Confused about prices & need advice



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



Well last week I got my first good drop from a chest. A Mursaat Hornbow with these stats:

Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Requires 9 Markmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Life stealing: 5
Health regeneration -1
Markmanship +1 (19% chance while using skills)
Value: 220 gold

Even I knew this was worth quite a bit (I'm very bad at prices) so I did price check on this forum. A person said it was worth 250-300K (I guess that's 100K cash + ~30-40 Globs of Ectoplasm).
On the sticky it said it is worth 200-300K.
So I put the item on high-end a few days ago for 100K cash + 20-40 Globs of Ectoplasm. I still haven't had an offer on the bow even though I lowered the price to 100K + 10-30 Globs of Ectoplasm.
Then tried selling it in Lion's Arch and Droknar's Forge (district 1), supposed to be the best place to buy/sell items but haven't had any worthy offers yet.
One guy asked me if I would like to trade the bow for some sword (forgot name) but I said I'd only do it for a Fellblade (requirement 8) 15% above 50% Health. He said the Fellblade is worth more, but when I looked up price on Fellblade with that stats on forum price check it says it is worth 'only' 150-225K', supposed to be way less than my Hornbow.
Then not short after that a guy PMs me and says he will trade it for 10 Globs of Ectoplasm and some Shadow Blade (think that was the name) and another golden item). He said my bow wasn't worth more than 100K cash + 5 Globs of Ectoplasm.

Still not having any offers on my bow and people telling me it is worth less than what that guy in price check forum said it was kind of confuses me.
I thought Mursaat Hornbows where one of the most rare and desired bows in the game, especially with those stats.=s
I don't care about the cash though I just wish there was a player who would want to trade me a golden max damage Fellblade (requirement 8 or 9) with a 15% above 50 Health bonus or something for the Mursaat Hornbow...or at least a decent cash offer.

So my questions are why I still don't get any offers on forum, why people tell me it is worth much less than what I heard on price check forum, and if it worth less than I'd like to know how much it is really worth and if it is worth a trade for that Fellblade I mentioned above in my post...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

i think that thread that is stickied about the bow is old... i mean look when its been last edited...

anyway what you could do is maybe set your s/b to really low like 1k or something and don't post your buyout.. say you have a hidden reserve and when that reserve is met you will sell it... and say you have the right not to sell not any reason etc...

and you could add that you're willing to accept a req 8 or 9 15^50 fellblade for it.

OR you could make a new pc thread saying that you've looked in the stickied thread and it was in accurate and ask for a new pc on your bow.




Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Items like that are similiar to antiques ..... they are only worth what someone is willing to pay. I would put it on auction for somewhat less and see what happens. 250-300K is a lot unless someone really wants it.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Your story points out the need for a better trading system and more storage. Items are only worth as much as the price where someone is willing to buy and you're willing to sell -- if no one ever agrees on that price, then they're only worth the use you get out of them. If you don't use them or sell them or simply enjoy having them, then they're just a waste of storage space regardless of what someone says they're worth on a forum. Also, people will probably tell you it's worth less in the hope of getting you to lower your asking price - it's part of the bargaining process.

Incidentally...I sold a purple req8 fellblade for 20k the other day. It'd been sitting in my storage for months, and I needed the space. Another example - I saw someone in pre-searing sell black dye for 200g the other day, even though he knew it was selling for about 9k at the trader in post-searing at the time. The point is that the "worth" of any item in-game is extremely subjective, and you're never guaranteed a price until someone puts the money up in the trade window and hits "Accept." With an item like that bow, it may take awhile to find a buyer that's willing to offer you the price you want, so you either have to wait & keep trying or settle for less. The choice is yours, because there is no uniform or official system that can give you a guaranteed price other than the 220g at the merchant.

(Edit for spelling.)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Selling items requires patience if you wanting to get the price you want. I use to buy things on impulse so I always paid a bit more. Now I am more careful with what I buy as I don't have the time to farm that much anymore gold is more precious than it was before. So patience is the key to buying as well. Also I am quite happy with the items I collected through my travels in Tyria anyways...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



Okay thanks for the replies, I'll just lower the start bid and keep waiting.=P
I wish I could use the bow, but I don't have a Ranger and personally I don't really like the skin.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

people who buy these kind of things are mainly collectors, who like to have a rare set of weapons, not many about these days, took me over 2 months to sell my Deadbow it went from 100k +40 ectos to 100k + 10ectos.
just got to keep trying.




Join Date: Jun 2006

i just checked out your sell thread and the first problem with it is the title.

"Selling a max damage Vampiric Hornbow of Markmanship (req 9)"

there are different types of hornbows so you should specify that yours is a 15^50 mursaat hornbow. people browsing through the sell forums probably wont be inclined to even check out your thread on account of your title.

presentation is a pretty important part of selling older items imo just because there isnt a "new" factor to them. the mursaat hornbows dye very well so include a picture of how they dye, that might help. something like this

[the dye preview window is your friend]

hope that helps & gl with your auction



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



Thanks a lot will try that.=D And I will change the title.;P