Move Sight Beyond Sight to Restoration
Okay, now that Nightfall is out, if you PVP with Warrior, Dervish, Ranger, Paragon (to some extent), or Assassin, all you get is blind, blind, blind. It's past the point of stupid. Playing under these circumstances is bad enough, but watching observer mode I see the same thing. Four classes have become almost useless in head-to-head combat because of the proliferation of blindness spells.
So, imbAnet gives us one spell that is useful against this incessant blind spamming- Sight Beyond Sight.
And what do they do? They put it under Spawning Power. Spawning Power!
Pardon my Swahili, but what the bloody RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO difference does being blind matter to a Ritualist primary? Are you worried about your wand spike being ineffective? For crying out loud imbAnet, move SBS to Restoration Magic so it can at least be somewhat useful. It's already an enchantment so it's subject to removal, and it already forces you into an undesirable secondary, so at least put it into an attribute where you can extend its duration! Even with a 20% enchant mod you only get 9 seconds out of 20 instead of 8. I know there's Mending Touch, but with Blinding Surge (and BS is a most appropriate abbreviation for that spell) having 4 second recharge, your routine becomes attack once, use Mending Touch, attack once, use Mending Touch, ad nauseum. It's really ridiculous! There are already hexes and wards and stances galore to negate physical attackers, but this blind spamming with no palpable counter is beyond annoying. So they call this "balance," when you spend every Arena or Hero battle blind 100% of the time? I haven't enjoyed PVP very much at all since NF came out. I don't like playing caster as much as I like melee; must I be punished for that choice? It's not like you can spam Dazed 24/7 and keep casters from raping you all match long. imbAnet really needs to do something about blindness forcing the PVP metagame. Moving SBS to Restoration would at least be a start.
So, imbAnet gives us one spell that is useful against this incessant blind spamming- Sight Beyond Sight.
And what do they do? They put it under Spawning Power. Spawning Power!
Pardon my Swahili, but what the bloody RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO difference does being blind matter to a Ritualist primary? Are you worried about your wand spike being ineffective? For crying out loud imbAnet, move SBS to Restoration Magic so it can at least be somewhat useful. It's already an enchantment so it's subject to removal, and it already forces you into an undesirable secondary, so at least put it into an attribute where you can extend its duration! Even with a 20% enchant mod you only get 9 seconds out of 20 instead of 8. I know there's Mending Touch, but with Blinding Surge (and BS is a most appropriate abbreviation for that spell) having 4 second recharge, your routine becomes attack once, use Mending Touch, attack once, use Mending Touch, ad nauseum. It's really ridiculous! There are already hexes and wards and stances galore to negate physical attackers, but this blind spamming with no palpable counter is beyond annoying. So they call this "balance," when you spend every Arena or Hero battle blind 100% of the time? I haven't enjoyed PVP very much at all since NF came out. I don't like playing caster as much as I like melee; must I be punished for that choice? It's not like you can spam Dazed 24/7 and keep casters from raping you all match long. imbAnet really needs to do something about blindness forcing the PVP metagame. Moving SBS to Restoration would at least be a start.
Uhm, I have a friend playing a rit/war that uses sight beyond sight and he quite likes it just the way it is.
Kit Engel
It works fine with Extend Enchantments on a Dervish, too. And yeah, it works nicely with all those Spirit's Strength ritualist builds.
I like it as it is. There are loads of other counters to blindness that remove it.
I also like it that melee have this huge disadvantage so that it actually is fun to be a melee.
If you play RA, seeing you said arena, bring a condition removal
In TA a monk should be present helping you not be blind most of the time, or put Spell Breaker on you.
If you stretch this even further, why not change Spell Breaker to something else than Divine Favor so that Melee's arent as weak against spells as they otherwise are, see where I go with this?
There's a reason SBS is put where it is and should be kept that way imo
I also like it that melee have this huge disadvantage so that it actually is fun to be a melee.
If you play RA, seeing you said arena, bring a condition removal
In TA a monk should be present helping you not be blind most of the time, or put Spell Breaker on you.
If you stretch this even further, why not change Spell Breaker to something else than Divine Favor so that Melee's arent as weak against spells as they otherwise are, see where I go with this?
There's a reason SBS is put where it is and should be kept that way imo
Xenex Xclame
Dude, you do realize it makes you not be able to be blinded for 8 seconds right? It's not a blind removal it just makes you immune to blindess for 8 seconds.
Guildwars is a team game, if you dont want to waste time removing blind with mending touch, then get a monk to do that for you, or even better get a mesmer to do a well timed diversion on that ele.
I'd also like to point out that there are alott of overpwered skills in nightfall, im expecting that lots of skills will get nerfed, who knows maybe this one will too.( not that i think this one is hugely overpowered)
Guildwars is a team game, if you dont want to waste time removing blind with mending touch, then get a monk to do that for you, or even better get a mesmer to do a well timed diversion on that ele.
I'd also like to point out that there are alott of overpwered skills in nightfall, im expecting that lots of skills will get nerfed, who knows maybe this one will too.( not that i think this one is hugely overpowered)
Just a short note for the arena...
Go with a Rune of Clarity (or whatever the name is) that will give you 20% reduction on beeing blinded, then slap a reduce blind by 20% (stacking) mod on your shield - use those two in combination when you face a blindbot - it helps, especially when you can't rely on external condition removal like in rage arena.
Go with a Rune of Clarity (or whatever the name is) that will give you 20% reduction on beeing blinded, then slap a reduce blind by 20% (stacking) mod on your shield - use those two in combination when you face a blindbot - it helps, especially when you can't rely on external condition removal like in rage arena.
First of all I'll say what I always say, Guild Wars is a team game, the monk should be keeping blind off you. Being constantly blinded in RA and not being able to do anything doesn't justify a skill change.
But now that I've said that, I do actually think it is stupid giving this skill to ritualists who shouldn't even care if they're blinded. It should be possible for a ritualist to put it on someone else, or it should be possible for a non-rit to use it. Yes I've seen these Rt/A, they suck. I wouldn't want to blind one when I can just move slowly away, or kill him first very easily.
In terms of lore, it shouldn't be moved. It's obvious that ritualists are supposed to be blind, and that is why they have a skill that makes the condition not work against them.
But now that I've said that, I do actually think it is stupid giving this skill to ritualists who shouldn't even care if they're blinded. It should be possible for a ritualist to put it on someone else, or it should be possible for a non-rit to use it. Yes I've seen these Rt/A, they suck. I wouldn't want to blind one when I can just move slowly away, or kill him first very easily.
In terms of lore, it shouldn't be moved. It's obvious that ritualists are supposed to be blind, and that is why they have a skill that makes the condition not work against them.
Hand of Ruin
Mending Touch > Blind
Yeah Rits have a new elite that throws out wand spike damage. My wand can kick out 40-60 damage per hit against any baddie or player character in the game with spirit's strength. And using Rit/War or Rit/Assn with this skill you basically have a better damage IW.
So yeah, leave the skill where it is.
So yeah, leave the skill where it is.
It's reasonably effective at 0 spec with an enchant mod (being able to keep it up almost half the time).
Throw in some Dervish things (extend enchantments) and you can keep it up near permanently. I think it works well as it is - it should either be non-maintainable or require a lot of effort to get as it's an extremely strong effect.
Throw in some Dervish things (extend enchantments) and you can keep it up near permanently. I think it works well as it is - it should either be non-maintainable or require a lot of effort to get as it's an extremely strong effect.
Spirits strenths Rt/melee builds use sight beyond sight. Its very very balanced to keep this in spawning lol. If every warrior, dervish, sin, and ranger could keep it up 24/4, what would be the point in blind?
Casters dont have a self counter to dazed so why should melee classes get a counter to blind?
Casters dont have a self counter to dazed so why should melee classes get a counter to blind?
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Mending Touch > Blind
there are far to many ways to lose blind. quit bitching. as many others have said it is a team game. also if you would make a more viable build, one that not only allows you to attack but self heal a bit maybe you wouldnt get your ass handed to you so often.
~the blind rat~
~the blind rat~
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Mending Touch > Blind

Originally Posted by kvndoom
classes have become almost useless in head-to-head combat because of the proliferation of blindness spells.
And SBS feels more communing than resto
When it comes to non-damaging conditions on melee types:
Plague Touch >Mending Touch
Plague Touch >Mending Touch

well actually i never thought about it but when i do i kinda agree that it would be better placed in restoration or communing.
You are not thinking clearly about this, please give it more thought.
It would NOT be better placed in another attribute becase there would be a serious imbalance in the game if EVERY SINGLE attacker class was to use this skill. Blind would be made USELESS, there would be no counter for deadly sin and thumpers, monks would get pwned, mesmers would get pwned, ellys would get pwned.....
Get the point? Please think more carefully before reffering to the balance in this game.
X 1000 X infinity +1
It would NOT be better placed in another attribute becase there would be a serious imbalance in the game if EVERY SINGLE attacker class was to use this skill. Blind would be made USELESS, there would be no counter for deadly sin and thumpers, monks would get pwned, mesmers would get pwned, ellys would get pwned.....
Get the point? Please think more carefully before reffering to the balance in this game.
X 1000 X infinity +1
Originally Posted by bhavv
...there would be no counter...thumpers...
Rangers with Hammers, correct?
Rangers with Hammers chosing Warrior as their secondary, correct?
Guild Wars does not allow you to take three professions at once, correct?
Perhaps you are in need of some time to think carefully as well. In addition, please don't say "there would be no counter" because last I checked there are quite a few anti-melee hexes in the game that don't have anything to do with the Blindness condition and still keep melee opponents at bay.
[wiki]Blurred Vision[/wiki]
[wiki]Spirit of Failure[/wiki]
[wiki]Shadow of Fear[/wiki]
[wiki]Reckless Haste[/wiki]
[wiki]Price of Failure[/wiki]
[wiki]Sliver Armor[/wiki]
Those, along with various other skills and spells, are still extremely viable counters to the things you mentioned in your post. Now, I don't necessarily agree with the movement of the SBS spell in particular, but I don't think anybody appreciates being told to think more by someone who obviously hasn't thought it through themselves.
Mathias Deathwater
As it's been said before, this skill is mainly there to give some reason to try a [wiki]Spirit's Strength[/wiki] build, which, coincidentally, happens to be in Spawning Power. I think that was the original intent of the skill, and I really don't see it getting moved unless anet decides they want it to be used as a secondary.
classes have become almost useless in head-to-head combat because of the proliferation of blindness spells. |
I swear, you could ask for world peace on here and still get flamed. But it's all good... same reason I keep local chat off.
If your Monk has nothing better to do than sit back and cast Mend Condition on you all day, you're likely facing a pretty sorry team anyway. I get those, but it's more the exception than the rule.
Yeah, I do like the Ranger/Warrior/Rit thumper idea... I'll go roll one of them now. HAX. I've played Melandru's Derv, and if Grenth's gets nerfed too badly, it'll be the only avatar worth using anymore. I've played Spirit Strength Rt/* too, but your effectiveness there depends on the opposing Mesmer's reaction when he sees that yellow "up" arrow beside your name.
I know it's not going to be changed. And I also know all the ways around it (No one mentioned Signet of Malice, shame on ya!), but it's frustrating that the game has turned into Blind Wars/Burn Wars. This game is defintely swayed heavily in favor of casters right now. When I do play melee, I feel more like a liability than an asset, because not many teams are going into TA without at least one B-Surge. Ugh. As Faer said, there were already tons of counters to begin with, before Nightfall brought us "Blindbotting for Dummies." Maybe things will improve after the re-balance.
If your Monk has nothing better to do than sit back and cast Mend Condition on you all day, you're likely facing a pretty sorry team anyway. I get those, but it's more the exception than the rule.
Yeah, I do like the Ranger/Warrior/Rit thumper idea... I'll go roll one of them now. HAX. I've played Melandru's Derv, and if Grenth's gets nerfed too badly, it'll be the only avatar worth using anymore. I've played Spirit Strength Rt/* too, but your effectiveness there depends on the opposing Mesmer's reaction when he sees that yellow "up" arrow beside your name.
I know it's not going to be changed. And I also know all the ways around it (No one mentioned Signet of Malice, shame on ya!), but it's frustrating that the game has turned into Blind Wars/Burn Wars. This game is defintely swayed heavily in favor of casters right now. When I do play melee, I feel more like a liability than an asset, because not many teams are going into TA without at least one B-Surge. Ugh. As Faer said, there were already tons of counters to begin with, before Nightfall brought us "Blindbotting for Dummies." Maybe things will improve after the re-balance.
Yes, hopefully Blinding Surge will get toned down a little.
The Hand Of Death
No, it would be overpowered. You know elementalist have very little defensive capabilities as it is. Most of their defensive skills are in earth and water, both unpopular lines. They bring blind because it is effective and they dont need to put points into "useless attributes". It is fine in spawning, would be overpowered if it wasnt in it.