Hello all, I got the 14 day trial pass in my NCSoft newsletter, so I figured I'd give it a try. Looks pretty cool, but I have a couple questions.
First of all, I can't seem to locate the "offical" forums, do they exist?
Secondly, I can't seem to leave the first "town", Kamadan. Every time I try to go to "The Plains of Jarin", it just sits at "Decompressing- 2%". Is the trial restricted to certain areas?
Noob Questions- Nightfall Trial
There are no official forums for the game. At least none that I've ever heard of. Your best bet is the unofficial forums listed as elite fansites off the official GW pages, like this forum here!
I don't think the trial is restricted to certain areas of Elona. That sounds like more of a pc/internet/technical problem. Try again, give it some more time. Check to make sure you have enough disk space. Hard to say. You might have a look at the technical forum here, next one below general q/a.
I don't think the trial is restricted to certain areas of Elona. That sounds like more of a pc/internet/technical problem. Try again, give it some more time. Check to make sure you have enough disk space. Hard to say. You might have a look at the technical forum here, next one below general q/a.
There is undoubtedly a ton of data to download. Are you on dialup?
One option is to make a copy of the shortcut, go into its Properties and add -image to the end of the command line. Then before you go to bed run the shortcut and let it run all night. This will download all GW content so you'll have everything preloaded.
One option is to make a copy of the shortcut, go into its Properties and add -image to the end of the command line. Then before you go to bed run the shortcut and let it run all night. This will download all GW content so you'll have everything preloaded.
Hmm, thanks for the help. thats kinda wacky, not having an official forum... guess ive gotten used to that in all the other NCsoft games.
Ive tried leaving Kamadan about 5 times now, and it just sits at that 2% for as long as I feel like staring at the screen. Ive got 30 Gigs free on my hard drive, so that shouldnt be the problem...
Ive tried leaving Kamadan about 5 times now, and it just sits at that 2% for as long as I feel like staring at the screen. Ive got 30 Gigs free on my hard drive, so that shouldnt be the problem...
LoL... duh. Forgot I had Bit Torrent running in the background. seems that was what was keeping the zones from updating properly. problem solved now, thanks for the help.
Smile Like Umean It
lol I've actually sat down and played for the day not realizing BT was running in the background the whole time.
It did explain the lag.
It did explain the lag.
BTW this website is owned by ArenaNet, a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft, so effectively this IS the official NCSoft forums...