Name: Army of Darkness(elite)
Info: For 7-21 seconds whenever an allied undead dies within range a level 7-12 jagged horror spawns in it's place and you sacrifice 10% of your maxium health.
Additional notes:Hail to the king, baby
New mm skill idea
Additional note:
Elite enchantmen. If your Health drops under 50%, this enchantment ends.
Elite enchantmen. If your Health drops under 50%, this enchantment ends.
Info: For 7-21 seconds whenever an allied undead dies within range a level 7-12 jagged horror spawns in it's place and you sacrifice 10% of your maxium health.
after 1-3 minion die this skill end
otherwise it will be overpowered , becouse using particular skill you can keep your army forever.
each time you one minion die you can heal yourself by the energy gained so etc etc etc.
after 1-3 minion die this skill end
otherwise it will be overpowered , becouse using particular skill you can keep your army forever.
each time you one minion die you can heal yourself by the energy gained so etc etc etc.