routing problems :(


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



ok so ive had this problem for some time now and sometimes i would like to take a rocket luncher and blow my freaking room.

ok so the problem is my router, im using the model BEFSR41v4.
wen i play guildwars i get the err58 err7 alot and its says that is caused by a routing at first i told to myself "mmm maybe if i put a static ip and forward gw s ports it will stop...but no it doesnt stop.
and even wen i dont play gw, my internet connection just stop working and wont come back until i go in the controll panel..disable it and enable it again.
most of the time it will disconect about every 5-30 min....anoying isnt it?
even wen i dont play gw it disconect..."a network cable as been unpluged" router and cables are in a box and locked with the hell can it be unpluged??..

by the way this post is the 3rd one i make because while doing it i got disconected. anyways, if any of you have an idea what it may be plz post it here


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

P4n드4k트 F0rm4710n


Maybe one of your cable is loose or simply defect. Have tried running the internet straight to your computer without the router? It could be a way to test the cables.