"Young people" factor in online gaming and GW



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006



Difficulty != level cap. 'nuff said.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Navaros
Agree with OP that all 3 Guild Wars games are way, way way too easy.

But, I do not see how this at all relates to "young people".

I'm sure "old people" suck at the game just as much as "young people" do. The problem is with most people in general sucking at the game regardless of age.
This may have already been addressed. I don't think the OP was referring to the actual age of gamers. Instead he was referring to how long they have been gaming.

My problem is with the folks who insist on having the survivor title for their original character who died 1,000 times long before title came out. Or the double/tripple drop weekends. Where is the challenge in that?

Whats next, a special weekend where all newly created characters are level 20 with max armor, all skills available and all possible titles already awarded?

If you want something, go earn it!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


I am an older (28 married with a full time job) player who see GW as an escape and I played the game for about 1.2 years. Before I changed to my current job I am always on the move and can only play at home for like 3 hours a week.

Prophecy was not easy for me before I joined a Guild, with heches one could only go so far. Back then runs are more possible and I even got a Fort run (these days max armor are just standard issue). Non max blue sword could still go for something like 70g. It was a fun ride, it took me like 7 months before I can beat the game with my tank (I don’t play that often). Second round was better as I played a monk and joining PUG was sooo easy… I don’t even need max armor until the story line got me to the Fort.
My point is: the game is NOT THAT EASY if you play casually, but it’s fun no less.

Faction came along and it was easy, but I took on a Sin toon and that made it hard. Nevertheless hechs and Barrage build got me through 80% of the missions, with Pug for the last battle… Now with NF I had got my paragon to lv20 with just hech using little less than 20 hours… and for fun I am going for survivor title with my Dervish. To me, NF was easy (so far).

But all these are okay. I hate the idea of farming insanely for leveling, my UO (Ultima On-line) days still haunt me with the endless grind for that 0.1% skill increment. One reason I buy the game is that once I hit level 20 I am farming for gold not xp. And with that gold I am giving myself more options in terms of skills, items etc; rather than just getting up to the norm (level).

I read this thread because I do have an issue again rude players (not just swearing but poor sportsmanship) and I thought the OP was trying to address that. I play a lot of Fort Aspenwood (I got 2 accounts, played both sides) and we got a lot of rude ppl like haters, rage-quite, personal insults, etc etc. to avoid all that I choose not to play there during the “after-school” hours, that’s when I encountered more rude ppl… Granted I did met some very polite and “good sport” kids.

The most disappointing part for me is that the Skill quests are gone… I don’t like the idea of buying skills, it’s quick and easy of course but there’s just less incentives to do missions.

PS excuse me for my grammar/expression and English is not my native language


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

European Union



The first GW focused so much more on slow character development. Getting to LvL20 took time, getting 200 attribute points took even more time.

Factions was a shift, because it took away character development which now was a rush. Yet, the Lvl20 content did not prove to be very challenging. The gamers were experienced and their skills were far more developed. Their skill unlocks were already perfect for every circumstance. The team builds were widely known.

The same goes for Nightfall, only the Tutorial has character development. After that you just charge head on from battle to battle, never minding about new skills or alternate tactics. Only the Domain of Anguish changes that, if only to a degree.

This problem is not about a game being tailored to casual or pro gamers. This is a problem hitting hard because even the casual gamers who are around for a while are now experts in GW. Type /age and ask yourself how good you would be at Gears of War, Tekken, or any racing game if you put in that amount of hours. That goes especially to those "casual" gamers.