N/Me Solo UW farming build, does it actually exist?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

i've been hearing about this build for a little while now... ever since the nerfing of other farming builds.

so far, i've only been able to find duo builds for necro and a monk

i was wondering if someone could point me to the right direction in finding this build (solo uw farming n/me). i've already got a pve n/me which i started long time ago, and when i heard about this solo farming build for n/me i really wanted to try it out


IGN: Mr Jebi Se

ps. my apologies if this is in the wrong section or if asking for such a build is a taboo in this community.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Melbourne, Australia

I don't know if this build exists, but you can try looking here:


Edit: Spelling


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Halfway between here and there

Advanced Technology [CCCP]

As far as I know there is no N/Me solo build, but there are a couple for N/Mo that work pretty well. Not as well as they used to, but still pretty well.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Nashville TN



i have seen a N/ME solo build but i can't remember the skills it used. i believe it is somewhere on this site though try the builds forums