Bug with Rampage as One?
Hi everyone.
Quick question, is there any reason when I use the skill Rampage as One my character just stops waiting its doing?
Running, Attacking, ect...
Is it meant to be like this? Seems kind of strange a Pet Shout would just result in me stopping all actions.
Quick question, is there any reason when I use the skill Rampage as One my character just stops waiting its doing?
Running, Attacking, ect...
Is it meant to be like this? Seems kind of strange a Pet Shout would just result in me stopping all actions.
It's not a stance or shout, it's a skill.
From the wiki:
From the wiki:
Although this skill has no activation time, it is still activated like a regular skill, not a stance. Therefore, Rampage as One cannot be activated when using another skill, knocked down, etc. |
So it is, fair enough.
Still doesn't explain why it causes you stop doing any actions. Can be annoying when your chasing someone down.
Still doesn't explain why it causes you stop doing any actions. Can be annoying when your chasing someone down.
Fiddlers Black
please read the above once more with caution ...
it is a skill, so it requires your action how small it might be, just like dolyak signet ... also no activation time and can't activate it while running etc. ...
If it would have been a stance(or even a shout) you would be right to suspect a bug.
it is a skill, so it requires your action how small it might be, just like dolyak signet ... also no activation time and can't activate it while running etc. ...
If it would have been a stance(or even a shout) you would be right to suspect a bug.
Yes its always done that. Annoying? Yes.
Sometimes, I'm still not completely sure when it happens, but I know I'll press the button for rampage and it won't activate, probably because I'm doing something else or I'm hitting a bunch of other buttons too.
Originally Posted by MadOnion
Sometimes, I'm still not completely sure when it happens, but I know I'll press the button for rampage and it won't activate, probably because I'm doing something else or I'm hitting a bunch of other buttons too.
Originally Posted by Fiddlers Black
please read the above once more with caution ...
it is a skill, so it requires your action how small it might be, just like dolyak signet ... also no activation time and can't activate it while running etc. ... If it would have been a stance(or even a shout) you would be right to suspect a bug. |
Skills without any activation time can be activated while performing any action like running or fighting. Deadly Riposte, Critical Eye, Ritual Lord, Focused Anger, just to name few examples. Rampage as One is an exception in the rule, and I believe it's either bugged or someone forgot to add the activation time to the description.
Dolyak Signet is a Signet, btw.
I personaly think it should be a Shout. It's gonna be hard to communicate RaO to our pet unless you shout it, unless your insanely skilled of course:P
In the beast mastery line, all skills that apply an effect over a period of time to your pet (pets) only are shouts, wheras those that apply to your pet and yourself are skills. Why they do it that way? Beats me....
What's run as one described as? Surely that works without the pause?
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by RoadKill97
You're wrong.
Skills without any activation time can be activated while performing any action like running or fighting. Deadly Riposte, Critical Eye, Ritual Lord, Focused Anger, just to name few examples. Rampage as One is an exception in the rule, and I believe it's either bugged or someone forgot to add the activation time to the description. Dolyak Signet is a Signet, btw. |
prince blak death
yes it is a bug
rampage as one is really a stance thats why wild blow works against it
rampage as one is really a stance thats why wild blow works against it
Did anyone test is RaO has an activation time? Ie. can you use it while knockdowned?
Thorondor Port
Use spacebar and spam it when your about to use rao/using rao/right after you use roa on your target
Originally Posted by prince blak death
yes it is a bug
rampage as one is really a stance thats why wild blow works against it |
I know it aint official but we all use wiki dont we?
* This skill has largely replaced Ferocious Strike as the Elite Skill in Bunny Thumper builds.
* This skill requires your pet to be alive to activate. Thus it is highly advisable to bring Comfort Animal in any build utilizing this skill.
* The high energy cost can be offset with high levels of expertise.
* With effective energy management, this skill can be kept perpetually active with a Beast Mastery rank of only 10 (see chart).
* Due to its high cost and increased attack speed, this skill goes particularly well with Zealous weapons.
* Note that it is not a stance, so can be combined with stances that block or evade attacks, such as Whirling or Dryder's defenses.
* Although this skill has no activation time, it is still activated like a regular skill, not a stance. Therefore, Rampage as One cannot be activated when using another skill, knocked down, etc.
Now its not a stance, can't use it while knocked down, (tested that just a sec ago)
The action that when you activate the skill and suddenly break all actions, is easily overcome with having your target locked either with calling or button-bash it with the right key followed up with space... It's a thing a thumper needs to remember
instead of complain about. I don't see it as a 'bug'
* This skill has largely replaced Ferocious Strike as the Elite Skill in Bunny Thumper builds.
* This skill requires your pet to be alive to activate. Thus it is highly advisable to bring Comfort Animal in any build utilizing this skill.
* The high energy cost can be offset with high levels of expertise.
* With effective energy management, this skill can be kept perpetually active with a Beast Mastery rank of only 10 (see chart).
* Due to its high cost and increased attack speed, this skill goes particularly well with Zealous weapons.
* Note that it is not a stance, so can be combined with stances that block or evade attacks, such as Whirling or Dryder's defenses.
* Although this skill has no activation time, it is still activated like a regular skill, not a stance. Therefore, Rampage as One cannot be activated when using another skill, knocked down, etc.
Now its not a stance, can't use it while knocked down, (tested that just a sec ago)
The action that when you activate the skill and suddenly break all actions, is easily overcome with having your target locked either with calling or button-bash it with the right key followed up with space... It's a thing a thumper needs to remember

Every other skill I've used that has no cast time does not interrupt my action. I do not know why RaO is that way.
Want to challenge me on this? Focused anger for the paragon does not interrupt your current action or stop you from moving. It is also a skill with no cast time.
Want to challenge me on this? Focused anger for the paragon does not interrupt your current action or stop you from moving. It is also a skill with no cast time.
Yes, it's clearly bugged. No other "skill" behaves this way(by "skill" I mean type of skill, just like "Spells" are a type of skill).
Originally Posted by guinevere
It's a thing a thumper needs to remember
![]() |
There is no reason it should interrupt all your actions when you use the skill.
I think you should report it. Its a rather weird quirk in an otherwise awesome skill.
I'm at work at the moment, but can someone please go into the game and test "Heal as One" which is also a skill and see if it interrupts all actions like movement and attacking?
The fact Rampage as one is a "Skill" and not a Shout or Stance could be the reason it acts the way it does.
But I'd like someone to test "Heal as One" before I log anything up with A.net.
The fact Rampage as one is a "Skill" and not a Shout or Stance could be the reason it acts the way it does.
But I'd like someone to test "Heal as One" before I log anything up with A.net.
Heal as one also interrupts your action.
Dunno about strike as one.
Dunno about strike as one.
Heal as One interrupts the action, but also has an activation time of one second.
Strike as One does not interrupt the action, but then again, it's a shout.
Note that RaO is the only "Skill" in the game, which does not have an activation time, but still interrupts your action when activated.
Strike as One does not interrupt the action, but then again, it's a shout.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
The fact Rampage as one is a "Skill" and not a Shout or Stance could be the reason it acts the way it does.
Ok thanks for the info, as it stands it seems "Ramage as One" doesn't have any activation time, it seems to be instant...
Of course this could be a mistake thus the reason it interrupts your action, or its just bugged.
I'll make a support ticket to A.net about it shortly.
Of course this could be a mistake thus the reason it interrupts your action, or its just bugged.
I'll make a support ticket to A.net about it shortly.
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Ok thanks for the info, as it stands it seems "Ramage as One" doesn't have any activation time, it seems to be instant...
Of course this could be a mistake thus the reason it interrupts your action, or its just bugged. I'll make a support ticket to A.net about it shortly. |
Just because it's called aftercast doesn't mean it is only a feature of spells...
Velvet Wing
I find it a weird "bug" ... I mean, the point of the whole skill is to make you and your companion faster.. Then why do I have to stop running, stand still and then do something to make us faster? Would be more convenient if they made it a shout, then I could cast it while running

Just hit spacebar immediately afterwards. I personally don't think this is a bug. RaO is not a stance, it is a skill like Ritual Lord, and using it makes you stop because it is a skill being used, rather than a stance being activated. You can activate a stance while doing something else, but a skill has to be queued, if you are already performing an action (attacking, running, healing skill, knocked down), RaO will be queued and you will use it when you finish your current action.
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
I already said it's called aftercast... it was probably intended as part of the nerf... lot's of skills have aftercasts (or lack thereof) that similar skills dont, as a balancing tool...
Just because it's called aftercast doesn't mean it is only a feature of spells... |
The bit about self-interrupting is only annoying, it does make the skill any weaker since you can work around it, so I'd guess it's a bug and not a way of nerfing the skill.
Originally Posted by Carth`
Just hit spacebar immediately afterwards. I personally don't think this is a bug. RaO is not a stance, it is a skill like Ritual Lord, and using it makes you stop because it is a skill being used, rather than a stance being activated. You can activate a stance while doing something else, but a skill has to be queued, if you are already performing an action (attacking, running, healing skill, knocked down), RaO will be queued and you will use it when you finish your current action.
No offense, but please read the thread before posting, it is only two pages so far.
Also, do some testing at Isle of the Nameless with Ritual Lord. Use RL while running to see if your character stops. You can also try other skills like Endure Pain and Healing Signet. According to your claims, HS should finish before Endure Pain will be activated.
I thought Ritual Lord did make you stop. -_-
What I said is still true, that's how it behaves - as a skill in a queue. But if other "skills" don't behave the same way, then I agree it should be changed.
What I said is still true, that's how it behaves - as a skill in a queue. But if other "skills" don't behave the same way, then I agree it should be changed.
I've logged a bug report with A.net now, waiting a responce.
If anything I think the solution would be to change it to a "Shout" or "Stance".
If anything I think the solution would be to change it to a "Shout" or "Stance".
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
I've logged a bug report with A.net now, waiting a responce.
If anything I think the solution would be to change it to a "Shout" or "Stance". |
Originally Posted by Anarkii
Changing it to a stance would be a balance change(read 'Slight Nerf') instead of a pure bug fix. Being able to pair RaO alongwith a ranger stance made for some interesting choices.
But being changes to a shout could be a possible option.
Actually it's better as it is now. Changing it to either a stance or a shout would weaken it as there are now a few 'shout-hate' skills in the game (Ulcerous Lungs, Vocal Minority etc.). Though it probably needs weakening anyways

Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Thank you very much for contacting the Guild Wars Customer Support Team. Unfortunately there is no information available on the subject you inquired about. Such information will be normally be released to the public on our official website www.guildwars.com as soon as it becomes available. You might also want to visit the numerous Guild Wars fansites and forums ( http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/ ) where you will also be able to find a lot of information regarding Guild Wars.
We are sorry that we can not help you in this case, but please feel free to contact us again in case you have other questions. |
They said they will "forward" it onto their development team
So basically support knows nothing about what I'm asking "Is it a bug?" and cannot help further.

Fungus Amongus
I'm sure they're well aware of the fact that you have to stop to activate the skill, they did have to develop it after all. It seems balanced as it is currently. They might have decided to have it work the way it does with its current duration. I would bet that if they make it work like other pet shouts, they'll reduce its duration.
It is a bit annoying they way it works, I agree.
It is a bit annoying they way it works, I agree.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Well that is their response...

Did you file it under bug reports, or under one of the other categories?
RaO is bugged IMO. That "stop running when you use a no cast time run skill" is obviously a bug, without a doubt.
Originally Posted by Fiddlers Black
it is a skill, so it requires your action how small it might be, just like dolyak signet ... also no activation time and can't activate it while running etc. ...
Youre getting the godliest speed/attack boost in the game. Don't complain noob.