Inscribable Obsidian armor crafting requirements?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Armada of Heaven

Most of Guildwiki's pages on obsidian armor have not been updated to include new inscribable Obsidian armors. The exception is Assassins, where it shows Deldrimoor Steel Ingots as an additional crafting material required for Obsidian inscribable armor. Does anyone know what the additional crafting material requirements are for inscribable Obsidian armor for other professions? I'm particularly interested in the Necromancer set..

Pwny Ride

Pwny Ride

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


Prime Players Of [OSHA] ~ [dth] alliance. <3


That should quench your curiosity


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Melted Chocolate Bunnies [EaT]

i had this problem, i entered once to see the materials and again to actually buy it. did it for a few chars, should have taken screens xD sorry


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Well, I looked it over and iot looks like the mesmer and elementalist are updated now, but still not the others. The Dervish and Paragon only have inscribable armour so they can be considered complete (even though it doesn't say inscribable on wiki).

I'm sure people will update it as they get the new armours.

As far as Pwny Ride's response, I don't know if he just had a major brain fart or just didn't bother to read the only post in the thread at all lol... Mentioning Guildwiki as the third word in your post must not have registered..

EDIT: All of the ones already listed have one of two materials added: Assassin, Elementalist, Paragon - D. Steel, and Mesmer, Dervish - Elonian Leather. So those two would be good choices, but that's a risk that you get there and the necro and monk require a third material :-(


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

this might help you


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Armada of Heaven

Thanks for the info Cybernigma. Anyone else notice the additional material required for inscribable armor for monks and necromancers?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Armada of Heaven

I will try to answer my own question--I was in FOW with my E and got up to the point where the Eternal Forgemaster offers to craft armor. However, I had 2 necros in the group, and they seemed to be giving different answers. One seemed to be either confused or yanking my chain, so if I go by the other, the answer seems to be Deldrimoor Steel for Necros.

Looking at the listing for E's, I notice that there isn't an "Inscribable Obisidian Armor" but that there is an "Obsidian Armor" with no prefix that as I recalled cost a bit less to obtain; I assume that that is the inscribable Obsidian Armor???


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006
