Demon Slaying Mods
Alterlvian Zanifaf
Does Anyone Know of the location to any chests that drop weapons with Demon Slaying Mods?
Maby even a kind of enemy that drops that mod on their gold and grape drops... please help =)
Maby even a kind of enemy that drops that mod on their gold and grape drops... please help =)
Sasuke The Betrayer
You really can't find any chests or enemies that drop a specific mod. The most you can do is go around killing everything, or even better, just buying it on the forums on the auction.
Toll Booth Willie
Last one I got was from FoW but I don't recall if it was a chest or a beach farming run

They probably just come random. I regret selling my Sword Grip of Demonslaying (20%) to the merchant a week or 2 before NF came out.
I'm pretty sure I could have made some good profit off of that.

Alterlvian Zanifaf
yeah, just looking for a place like the desolaiton.. where there is a 100% chance that your VS mod will be Undead.
I don't think it's 100% chance anywhere for any vs. mod. People are right that you're probably far more likely to find vs. X mods in areas where you're fighting X, though.
It's just a matter of luck. I once found a 20% vs Charr mod in Kryta, it has not much to do with the location imho.
vs mods are completely random your best bet at obtaining as mentioned above is by searching the auctions.
Alterlvian Zanifaf
honestly though.. the desolation has nothing but Vs Undead mods.. its like 100% chance if you get a vs mod.. maby that helps someone get a mod they like =) how do you close this thing? =/
The Deep in Factions drops weapons with demonslaying mods - got an axe 19% mod I'm about to sell.
Alterlvian Zanifaf
Thanks Oinkers.. your a badass!
Alterlvian Zanifaf
ok, I found a place where the demon mod drops 50% of the time.. if there is a vs mod drop. I am farming it rite now.
well, when im fighting undead, i seem to get alot of vs undead mods, got 1 20%, 2 19% and a 14% lol