

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

I know the new hat NPC can make hats that you already have, but what if you had to get rid of your hat long ago? Or what if you missed a day where an event took place? IMHO I think it would work best if it just checked your accounts age, and allowed you to purchase hats that you missed out on.
I was lucky enough to not miss Halloween this year so alll my characters are fitted with pumpkins, and wicked hats. Don't get me wrong I love the new option, but IMO it could work a little better.
Maybe if you brought him some common materials he could make you something. Like some wood for antlers, some bone for the tengu mask, scales for the dragon mask, etc.
What do you think?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


I think its been covered as well in the other Hat thread, there are many forumers asking if we can "borrow" Hats from other players to copy one for ourselves but no strong response there and i dont think i seen a suggestion for this option to the feature at the moment.

Perhaps you like to post this as a suggestion in the suggestion forums on how we can improve on this, which would perhaps be more appropriate. cheers.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

thanks for pointing me in the right direction