What have you got from Treasure so far?
Sir Twisteh
req 10 vabbian scimitar
Midnight Harmony
Would anyone be kind enough to post the places where they found treasure? So far I've gotten the ones at Arkjok Ward, near Shezel Slowreaper, Jahai Bluffs and Mhetani Keys.
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
Would anyone be kind enough to post up the places they found treasure? So far I've gotten the ones at Arkjok Ward, near Shezel Slowreaper, Jahai Bluffs and Mhetani Keys.
Eli Rela
Out of 12 total treasure places (so far available) I got 11 crappy golds and few plats. One more to go in DoP... will see.
Opened all 12 chests with my first char:
-staff wrapping 30 hp
-shadow axe r9 15^50 with crap mods
-axe upgrade 20/20, used on the shadow axe, sold the axe for 45k
-crap diamond aegis, got a diamond salvaging it
-nice gold daggers 15/-5, wintersday present for zenmai
Four characters to go now
-staff wrapping 30 hp
-shadow axe r9 15^50 with crap mods
-axe upgrade 20/20, used on the shadow axe, sold the axe for 45k
-crap diamond aegis, got a diamond salvaging it
-nice gold daggers 15/-5, wintersday present for zenmai
Four characters to go now
req 7 max gold 15^50 Perfect Hale Crystalline Sword of Fortitude.
+30 hp
+30 hp
+30 hp
+30 hp
6 weapons all +dmg while hexed how fun, lucky the other mods are +30 and a +45 stance and 20% enchants
Sir Skullcrasher
Around 10k and some random gold items. I still got alot of places to go not to mention get my other 7 characters into Nightfall to reach these chests!
Couple rubies & diamonds, pockets full of money & few rare skin but high req weapons (diam aegis etc.) that I'll give to heroes.
Five more chars to go
Five more chars to go

Sir Skullcrasher
I wish I can get my existing characters (high level) into Nightfall now and get these other chests. I have a feeling that i might get something good eventually from these chests.
Why Kry Fat Kid
Hi, Well today i Found a Vampiric Bramble shortbow! ^ ^
... But its r12
and im really REALLY sad about that...
... But its r12

I've gotten a mixute of crap and really good stuff- but to me I'm not even bothered about the quality of the gold item!
Why? Its another point to wisdom title, which is more than enough to keep me happy ^-^
Why? Its another point to wisdom title, which is more than enough to keep me happy ^-^