I own Prophecies and that's it. I don't have Factions nor do I own Nightfall. I *do* have a Nightfall 14 day trial access key. I looked around and couldn't specifically find the answers I am looking for, so here are a few questions for you:
Say I use the key, create a Nightfall character, play around in Nightfall, do some quests, get some items, etc. and then buy the retail version of the game at some point, will I be able to continue to use that character?
Will I lose any of the items he acquired during the free trial access?
Will his quests/missions still be considered complete?
Would I have to buy the full version of the game before the 14 day period is over in order to continue to use him?
What if I buy Nightfall 20 days (or any number of days beyond the 14 day trial period) after I plug in the key -- will I be able to continue the character as I've already asked above (items, quests, missions)?
Can I merge my Nightfall 14 day trial with my Prophecies campaign and travel through Elona with my current Prophecies character during the 14 day trial?
I would just hate to use the key, play with Nightfall, buy the retail game on the 15th day, and NOT be able to continue to use the trial character or find that he loses all his items and accomplishments.
Could someone please enlighten me? Thanks!
Trial keys and integration
Bastard Son
It said on the guildwars page that if you buy it within 30 days you can transfer that char?
I don't know if that 30 days is, 30 days from activation, 30 days from end of trial, 30 days from the first full moon after the trial? During the trial?

But there is DEFINITELY something and it's based on 30 days.
I don't know if that 30 days is, 30 days from activation, 30 days from end of trial, 30 days from the first full moon after the trial? During the trial?

But there is DEFINITELY something and it's based on 30 days.

Bastard Son
So, will all the items, quests, missions, etc be saved? Can a Prophecies character travel into Elona using one of the keys?
Smile Like Umean It
everything is saved and you'll get access to them when you add the retail key. and you can bring you tyrian chars to elona and your elonian chars to tyria.
Bastard Son
Thanks for the help!