72 hour ban ???
Hi, im curious as to whats the least amount of time someone has recived on guildwars, recently i have been banned for 72 hours for saying "gaile you know you guys "****ed up tombs when u guys made it 6v6" after numerious complaints to [email protected] they finally told me the minimum time they ban someone is 72 hours, when i know from previous experince i have had a 24 hour ban on another account, i am just finding out if indeed my 24 hour ban, was a one off? or anet or lieing so i'll stop emailing them, personally i think 72 hour ban for swearing when there is a swear fitler is harsh and seems like i could have been targeted i guess, what does anyone else think, please no flaming for any reason.
I've never been banned, but I remember seeing a couple weeks ago that they're getting harder on people caught swearing. (I think I saw that in a Gaile chat log, but I'm not sure.) Maybe 72 is now the minimum, while it used to be 24?
@ lol at your please no flaming comment given the context.
Hope the 3 days go by quick for you,
@ lol at your please no flaming comment given the context.

Hope the 3 days go by quick for you,
Hand of Ruin
that's three days of winterfest you're gonna miss... play it smart next time.
Franco Power
nah bruv, i ve been banned for 180 hours (7days) or so before or 170 cant remember exactly, a mate of mine just got banned for 3 weeks LOL.
Its all good dont worry about it
Its all good dont worry about it
Honestly, if there's a swear filter, then you shoudn't get banned for swearing unless you were intentionally circumventing the swear filter.
Using "u" in place of "you" however, should warrant such a ban.
If you swear and insult the powers that be, what do you expect? Youre lucky it was but a 3 day ban. Next time it might be perma. Use your head.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Confederate
If you swear and insult the powers that be, what do you expect? Youre lucky it was but a 3 day ban. Next time it might be perma. Use your head.
"when i know from previous experince i have had a 24 hour ban on another account"
What a gem of a quote. Sounds like the problem is yours not anyone else's. I wouldnt say you are being targeted, but if you are you painted the bullseye on your own chest. Watch your language and you shouldnt have a problem.
What a gem of a quote. Sounds like the problem is yours not anyone else's. I wouldnt say you are being targeted, but if you are you painted the bullseye on your own chest. Watch your language and you shouldnt have a problem.
Originally Posted by mrgoat
Using "u" in place of "you" however, should warrant such a ban.
People shoudl also get suspensions for using "ne1" intead of "anyone" and any other retarded shortcut to save time in typing.

ne1 n33d p4m?
WTF? Speak english please??

In response to PaddyPower, your temporary ban / suspension is temporary and unless you do whtever you do to warrant it repeatedly and continualy need to have your account suspended then I doubt you'll ever recieve a permanent ban, so don't worry.
Some people think Anet doesn't issue permanent account bans but they do. And anyone who does get one is doing something serious which is clearly in violation of the EULA.
Knightsaber Sith
The bottom line is: don't do stupid crap you know for a fact can get you banned. Maybe you were banned for hostile harassment and not simply "swearing".
Just accept that you were banned for 72 hours, regardless of what the minimum ban may be or what support has told you.
Just accept that you were banned for 72 hours, regardless of what the minimum ban may be or what support has told you.
3 days will go by and then something worthwhile in winterfest will happen, all of the collectors will show up.
In-game Infractions
The following will result in an account mark (suspension) or an account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter:
* Inappropriate in-game behavior – such as obscene, offensive, or racist talk or behavior, abuse of another player, or harassment.
* o Selling or buying a Guild Wars account, in-game item, or gold for real-world currency; selling a Guild Wars account for in-game currency; aiding others in such transactions, or advertising the intent to commit such acts.
* Selling services of any kind—including such things as "runs" through portions of the game—for real-world currency.
* Repeating in-game chat to an excessive degree ("spamming").
* In-game linking to inappropriate sites, including those offering bots, macros, or other third-party programs, or those selling or buying accounts, items, or in-game gold.
* Taking advantage of another player ("scamming") in order to take his/her items or account.
* Accessing another player's account in order to take or delete characters or items.
* Abusing game exploits.
* Advertising cheats, hacks, and exploits
* Using, developing, releasing or promoting a "bot" program
apparently offering cybering services is either obscene or offensive... eh w/e I still got other accounts onion routed just in-case they ipban as well.
In-game Infractions
The following will result in an account mark (suspension) or an account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter:
* Inappropriate in-game behavior – such as obscene, offensive, or racist talk or behavior, abuse of another player, or harassment.
* o Selling or buying a Guild Wars account, in-game item, or gold for real-world currency; selling a Guild Wars account for in-game currency; aiding others in such transactions, or advertising the intent to commit such acts.
* Selling services of any kind—including such things as "runs" through portions of the game—for real-world currency.
* Repeating in-game chat to an excessive degree ("spamming").
* In-game linking to inappropriate sites, including those offering bots, macros, or other third-party programs, or those selling or buying accounts, items, or in-game gold.
* Taking advantage of another player ("scamming") in order to take his/her items or account.
* Accessing another player's account in order to take or delete characters or items.
* Abusing game exploits.
* Advertising cheats, hacks, and exploits
* Using, developing, releasing or promoting a "bot" program
apparently offering cybering services is either obscene or offensive... eh w/e I still got other accounts onion routed just in-case they ipban as well.
Gaile said before the punishment increases, so it might start at 24 hours, but since you already had one of those the minimum next ban would be 72.
^ my 1st offense over 2 years
actually i had a 24 hour ban on my orginal account, and i type briefly if you have a problem with me using "u" instead of "you" then you have problems your self, i said no flaming so keep that stuff to your self it was just to see what other players had to say, no need to come in here and start sounding high and mighty by pointing out how i type. anyway thanks for replys guys, the minimum ban must be 72 hours since this account has never been banned. thanks - power
i have other accounts my self also ^^ its just not like playing on main account lol, im sure you understand, anyway thanks again
i have other accounts my self also ^^ its just not like playing on main account lol, im sure you understand, anyway thanks again
Knightsaber Sith
Actually, stuff like using "u" instead of "you" is against the gwguru rules; pointing it out isn't flaming. Obviously he doesn't just have problems with himself as it is clearly enumerated in the rules since most people are annoyed by it.
Originally Posted by Forum Rules and Guidelines
9. Do Not Abuse the English Language
This is a message board, not a chat room. Secondly, DO NOT use "Leet-Speak" in our forums. As such, you have all the time necessary to articulate your posts in a coherent matter. "You" is only two more letters than "u." It will not kill you to type them. Completely illegible posts are subject to moderation - and I can not guarantee their accuracy of 'translating' the author’s original message. Additionally, when one punctuation works instead of 10 (example: ? instead of ?!?!), use one. |
Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
apparently offering cybering services is either obscene or offensive... eh w/e I still got other accounts onion routed just in-case they ipban as well.
Originally Posted by dansamy
Honestly, if there's a swear filter, then you shoudn't get banned for swearing unless you were intentionally circumventing the swear filter.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
A bit more info:
Foul language or inappropriate behavior can (and should!) be reported to Support; exact character name (please check spelling to be sure), time (and time zone) is all we really need. A brief description is helpful, too. Bad names, though, can be emailed directly to [email protected]. This is for names only, not behavior, not scams. We welcome reports and we'll deal with bad character or guild names as soon as we are able. |
Think before you talk. If I worked at ANet and you sweared at me, I'd ban you, too. And frankly, I'm glad there's bans on people that swear in-game. It keeps all the people that try to look cool by cursing off the servers from playing as much.
Originally Posted by Paddypower
actually i had a 24 hour ban on my orginal account, and i type briefly if you have a problem with me using "u" instead of "you" then you have problems your self, i said no flaming so keep that stuff to your self it was just to see what other players had to say, no need to come in here and start sounding high and mighty by pointing out how i type.
Sentences are your friends. This translation has been a public service for People who have difficulty reading enormous run-on sentences.

apparently offering cybering services is either obscene or offensive... eh w/e I still got other accounts onion routed just in-case they ipban as well. |
Ok thanks everyone once again for correcting me at every point possible.
I'll strongly think about posting next time.
Sorry my english isn't up to the standards you guys here expect.
Thanks again.
I'll strongly think about posting next time.
Sorry my english isn't up to the standards you guys here expect.
Thanks again.
Well at least you didn't swear at everyone in the thread, seems like you're moving in the right direction!
Merry Wintersday!
Merry Wintersday!
In addition to 'there are filters, deal with it' line of defense:
Won't comment on the swearing - think everyone does that once in awhile. What should be commented on is openly breaking the rules infront of Anet employees who have the power to insta-ban isn't the smartest. Ahh, I remember when Gaile & Co. first started dealing with these individuals during their visits. If only they could afford to have more watchers all the time we might have more civility.
Originally Posted by Gaile
Fair question. There are word filters, but they're not intended to give free rein to swearing. If someone starts with unacceptable language, someone else may report him, or it may be seen, and then we'll take action.
The best answer is to think before speaking. Always a good policy. ![]() |
Won't comment on the swearing - think everyone does that once in awhile. What should be commented on is openly breaking the rules infront of Anet employees who have the power to insta-ban isn't the smartest. Ahh, I remember when Gaile & Co. first started dealing with these individuals during their visits. If only they could afford to have more watchers all the time we might have more civility.
My bro got Banned when G/W 1st came out :P
his name was slayers Vs W*nkers
lol u can still use W*nker in your name :S why havent they filtered it
his name was slayers Vs W*nkers
lol u can still use W*nker in your name :S why havent they filtered it
Originally Posted by dansamy
Cyber prostitution got you banned?
We;; i never get banned so what is going to happen u cant open guildwars or ur chacter is unusable?
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Paddypower
actually i had a 24 hour ban on my orginal account, and i type briefly if you have a problem with me using "u" instead of "you" then you have problems your self, i said no flaming so keep that stuff to your self it was just to see what other players had to say, no need to come in here and start sounding high and mighty by pointing out how i type. anyway thanks for replys guys, the minimum ban must be 72 hours since this account has never been banned. thanks - power
i have other accounts my self also ^^ its just not like playing on main account lol, im sure you understand, anyway thanks again |
I haven't been banned either, but I've seen screenshots posted. There is a message, similar to a network error message, that pops up when you try to log in.
Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
apparently offering cybering services is either obscene or offensive... eh w/e I still got other accounts onion routed just in-case they ipban as well.
Although I am not a laywer, I am pretty sure that if the person on the other end of the chat is in fact an minor and you are over 18, then at least in the UK you would be also committing a criminal offence.
This kind of behaviour has no place whatsoever in an online game.
Making a joke billboard to waste time till collectors showed up on the party search for over 7 hours several hours of it on offline mode talking on vent and out shopping then came back. Went to away mode so my f-list ppls would know I'm back, they got some laughs when they saw it, told me about it and a few emulated my msg else where, we're all laughing on vent when messages where pouring in and telling them to each other. Until I guess that one person over 7hrs got offended?
long story short, kids still play this game... I guess... caught up in the laughter and didn't care who we... uhh... didn't reply to? and laugh at... so... uhh moral of the story is... don't try to emulate how to catch a pedophile for humor, on an MMO cause children are watching.
long story short, kids still play this game... I guess... caught up in the laughter and didn't care who we... uhh... didn't reply to? and laugh at... so... uhh moral of the story is... don't try to emulate how to catch a pedophile for humor, on an MMO cause children are watching.
[QUOTE=Swinging Fists]What gets me is that you impose your behavior on anyone ingame despite the rules, then you come here, spell out your own rules on how we can and cannot respond to you and then you get upset when others don't obey. Somewhat amusing for me.
Actually no, i just wanted people to respond in a way more information based then flame based. Can i not request in my own post how i would like people to respond if they respond at all? i didn't realise people got banned for swearing which is actually what this post was about. As always there is people who look to go around the rules, and this would be in game, without realising. Anyway thanks for your post which was totally flame based and non informative.
Actually no, i just wanted people to respond in a way more information based then flame based. Can i not request in my own post how i would like people to respond if they respond at all? i didn't realise people got banned for swearing which is actually what this post was about. As always there is people who look to go around the rules, and this would be in game, without realising. Anyway thanks for your post which was totally flame based and non informative.
what do you think would happen if you swore at gaile?

Kendar Muert
I try not to do anything stupid after i got a warning email cause they thought i was a bot.... probably didnt help that i ebayed money to hand out to my guild though lol.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Paddypower
Actually no, i just wanted people to respond in a way more information based then flame based. Can i not request in my own post how i would like people to respond if they respond at all? i didn't realise people got banned for swearing which is actually what this post was about. As always there is people who look to go around the rules, and this would be in game, without realising. Anyway thanks for your post which was totally flame based and non informative.