A Lazy Shambling horror?
Tauren Arcanist
I recently picked up Animate Shambling Horror on my MM but I've noticed that the Shambling/Jagged horrors seem to get a bit lazy after a fight. Its not that they dont fight its that when I start moving away from the battle zone they dont follow right away. They sorta stop to catch their breath or something and then figure out they should follow their master. Any one else experiencing this? Is this the way it was intended or is this a bug?
Yeah.. That happens to me too. ._.
It bugs me >.<
It bugs me >.<
Happens with Flesh Golems for me

Yup, Same thing with Flesh Golem for me too. I have even seen on rare occassions FG stop while in the middle of combat, 5-10 secs at a time, and not do a damn thing, just stands there, dumb as a box of rocks.
Yep, both Shambling Horrors and Flesh Golem do that with me too.
I stopped using Shambling horrors because of this.
Kool Pajamas
ive seen it with flesh golems...they are always lagging behind the rest of the group.
Same here ... I did notice a couple were taking smoke breaks and had coffee in their hands.Hard to animate good help nowadays..)
Yeah i ahve also that problem
Same problem. Guess it's part of the AI "improvement".

There was another thread about this a few days ago. Here it is: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10090161
Originally Posted by dictionary
sham·ble (shām'bəl) Pronunciation Key
intr.v. sham·bled, sham·bling, sham·bles To walk in an awkward, lazy, or unsteady manner, shuffling the feet. |
and now the definition of 'flesh' of flesh golem.... drum roll please
Hyper Cutter
I imagine all the minions except the Fiends do it. I've personally seen the Golem and Vamp Horrors fall behind...
Yea, the feinds are the only guys you can count on to keep up now days.
They also seem to have a higher aggro range, and seem more out of controll.
The Shambling Horrors may be slow but they do keep it easy to maintain the army. Also has anyone else noticed, the minions seem to age slower (or is that I haven't played in a while)?
They also seem to have a higher aggro range, and seem more out of controll.
The Shambling Horrors may be slow but they do keep it easy to maintain the army. Also has anyone else noticed, the minions seem to age slower (or is that I haven't played in a while)?
Angel Netherborn
Latest update: "Fixed a bug that caused some Necromancer minions in Nightfall to behave sluggishly."
Should be fixed then I guess.
Should be fixed then I guess.