldnt stop but its not so your not "fixing" it, it should end when your pet dies and it should be a stance purely because right now you can use a stance with it and just res your pet and sue it and let your pet die and keep the benefit your not exactly "rampages as one" if your pet is dead.
Not A Fifty Five
I don't use pets either. Its funny seeing my pet just sit bodyblocked like stupid pve monsters between a character and a wall. Too unreliable for any real pvp.
I don't use pets either. Its funny seeing my pet just sit bodyblocked like stupid pve monsters between a character and a wall. Too unreliable for any real pvp.
Franco Power
you know pets are used to body block ghostlys right ?
Water Angel
ya.but waht a pity they block more the player than the ghostly...
Making RaO a stance is a nerf btw.