I have a suggestion. Instead of the way we have been doing the trading... ie standing around wasting valuable game time using WTS blah blah...
How about an Auction House like they use in FFxi ... I switched from that to this and I have to say it’s in my opinion all together a better system.
You put your items into the Auction House and set the selling price... you never have to deal with standing around trying to sell stuff again. The items stay in the auction house for so many days if they don't sell then they get sent back to your storage box.
It works really well on FFxi so I thought maybe they could use it here on GW...
Just a suggestion. Also it’s another way for Anet to have a money sink they could tax the items sold in the Auction house say like 1% of the price you sell it out.
It could work like this...
First I will call the Auction House AH from here on out
I put a gold perfect sundering sword in the AH and set it at 10k to sell.
You come along looking for that item and bid on it. If it’s less than 10k you don't get it... if you bid 10k or more then you buy the item. Don't post the set minimum cost on the item for them to see. Just post the average sell prices for that item type. I.e. what the last 5 sales was on that particular item.
Also have the lowest priced items sell first but at the bid the buyer places.
So if I sold my sword for 10k and the average price was 50k and the buyer puts in 25k then I get 25k for my sword
Am I making sense...?
anyhoo just an idea.
I really get tired of trying to sell stuff for hours wasting valuable play time just so I can get enough cash to get that vabbian armor or what ever.
Peace love and chicken grease
A new way to buy and sell items
My, what a splendid idea, Final Fantasy even. How come nobody ever thought of that.
5 stars.
5 stars.
Yeah thats a great new never thought of idea!
Why people dont check the stickies or use the search feature...
Why people dont check the stickies or use the search feature...
Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by Antheus
My, what a splendid idea, Final Fantasy even. How come nobody ever thought of that.
5 stars. |
Maybe click on the auctions tab on this site? I make some k's out of it.
Edit: Oh, you were being sarcastic ^^
ok i just found this post.. sorry i did not see the other thread my mistake... this is one of the reasons i rarely ever post on a forum. anyhoo sorry i am not perfect and made a mistake and posted something that others have posted before.
Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by Nicodemus_J
ok i just found this post.. sorry i did not see the other thread my mistake... this is one of the reasons i rarely ever post on a forum. anyhoo sorry i am not perfect and made a mistake and posted something that others have posted before.

ok cool.. i would delete the post but don't know how. And besides the moderators will probably prefer us to quit posting here.
and yeah crybabies get on my nerves too.
and yeah crybabies get on my nerves too.
There are a lot of whiners...
imo, all 'hard-core gamers' (nerds) are whiners. They always get bored... when playing there favorite games and not, they just are always whining about being bored.
imo, all 'hard-core gamers' (nerds) are whiners. They always get bored... when playing there favorite games and not, they just are always whining about being bored.
Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by «Ripskin
There are a lot of whiners...
imo, all 'hard-core gamers' (nerds) are whiners. They always get bored... when playing there favorite games and not, they just are always whining about being bored. |
My point is, I enjoy the game and find it (more than) money worth. Most people who enjoy the game don't even come on forums. I do, because I like giving advice and like discussion (whether I am wrong or right and would confess if I'm wrong). Some people just need something to whine about and will happily do so. I just laugh

Franco Power
lol i swear this is the 2nd thread about a auction house made today....
This thread is being closed for the following reason:
Incredible ignorance insinuates insanity.
Incredible ignorance insinuates insanity.