question about armor


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Yung Bloodz


this is my first post here so i hope this is in the right place. i am a warrior primary. what is the best armor available(according to stats) in gw prophecies


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

droks armor(max stats and can only craft in droknar forge)1.5k
15k armor(same max stats but more expensive and nice skin)
FOW armor(Fissure Of Woe)(the most expensive armor)can only find in FOW.

thats all i know.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


try searching at

or clicking on the link on that main page to the armour section.

I personally like the gladiators armor :P

Clinically Proven

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006



By 'best by stats' do you mean highest Armour Level (AL) or most desirable "insignia" ?

Highest AL, puteh has already outlined, from there you have choices of additional armour vs elemental damage, vs physical damage, + energy etc. Guild Wiki will give you the full run down.

If you want one set of armour for both PvE and PvP I would recommend the Gladiator's set (+ energy), though the actual 'best' choice is often debated and subject to what kind of activities you primarily engage in (questing, farming, running, PvP etc).

Reading through various posts in the Warrior section in the campfire can help you make that choice, as can some of the articles on Team iQ should you have PvP aspirations.