Question about reconnect after disconnect
If i dropped from a group during a GvG and then reconnected within the 10 minutes. I would still be in the GvG?
From what I have read about it in the Devs forum that is the way it sounds...that you should be able to will just act as if u were AFK and any DP you get while AFK(disconnected) continues to pile up. So if the match is still going on when u log in you will have the opprotunity to reconnect.
How about...wait and see? It hasn't been implemented yet...
Reconnects aren't in game yet. At the moment you cannot reconnect to any instance or GvG matches.
^^Wondered why I hadnt seen the option yet... lol
Mister Overhill
It can't be implemented soon enough. Nothing like having your healing monk (me) disconnect halfway through a difficult mission.