lightbringer in fow ...why not?
O.K. sorry if this has been covered i couldnt find the thread if it has but why is it that lb rank doesnt work in fow? sorry if this is a noob question but im just curious why it has no effect there. thanks in advance for any answers!
because they are not minnions of abbadon
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
because they are not minnions of abbadon
As for the Shadow army, the ones in Nightfall are classed differently to the ones in the FoW. Reason for this unknown.
I would say they should be the same as the Shadow Army in NF is provided by Menzies and Menzies is working with Abaddon in NF. Confusing!!! But hey ANet designed and I think they didn't want people with just GWP to be disadvantaged when looking for groups for UW/FoW.
Hmm, not sure about that jimmy. The LB stuff works fine in Tombs, the only "elite" area specific to Prophecies.