Say i had a white Shield, max armour fair req, 10.
Say this shield was rare.
Now if i modded this shield with a 30 health handle and a -5 (20%) inscription...
Why would the price remain as it was a clean shield?
Question - Modding and Price.
If you're referring to the merchant value, then yes it would stay the same.
Hmm interesting, i didn't think about that when i read the Pricing Guide, what i meant was Player to Player sale, anyone?
Commander Ryker
No one will buy a white weapon, half the pride is it being gold or green. You'd be better off just keeping your +health and put it on a gold.
Shucks :/
I have a very rare shield, but its white...
I have a very rare shield, but its white...
Squalus the Ipno
My opinion is sell golds as you find them (do not mod). Seen one purple Eternal shield req 9 modded with +30HP and -5(20%) sold for more than 85K...
can you put inscriptions on a white item?
I thought all inscribable items are at least blue . . . .
I thought all inscribable items are at least blue . . . .
Imo, its totally pointless putting mods on a shield/weapon in the hope to raise its value. Even Gold ones. First of all im sick of seeing wts 20/20 +30hp blah blah blah. The first thing I would be doing if I bought a weapon like that would be to change the crappy 20/20. Second of all.. erm..i have no second of all..
Originally Posted by Lykan
Imo, its totally pointless putting mods on a shield/weapon in the hope to raise its value. Even Gold ones. First of all im sick of seeing wts 20/20 +30hp blah blah blah. The first thing I would be doing if I bought a weapon like that would be to change the crappy 20/20. Second of all.. erm..i have no second of all..