Howdy ladies and gents,
I've recently come across a minor problem that I was hoping you guys could lead me in the right direction in getting around it. I did a seach to make sure that this hasn't been already been discussed, so sorry if I missed a topic that already targets this issue.
I've noticed now that whenever your remove the hud using the ctrl-shift-H method it nolonger removes the little text boxes that pop up whenever someone says something. Now normally I wouldn't tear my pants off for something as small as this but its become a real pain for the screenshot comic I make, and I'm betting other people who make video's and such have also found this to be a little annoying.
So I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to remove the text boxes or if this is going to be a permanent problem. I've also tried the shift-print screen trick but that dosn't seem to work either.
Hope someone has a solution and thx m8s.
Removing Text Boxes
Smokey Jack
ell the dervish
you might be able to go into teh optoins and under one of teh tabs u can move the bars and stuff around maybe u could drag it off screen then put it back when finshed

Xenex Xclame
He's talking about the boxes that apear above players head when they say something, you cant remove something that isnt there.
I dunno dude, i dont think you can remove it, as its not suppose to stay, maybe its a bug and Anet doesnt know about it, if other people are also having this prob, then i suggest going to support and see whats up, if it is indeed a bug, then i guess they will fix it, if its not then i guess we're out of luck.
I dunno dude, i dont think you can remove it, as its not suppose to stay, maybe its a bug and Anet doesnt know about it, if other people are also having this prob, then i suggest going to support and see whats up, if it is indeed a bug, then i guess they will fix it, if its not then i guess we're out of luck.
NPC's I don't know, but does Local / Guild / Group / Trade Chat on/off have any influence on this?
Or do these boxes even appear when those are all muted?
Or do these boxes even appear when those are all muted?
Smile Like Umean It
You can have all chats off and be on dnd, you'll still see the little boxes over other peoples head when they say anything.
Fallen Hunter
I think that probably is a glitch, shift+prn scn is supposed to remove all of that. Report it to tech support and see what they say.
Marty Silverblade
I'm not sure if this would work, but maybe you could try putting the people you don't want text boxes from on your ignore list. Obviously if you need to do it for everyone in a ciry at peak hours then it would be really impractical but you could try at least (perhaps going to an international district).
Smokey Jack
Thanks for the replies. I reported it to tech support a few minutes ago so hopefully they'll have a solution for it
Otherwise I'll try Marty's idea.