hey, i'm just starting up guild wars and i am curious... which would be the best character profession and skill tree for me to do the most damage?
i'm thinking of a necromancer... or an elementalist
Best character in guild wars 1?
Guild wars actually does a pretty nice job of balancing classes, so there is no best class. Especially considering you can change everything but your armour and primary attribute later during play.
For raw damage, you already named the prime contender, the elementalist. Note, however, that a mesmer could take the same skills and make up the lower damage of the skills with faster casting, for example, and that a necromancer's life stealing may yield less damage, but unburden the healers quite a bit. Also note that Warriors are quite good damage dealers with naturally high armour.
In the end, however, one truth prevails: for every build there is a counterbuild. A glass cannon elementalist with the biggest damage spells will get interrupted, a fast casting single skill spammer will rage in frustration when he is hexed with backfire, and both will just stand around when a mesmer drains all of their energy.
For raw damage, you already named the prime contender, the elementalist. Note, however, that a mesmer could take the same skills and make up the lower damage of the skills with faster casting, for example, and that a necromancer's life stealing may yield less damage, but unburden the healers quite a bit. Also note that Warriors are quite good damage dealers with naturally high armour.
In the end, however, one truth prevails: for every build there is a counterbuild. A glass cannon elementalist with the biggest damage spells will get interrupted, a fast casting single skill spammer will rage in frustration when he is hexed with backfire, and both will just stand around when a mesmer drains all of their energy.
if i was to be a death necromancer, and summon skeletons and such would that be useful for my friends for tanking while we sit back and cast?
Keira Darkwind
A minion master Necro is a very effective build and wanted in parties - pretty fun to play as well. Check out the Necro forum.
where is the necro forums site? and with the necro death build is there diffrent minions to summon or do i spec into a certain summon?
and if i dont like this build how do i re spec the build into another?
and if i dont like this build how do i re spec the build into another?
You can freely redistribute attribute points and skills as you see fit, you can even change secondary profession later in the game. Just use the same window you use for setting attributes for changing it, but you can only do it in a town/outpost, not in explorable areas. If you aren't pleased with your build, use another one. Experiment to find what works best for you.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...play.php?f=208 <-- that's the necro forum
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...play.php?f=208 <-- that's the necro forum
1.What's the maximum lvl? and how many attribute points do you get per lvl?
2.whats the pvp like do you capture flags or kill the most in a certain time?
3.is there 2 allegiances? good vs bad in pvp?
4.at the starting point... do all start at the same place or do necromancers and elementalists all start in same places?
please answer all labelled 1-4 A please.
2.whats the pvp like do you capture flags or kill the most in a certain time?
3.is there 2 allegiances? good vs bad in pvp?
4.at the starting point... do all start at the same place or do necromancers and elementalists all start in same places?
please answer all labelled 1-4 A please.
1. 20 is the max
2. Capturing flags aren't the main objective, theres various pvp arenas, guild vs guild, heroes ascent, random arena, team arena, etc.
3. There is no good or evil in pvp
4. All start in the same place
2. Capturing flags aren't the main objective, theres various pvp arenas, guild vs guild, heroes ascent, random arena, team arena, etc.
3. There is no good or evil in pvp
4. All start in the same place
1. Max level is 20, you get 5 att points from 2-10, 10 points from 11-15 and 15 from 16-20. There are two additional quests giving 15 points each, totalling at 200 attribute points.
2. There are several different versions of PvP, but I don't do any of em. Let someone else answer that.
3. In Factions there are two sides (thus the name), but you don't really choose since you can swap sides as often as you wish. You can choose to fight for one of the sides there, but it doesn't have any long-lasting effects on the game except for (eventually) giving you a title for your fighting effort. But still, in short, no.
4. They all start in the same place, but it does of course depend which chapter you choose to start in. Prophecies characters will start in Tyria, Factions characters in Cantha and Nightfall in Elona.
Just a tip, check out GuildWiki. It can answer mostly anything related to direct GW facts.
2. There are several different versions of PvP, but I don't do any of em. Let someone else answer that.
3. In Factions there are two sides (thus the name), but you don't really choose since you can swap sides as often as you wish. You can choose to fight for one of the sides there, but it doesn't have any long-lasting effects on the game except for (eventually) giving you a title for your fighting effort. But still, in short, no.
4. They all start in the same place, but it does of course depend which chapter you choose to start in. Prophecies characters will start in Tyria, Factions characters in Cantha and Nightfall in Elona.
Just a tip, check out GuildWiki. It can answer mostly anything related to direct GW facts.
Lag Hell
no.. this isnt WoW...
all classes r balanced
there r certain pvp arenas that resemble capture the flag, just other objects in place of the flag
all classes r balanced
there r certain pvp arenas that resemble capture the flag, just other objects in place of the flag