Timing of Wintersday



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Wishmasters I


yeah.. i have been waiting also.. its almost 2 hrs past the 'hear say' start time. If they were making patches and etc. As a programmer of a huge game, you would think to test it out on their servers way before it would be released... so when the time comes ppl dont get discouraged for the lack of 13 days.. as I have been reading most of the last few hours..

I agree that Ant should have posted something to say 'hey guys we had issues bare with us'


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Stranded Among New Players [SANP]


Nope. The event still has not started yet. So I am going to just go to work.

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Originally Posted by HKSdivision
So has the event started yet? It's 2:40pm (PST) I'm at college right now so I can't check. One more final and I'm free!!!
It will be here within a couple of hours. From what i hear it will be worth the wait



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Free Runner
It will be here within a couple of hours. From what i hear it will be worth the wait
I hope that they extend the end of the event a few hours to make up for the hours that have passed since we don't get the full 13 days.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



L9ook near the end, Gaile says that she suspects in "the next couple of hours"....



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

Zzzzzzz...getting more tense


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

less than 30-90 mins before all european websites can be accussed of giving the wrong start date for the event,as its almost the 21st now.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Wansanchez
less than 30-90 mins before all european websites can be accussed of giving the wrong start date for the event,as its almost the 21st now.
You do realize that the start/end times have always been centered around PST? And to that end they still have over 9 hours...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

the official websites are all independant from one and another,there for if the english website states that the event begins on the 20th then we are right in thinking that is the date in gmt.therefore that leaves 80 mins untill the english website can be accussed of false advertising(20 mins for those using cet).

also in the past times have been given in pst,gmt or both.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Wansanchez
also in the past times have been given in pst,gmt or both.
Time is time, but when an event ends at midningt, its PST. So unless your site says Dec 20 in the UK, they are ambiguous enough that it could be Dec 20 anywhere as long as it's still Dec 20 somewhere...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

that does not counter the first half of my post which is that the official websites are individualy placed for the region you live in.so as i said the 20th of december advertised on the english website,unless stated otherwise,can and should be construed as meaning the 20th of december in england.

and for the websites based in the cet timezone the same can be said,which means there websites are now wrong.it being around midnight cet now.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


For a HUGE part of the GW community (biggest part of Europe) it is 21 december now... gg anet (you lagged out??)



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005


A free meal is offered, and people complain because it's a little late.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Wansanchez
that does not counter the first half of my post which is that the official websites are individualy placed for the region you live in.so as i said the 20th of december advertised on the english website,unless stated otherwise,can and should be construed as meaning the 20th of december in england.

and for the websites based in the cet timezone the same can be said,which means there websites are now wrong.it being around midnight cet now.
Just because you ASSUME that the interweb is based in your timezone is your fault. If it didnt' say Dec in UK or something specifically of the ilk, then you only have youself to balme. And besides what are you going to do if it's not on time? Whine some more?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Manchester, UK

The Manchester Marauders


The Halloween event didn't start in the UK until mid-morning (2-3 am maybe?) Not 100% sure what time, but I know it hadn't started at 1am and was on come 8am in the morning. So I expect the same for this tbh.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


Originally Posted by ForgeWhelp
Time is time, but when an event ends at midningt, its PST. So unless your site says Dec 20 in the UK, they are ambiguous enough that it could be Dec 20 anywhere as long as it's still Dec 20 somewhere...
Well the official EU Guildwars pages are displaying 20th as proposed start time. You would reckon if they go out of their way to make a lower quality site (since we dont get countdown clocks or cool newscroller) they would give us a roughly correct time?



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Cork, Ireland

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Well, in the UK it's now the 21st.

*Looks around*

Nope. Not snowing yet.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005


It's here!!!!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Hi there...

And when the Winterdays festival closes at (hypothetically) 11:59pm on the 1st, it will actually be the 2nd in the UK. Are you going to complain about that?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


Homeless [ :( ]


a new build WOOT


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

nice to see the "whine alert" line still be incorrectly used.i have not made a whine post,i mearly pointed out a discrepency in the reported start date for the event.you tried to argue my merit on the fact and are still wrong,your point of not adding "in the uk" is out of place.it being the official site for the english region,it would have to state that it was the 20th pst to back up your theory.

and as to what i'm doing now that it is officialy late according to all the european sites,i'm happily playing bling my ride online with some american and english friends while awaiting the update.

i also realy don't mind the lateness,as it would appear they are still testing the new build and it sounds like it will be worth the wait.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

Well it just started. So everyone go have fun!



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

w000000000000000000000t its started


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

what happen!!!what happen!!!tell meeeee!!!i cant use my computer now



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by puteh
i cant use my computer now
Then how are you posting on an internet forum?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Melbourne, Australia

From work maybe? like me



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Winston
From work maybe? like me
What, you Aussies working? I'd have thought you'd still be hung over after stealing the Ashes back from us.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

im using webpat(sort of like laptop)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Melbourne, Australia

Originally Posted by Azagoth
What, you Aussies working? I'd have thought you'd still be hung over after stealing the Ashes back from us.
Haha, we just brought it back where it belongs
You poms can sleep easier now anyway, with Warnie announcing retirement.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

I think there are a few individuals in this thread that will be disappointed at every single scheduled event Anet will ever put on.

The times listed are PST, regardless of if it says it or not. Every event in the past has been and I suspect that every future event will also. They also do not mention if they are using Daylight Savings Time, yet still do when it is in effect in the US.

You should go ahead an complain that the Wintersday event ends on Jan 2 in Europe and has no relation to New Years Day as stated. You can go ahead and do pre-complaints (or simply pointing out) - at least as far into the future as you think GW will exist.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


We arn't whining that the event dates are different, no, and honestly like the other UK person posting here, I cudnt care less, I went to bed and got some sleep instead, loosing a few hours doesn't concern me.

And the fact that it was a few hours later than all the hear say times matters not, by the looks of it it began at approx 00:24 on the 21sth, which isnt exactly too late for us all the play, if I didn't have work today and decided to go to bed.

I think our main problem is that ANet, or NCSoft or whomever has set up a guildwars.com site specifically intended for users of Europe and the many languages we use over here to gain their info, there is also some for Asia. If you wen't to the GW website and clicked Europe: English and visited our site, I think you would agree with me that it appears to be of somewhat lower quality than the American site.

Fair enough Anet is in Texas, thats a helluva long way away, fair enough they run all their times in PST supposedly, although looking at the Xunlai Tourny news release, it said CET whatever that time zone is.

Anyway, i digress, our main point is here is this site which is set up for European players to learn when things will happen, but it doesn't help at all, all the news releases are coppied straight from the main site, inc date.

You would reckon if such a site exsisted they would atleast alter dates etc to match the predicted start time in that region of the world. I suspect many asian region players would be even a bit more annoyed, having lost half a day to it as well, bearing in mind it would be close to noon before it began there.

I for one am not here to whine, I was just pointing out that the Euorpean site gave us this information, which in all honestly I suspected had been just copied over and would not count, whats the point in having the Euro english GW site, maybe Anet could save a bit of money on bandwidth and hosting costs by just making language versions and not region versions since it is apparant nothing changes.

But i dont want to sound like a whiner, since i told some off last night, thats just my opinion on it, and like i said, not bothered wintersday is here now, so lets enjoy it.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

so,what hat do you get at the wintersday event?elf hat?