I've been looking in this forum for say's now also been on Guruwiki and just can't seem to find the answer.
I am trying to find out the Skill Bar setting for Soloing with this toon.
I only have Factions so limited to those Skills.
I hope someone can help me out on this one.
Thanks in Advance..
IGN.. Enaila Tyr
LVL 20 W/MO N00b asking a N00bish question
Kia Northwind
best place to look would be in the campfire forum and then look under warrior builds or warrior discussion.
I believe you meant Guildwiki rather than Guruwiki (although it does have a nice ring to it).
What are you trying to solo? More information would be helpful because there are different builds for different situations, scenarios and areas. let us know and I am sure we can help point you in the right direction.
What are you trying to solo? More information would be helpful because there are different builds for different situations, scenarios and areas. let us know and I am sure we can help point you in the right direction.
Kia Northwind
Yes I ment Guildwiki ..lol..
Well for now I guess Venom and Ghial I guess.. I've tried with different build of my own but I die to fast.. I was told I need healing hands but you only get that in the first game..
Hope you can help me further.. And also I hope I don't get in trouble for answering so fast back -_-
Well for now I guess Venom and Ghial I guess.. I've tried with different build of my own but I die to fast.. I was told I need healing hands but you only get that in the first game..
Hope you can help me further.. And also I hope I don't get in trouble for answering so fast back -_-
You are correct that Healing Hands is only available in Prophecies. However, I'm not so sure that is a great skill for soloing. Anyway, you might try being a little creative and working with some other skills instead. One of the great satisfactions in the game is coming up with your own build, instead of using someone else's.
You might want to check the farming forum not the warrior forum and look around the farming and read stickies in there and did you mean Vermin becuase there is a whole thread to that in there.To Giahs staff it is luck of the draw and it is not completely soloable.
I would check here about a solo build for ghial Ghial Farming Thread. There is a whole forum topic dedicated to it and it might be useful for you to take a look at. You might be able to come up with a build of your own by getting some ideas from it. Guildwiki has a cookie-cutter build here (though I am not not sure how good/bad it is since I rarely play Warrior). Instead of using HH, you can replace it with something else (possibly Healing Seed or Spirit Bond -- a little bit more energy cost) or drop a point in Healing and put a few points in Protection and bring something like Reversal of Fortune. Like I said, I hardly play a Warrior, but that is just my input that comes to mind on the top of my head. Anyways, I am not sure who you are referring to as Venom (though it has been awhile since I've done any in depth stuff in Cantha) unless you are referring to the comic book character....and if so..........then your best bet might be to just call Spiderman.
Here is one thread among many on Vermin farming.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s... rmin+Farming
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s... rmin+Farming
Kia Northwind
Thank you for all the input.. with all this info I'm sure I should be doing fine..
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You can close this threat..
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