Wintersday Collectibles



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


hey..i was wondering what are the most likely collectibles that will be used to get the collector items....ive heard something i think it was about gargoyle heads and that they were one of the items...can someone please tell me the others??


ps. the area that i mostly want to know about is around Lions Arch, but i would be happy if you can say all of them, for me and others...thanks

pss. also, i am going for survivor with my ranger...if i get a hat with him and dont get the emote down in time (while in the circle, like with halloween) does it count as a death against that?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe [Neths]



Originally Posted by Thilarin
pss. also, i am going for survivor with my ranger...if i get a hat with him and dont get the emote down in time (while in the circle, like with halloween) does it count as a death against that?
nope, that doesnt count as a death I've done this with my monk and shes a closing in on fixing the title x.x henchway ftw! Have fun during the event

Hmm I snif a new storage coming though (prays to the one god of Tyria, Cantha and Elona) come on Anet.... gimme my armor or non shared character storage

minimoose fan

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005


Wintersday has no simon says game in any way shape or form. So you'll be fine.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


what about snowball fights?? ive heard both things bout them

they do count vs they dont count

also, thanks for the quick replies


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe [Neths]



I believe snowball counts as PvP dues PvP death = normal death, I wouldn't go near a PvP area with a survi (my friend also reminded me when we suddenly were in HoH stage 1 but still I like risks

and depends, grenth (if i recall it right) has something with 'dieing'. Dwayna however not, but dieing in a town (where no rednamed thingies are) doesn't count as a death according to Gaile. So no worries



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005




Yeah if Grenth won, all the players around him died. And Grenths npc followers would spawn a bone horror from your dead body.

Ariana Of Damia

Ariana Of Damia

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

♥ Aurelio Furor ♥

Collectors take:
Singed Gargoyle Skulls
Charr Carvings
Ornate Grawl Necklaces
Decayed Orr Emblems
Stone Sumit Badges

These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Whatever the collector items will be, I'm pretty sure it will NOT be the same as last year (to prevent massive advance farming).

I guess quite a few people have already racked up multiple stacks of 250 Singed Gargoyle Skulls. Those people will be pretty pissed off.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

I know someone who had a character completely filled with decayed orr emblems - all bags and pouches /full stacks, just prior to the halloween event, and those items turned out to be the same. . . . .



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


stuff that was collected and traded last year

EDIT: Lol peeps beat me to it...while i was post this...just an FYI I sold over 2k charr carvings for a little under 200k during halloween...and they used the same exact stuff in Tyria as they did last year for halloween.