The rarest armour in the game ?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



With the removal of dye remover from the game and the introduction of Grey dye instead , does that mean that armour that has been coloured with the "dye remover" is now the rarest in the game (as it cannot be duplicated unless dye remover is reintroduced)
Or have I missed something and there is away to duplicate using other dyes ?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

The armor is not rare, none of it is with the amount of characters in the game. There may be some uncommon colors out there, but who cares? You could also say that those with a dye mix from before the dye update don't have the mixes that are now available, what with the new dyes and mixing system.

As far as appearances, there is no "rare" in this game as there are simply limited models to choose from. I thought I had a pretty unique necro once but then was constantly running into a twin, sometimes even with a similar cape.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



My point is
If I had the money I could buy any armour in the game and dye it any colour. But I could not dye it the colour it is when dye remover is used. If people dye the dye removed armour a new colour then they have no way of going back to the dye remover affect - they would have to go grey instead. This will make the armour colour (dye removed) rare as it is no longer available
There can be no new "dye removed" characters ro replace those lost by natural attrition

Unless there is a away to duplicate the effect that is



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Dye remover = Gray dye
they just changed the name, what it does is still the same.
do a page search for "dye"



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Actualy they changed the base color of all armor to Grey when they got rid of the dye remover. So that makes making the old colors impossible since now the base color of all armor is now changed.

Mega Mouse


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

I know what the original post is trying to ask. When buying new armor now, does it appear grey/gray as the default? The only armor I've bought recently is Ancient for my female ranger, and it's grey/gray. That's the only indication I have.

Shing Jea armor for rangers used to start out light tan colored before the dye update. But do they come grey now? If so, does that mean undyed tan Shing Jea armor sets out there are "rare?"

On a side note, I have a female ranger 15k Druids vest and leggings. They're dyed with black dye from before the upate. I didn't want to spend the money for the new black yet, so they're a bit faded compared to newly dyed black druids 15k.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Linksys - Yes, all armor bought post Night-fall is colored "grey" (the default color).

Also Like said the shades of dyes were changed in the same update so there are numerous color shades that cannot be achieved anymore because the shading is much sharper now on all the colors.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


the colour of the armors that were created before the dye update shouldn't be rare, since i believe the devs said that it should still be possible to create all the colours we could before, just with different dye combinations. also, dye remover didn't dye the armor, it just remover the dye the armor was crafted with and showed the base colour.

Linksys: any armor now, regardless of chapter starts out grey, last week i went to get another set of Imperial armor for my rit and it was grey, luckily red+yellow was close enough for it to look like the pre-update version.

edit: i type slow >.>;;;