I MADE IT! Got first rank of Gamer Title: Skillz!!! Took me 2 nights and a couple hours here and there, of nonstop snowball. It got me 300 Candy Cane Shards total. Here are some pics of a DA STUFFS!
Yes yes, i had tons of down time, done with Christmas shopping, and wrapping and already off work. So what to do till i travel for the holiday? Play nonstop SNOWBALL FIGHTS~!! Har Har.
***SO!! Since i have made it in just over 2 days, i am assuming other hardcore nutcases like me have started reaching titles, i want yall to post em~!! And start posting that progress to the NEXT ranks! I'm sad cause i wont have time to work past rank 1. But uh...rank 2 is way too far away anyway. LOL~!~
i applaude the tenacity and anti-psychotics that a person would have to be on to get this title faster OR higher rank... LOLzzzz BTW, i see on GuildWiki that they have posted the names and required points for Rank 2 and 3. So this means people have gotten there? I really am intersted to see if someone has really already gotten that far! hehe.
P.S. Yes i know, trolls and the like will cry PHOTOSHOP! But i assure you its real. Lying about something so trite(sp?) would just be sad. I have about 2 days left till i travel, but till then i should be online every so often, so feel free to PM me in game if you need to see the real deal... TY!!

P.P.S. Here is a direct link to GuildWiki Article on further info for Gamer Titles!! http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Skillz
***Disclaimer: Yes i do realize the irony of me posting this, after posting an (objective) thread about the imbalance issues in the Snowball Arena. But, as i said in that thread just cause it was imbalanced doesn't mean i couldn't have fun! My last win streak was 28 ... 25 of the games was as the GRENTH team! I was with some german guys who played like pros! Thanks you guys!