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Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

United Kingdom!

Acolytes Of Anguish [aOa]


I did use the search but only came up with things unrelated

My question is about the following new thing added to the guildwars store

The Guild Wars Official In-Game Store now sells the 2006 edition of Guild Wars (original Prophecies campaign), which has been available at major retailers since its release in early 2006, and is called Game of the Year Edition in America and One Million Edition in Europe. The 2006 edition contains seven bonus items that were not part of the original Guild Wars box. Players who purchased Guild Wars (original Prophecies campaign) through the in-game store since its launch there in July will receive a free upgrade, and other players who own the original Guild Wars can choose to upgrade through the in-game store for a small fee.

I was wondering with this upgrade do you get the divine aura(glowing hands) to?

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


Interesting question; I would say no as the aura is only for Collector Edition, while this looks more like a re-print of the standard one.
I'd like to know for sure as well though.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


No divine aura, that's from the collector edition.

You only get the 7 bonus items.