How long?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Cute Fluffy Bunnies [Cute]

How long does it take to get to Lion's Arch from Ascalon? Thanks



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


It takes about 40 to 50 min depending on what you are and if you stop at all the stops.I would say an hour maybe less if don't have any speed boosting skills.If you know the way that help a great deal and will speed up the time and I do run it for me less than 25 min.

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


Two Years If you are a noob.

3-5 hours if you get a runner. (Runners are wammos)

1 hours if you get a Pro Runner. (Pros are rangers)

7 - 5 Days playing the whole game.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Hmm, I timed it once on a Ranger and it was closer to 30 min. than an hour. I don't know how different it would be with the AI behavior today.

Phaedra Firesoul

Phaedra Firesoul

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Under a rock.

Silencing To Avert Brutality


i ran it backwards for a guildy on my wammo from LA to Ascalon, all stops int about a half hour. my first successful try too so i was proud of myself (i am certainly no runner)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


biggest question would be are you talking about Running or getting a Run from someone or are you talking about following the storyline to get there by doing missions/quests etc.

A run should take half hour to an hour....

Playing game thru missions/quests...2-3 days depending on time played



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Originally Posted by chicks boy

1 hours if you get a Pro Runner. (Pros are rangers)
Wow....I must be a Super Pro. think it usually takes me about 45-60 minutes or so depending on the spawns, lag, how much inebriated beverages I have had and stuff like that. At least that is my guess, since I usually don't look at the clock when playing Guild Wars. All I see is "You Have been playing x hours. Please Take a Break". I posted in another thread somewhere that my Wintersday spirit is to give free runs from Ascalon to LA (or vice versa). You'll just have to PM me in game and if I am not busy, I can run ya or anybody else.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Won a race in my guild in 24 minutes. (warrior)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Nashville TN



first chicksboy is highly exagerating across the board. doing missions straight through your looking at about 7-8 hours continous. a skilled runner can make it in about an hour in most cases. being a ranger doesn't make you a professional runner infact statistically your chances of suriving the run are significantly lower than a W/Mo. there are runners capable of making the run in less than an hour but this usually cuts out any of the other stops that you'll miss. BTW W/Mo make the best runners that is why they are the prefered skill set and the only one's accepted by Lady Blue Steel Runner's Academy.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


Originally Posted by chicks boy
Two Years If you are a noob.

3-5 hours if you get a runner. (Runners are wammos)

1 hours if you get a Pro Runner. (Pros are rangers)

7 - 5 Days playing the whole game.
can be done in about 20minutes by a w/mo taking the la-beacons-ice tooth-yaks-grendich-piken-la route, and if you know which paths are the shortest.
NOONE should die in that run...ever. if they do, they dont know what they are doing, period. its an easy as hell run; in either direction (its just long distance-wise).
the only parts that will really slow you down are between LA and the caverns; a lot of cripple&slow hexes there. you can get past most, but if you do it wrong, you'll be going at a crawl.
next is about a 2 inch area across the north path from ice tooth...some cripple&slow hexes there, but these are easier to get past, since they are further apart.
the last annoying area is the gargoyles before you hit the northern shiverpeaks...the imagined burdon can slow you down, but they are a lower lvl foe, so it doesnt last too long. holy veil and contemplation gets you past this part quickly.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Cute Fluffy Bunnies [Cute]

Whats Lady Blue Steel Runner's Academy? lol



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


omg wammo misplaced elitism... never saw that coming

Originally Posted by valtonray
first chicksboy is highly exagerating across the board. doing missions straight through your looking at about 7-8 hours continous. a skilled runner can make it in about an hour in most cases. being a ranger doesn't make you a professional runner infact statistically your chances of suriving the run are significantly lower than a W/Mo. there are runners capable of making the run in less than an hour but this usually cuts out any of the other stops that you'll miss. BTW W/Mo make the best runners that is why they are the prefered skill set and the only one's accepted by Lady Blue Steel Runner's Academy.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Of course, when running different people, you spend a lot more time in towns with folks jumping on and off, getting new passengers, explaining, etc.

The Wintersday spirit overtook me yesterday and I offered a free run from Ascalon to LA (on my R/Mo.) The AI changes have made this run different now, and some casters followed me for a much longer time spamming degen hexes and whatnot. (Not the same as the way some casters used to follow you just until they got in range to finish their cast and then run off.) Given how out of practice I am, I still think a straight run could be done in about 30 min.

I had worse runner lag glitches than I ever saw before, too. That may just be my bad luck, though.

I stopped at the convenient stops along the way (not just to be nice, but it's silly not to or any problems can make you have to start over from Ascalon.)

I did die several times, but never in the same zone twice. That makes me a bad runner! Yay!!!

Still, was a pretty nice feeling when I finally got people there, knowing they'd be able to get hats, too. Someone was kind enough to let me hitch a ride on a free Droks run last year, so I could finish the special quests. I know the LA run is far easier, but it was still really great to feel like I'd paid that favor forward, if only a little.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


I want to apologize that I didn't state that I am on the American server. I'm sorry for the person that PMed me that was on the European server. If you would like to transfer over or are already on the American server, I'd be more than happy to run anybody.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by c_ras
I want to apologize that I didn't state that I am on the American server. I'm sorry for the person that PMed me that was on the European server. If you would like to transfer over or are already on the American server, I'd be more than happy to run anybody.
Why not just use the International district?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

International districts don't work for runners? /confusedlook