New Treasures in Elona Permanent?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006


No Inherent Effect [NiE]

So the new treasures are a real nice addition to the game. But my question is will these treasures only be there during the Winter Festival or are they a permanent addition to the game? If not I better get them now asap.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

So Cal

The Sinister Vanguard


Wintersday only.



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Most likely only for Wintersday. But like all things since none of us work for, no one knows.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Seattle, WA

I Righteous Indignation I [RI]


I doubt that they are only there for Wintersday.

That said, I went and got most of the ones I could for my characters already.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006

Iowa, USA


They may be permanant. The 2 "Do Not Touch" treasures are at locations that were previously interesting, but useless. This may have been the original use for those locations, just implemented late.

But I'm afraid chances are it is just for the event.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


These are confirmed to be only for the Wintersday event.

Kelsey Cain

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
These are confirmed to be only for the Wintersday event.
Looked on the website and through the dev posts but haven't found any confirmation yet - where did you read that they were for the event only?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

They seem more like a way to adjust the economy than just a free gift. Arenanet has a habit of making "gifts" rather useless in game. The new chests aren't farmable, but they do change the formula on how many golds a character can approximately expect to get from whatever it was (based on drop rates and luck), to that+10.

If they're permanent, that would mean every character got a chance at at least 10 golds, thus depressing the price of golds. If they're not permanent, it just means that the people who happen to have more characters in places where they can get the chests get a big jump in cash. It would be kind of a way to say, "Hey, you casual gamers - screw off, we like you poor."

I guess it could still be either though. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping they're permanent.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


Originally Posted by mrgoat
They seem more like a way to adjust the economy than just a free gift. Arenanet has a habit of making "gifts" rather useless in game. The new chests aren't farmable, but they do change the formula on how many golds a character can approximately expect to get from whatever it was (based on drop rates and luck), to that+10.

If they're permanent, that would mean every character got a chance at at least 10 golds, thus depressing the price of golds. If they're not permanent, it just means that the people who happen to have more characters in places where they can get the chests get a big jump in cash. It would be kind of a way to say, "Hey, you casual gamers - screw off, we like you poor."

I guess it could still be either though. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping they're permanent.
Why do you have to take it so negatively? There trying to do something nice... heck 10 free golds is great :P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


Gaile Gray said that these treasures are only "seasonal" So my guess is that it's not permanent.



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
These are confirmed
link? GWO? GH?
Originally Posted by HKSdivision
Gaile Gray said that
oh snap!!!

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by HKSdivision
Gaile Gray said that these treasures are only "seasonal" So my guess is that it's not permanent.
Gaile also said that we'd be able to make Factions toons in Elona.

Not so sure that I trust any info from her anymore.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Are this chests dropping any good items?




Join Date: Nov 2006

in between GW2 servers


A link to confirm they're temporary would be great. Otherwise its total bs since i can make up things too Proof or gtfo kkthx.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


have done the 2 in the starter areas with 5 of my toons....always about 500+ gold and most of my toons are getting scythes or inspiration one holy rod....they are good enough for the heros...and my melonnis now all have shiney gold scythes just starting on the main land ones...only have 1 toon thru the game and 2 others to kodash....will try to get some more this week....

either way its a nice boon to get an extra plat for just running to a chest.(my ele was able to get enough plat to buy her last piece of 15k sunspear she was saving up for..)
thanks anet

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by daraaksii
Are this chests dropping any good items?
All I've gotten was crap. Items were not max, crappy mods and high req. Pretty much like the drops I get every day, except these are gold.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Southern California


Well everything was max for me, but 1/2 were high req or with worthless mods. No one has gotten a gem so far that I've seen.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


I haven't seen anything about new treasure before this thread where are these located?

My Green Storage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


My Blue Storage


One of mine got a req 9 Holy Vial, same spot gold 2k+

One I found on noob island had like 500 gold and a non-max gold adamantine falchion? I dont think it was adamatine, but another name that starts with the letter A.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
Why do you have to take it so negatively? There trying to do something nice... heck 10 free golds is great :P
Well, it is kind of a slap in the face to people who haven't brought a lot of characters through nightfall yet, if they go away. It's like a gift for people who really don't have much need for it.

I'm happy they're there either way, but if they're temporary, they amount to little more than a way to keep the rich rich, and the poor poor. If they stay, they're a way to help people who have little chance of seeing a gold get something nice, and a way to help bring the economy back in line a bit.

(I admit, I'm a little scroogish around the holidays. You kids! Get off my lawn!)

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by I MP I
A link to confirm they're temporary would be great. Otherwise its total bs since i can make up things too Proof or gtfo kkthx.
Gaile was in Kamadan ID1 around midnight pacific time last night. I asked the question and she answered that they were only for the event. I do not have a screen shot. If someone logged her visit, it will be in there. I am trying to post this info to be helpful so people don't miss out thinking they will be here longer than they will. I'd appreciate not being told to gtfo when I'm trying to help you. If you think this is b.s., fine, wait until after the event before you start opening the treasures.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by mr_groovy
So the new treasures are a real nice addition to the game. But my question is will these treasures only be there during the Winter Festival or are they a permanent addition to the game? If not I better get them now asap.
I doubt their event related.

Anet will have just been adding them at the same time as winterday to give canthan only players, something to be happy about.

It will be perminant I expect afterwards.

It seems a strange thing to add, only to have it exist for 12 days.

Especially if you dont know that guildwiki is giving away the locations of the known ones. Otherwise it would take longer then 12 days to find them all.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


I just found a screenshot. I will post momentarily.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Masseur
Well everything was max for me, but 1/2 were high req or with worthless mods. No one has gotten a gem so far that I've seen.
I just had a diamond drop from the one in Arjok Ward.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Are these random across the map? Are there specific places where they spawn?

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Fixed locations.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
Thanks alot.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006



nooo, not permanent?

I only have 1 char through NF yet..

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

I think they're too good to be permanent. You can do most of the chests (the 10 easiest at least) in like an hour, and they each give a gold item (almost always max damage/armor) and 500-2500ish coins. I made around 30k in two hours from running the easier chests on two of my characters, and that's just the chest cash and selling the ruby and sapphire I got. Once I can bother selling the various mods from all the weapons I'll probably double that. If this feature is here to stay, prices on most things (weapon mods and inscriptions in particular) will plummet terribly. It shouldn't be difficult to get a new character run through Nightfall in less than a day, and make at least 20k and possibly much, much more if you get a great drop.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Muk Utep
I think they're too good to be permanent. You can do most of the chests (the 10 easiest at least) in like an hour, and they each give a gold item (almost always max damage/armor) and 500-2500ish coins. I made around 30k in two hours from running the easier chests on two of my characters, and that's just the chest cash and selling the ruby and sapphire I got. Once I can bother selling the various mods from all the weapons I'll probably double that. If this feature is here to stay, prices on most things (weapon mods and inscriptions in particular) will plummet terribly. It shouldn't be difficult to get a new character run through Nightfall in less than a day, and make at least 20k and possibly much, much more if you get a great drop.
First, you have to actually do missions to get through nightfall - not so much with the running. Second: Prices should plummet on a lot of this stuff. There's a whole host of items that go for more than the cash amount a character is able to carry at one time: evidence positive that the high-end economy is screwed up. The only way most people will see that kind of money is through ebay. I guess one key point in the argument is thus: If people want it, people will find a way to get it - even if that way is through chinese sweatshop farming operations. People, in the abstract sense, are greedy and lazy. Anyone who's ever had a job, been in traffic, or been outside of their house can attest to that sad truism. And markets, provided the resources, always rise to meet demand. So.

Higher prices=more ebaying.

For a company that seeks to discourage the buying of gold, a company that clearly has not the capacity to discover, let alone ban, gold buyers and sellers, (you can see this in the number of full-FOW-dyed-black wammos that know not thing one about playing, leeroying far ahead only to shout "MONK HEAL WTF" as they double aggro torment mobs) depressing the prices of items to levels achievable by playing the game would be a wise course of action. Let's face it, putting things in the game that the vast majority of players cannot get is a sure-fire way to encourage cheating. It always is, it always has been. It's been the way of every game with an economy, ever. These chests would have been a good way to help kill off the ebay market: If players are given the option to work for something, work an amount they can actually, in theory, do, rather than ebay it, many of them will. Gold buying is pushed to the fringes - the less of it, the healthier the economy becomes. Prices begin to reflect what people can gain and spend through gameplay, instead of how much they can stick on daddy's credit card, like it is now.

Leaving these chests in has a permanent effect on the economy, in a positive way. Prices come down quite a bit, the common man can afford something nice here and there, and he doesn't cheat quite so much. Taking them out after the event means they cause but a momentary blip, where those who play religiously instead of having an outside life (Like me sometimes ) profit tremendously in the short term.




Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by mrgoat
First, you have to actually do missions to get through nightfall - not so much with the running. Second: Prices should plummet on a lot of this stuff. There's a whole host of items that go for more than the cash amount a character is able to carry at one time: evidence positive that the high-end economy is screwed up. The only way most people will see that kind of money is through ebay. I guess one key point in the argument is thus: If people want it, people will find a way to get it - even if that way is through chinese sweatshop farming operations. People, in the abstract sense, are greedy and lazy. Anyone who's ever had a job, been in traffic, or been outside of their house can attest to that sad truism. And markets, provided the resources, always rise to meet demand. So.

Higher prices=more ebaying.

For a company that seeks to discourage the buying of gold, a company that clearly has not the capacity to discover, let alone ban, gold buyers and sellers, (you can see this in the number of full-FOW-dyed-black wammos that know not thing one about playing, leeroying far ahead only to shout "MONK HEAL WTF" as they double aggro torment mobs) depressing the prices of items to levels achievable by playing the game would be a wise course of action. Let's face it, putting things in the game that the vast majority of players cannot get is a sure-fire way to encourage cheating. It always is, it always has been. It's been the way of every game with an economy, ever. These chests would have been a good way to help kill off the ebay market: If players are given the option to work for something, work an amount they can actually, in theory, do, rather than ebay it, many of them will. Gold buying is pushed to the fringes - the less of it, the healthier the economy becomes. Prices begin to reflect what people can gain and spend through gameplay, instead of how much they can stick on daddy's credit card, like it is now.

Leaving these chests in has a permanent effect on the economy, in a positive way. Prices come down quite a bit, the common man can afford something nice here and there, and he doesn't cheat quite so much. Taking them out after the event means they cause but a momentary blip, where those who play religiously instead of having an outside life (Like me sometimes ) profit tremendously in the short term.
if the chests were left in and everyone and their grandmas had that "rare" item you had, would it mean as much? i really like the chests but even if they are temporary, theyll do a good job of dropping prices for some time to come. even urgoz's long still hasnt recovered from the "everyone gets access to the elite mission weekend". im what you would call a "power trader" and just having these chests in the game drops prices immensely to the point were people wont be willing to buy that "rare" for 100k+ because theyve seen it available for much less and if no one shows interest for an item at 100k+ the sellers usually just sell their items for less.

i personally like the addition of the chests and hope that anet will include more such additions in the future.


Xunlai Master

Xunlai Master

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Serenity Temple


i can't c any harm done by new treasures, it should help ppl with low $$$.




Join Date: Oct 2006

And cause inflation, nice.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

ManitobaShipyards Refit and Repair Station

(SFC)Star Fleet Command,(TDE)The Daggerfall elite,(SOoM)Secret order of Magi

All the chests are is a bandaid on a amputated arm. Since Anet seems to be trying to not fix the underlying prob. Yes there update awhile back did nothing but hurt the people who werent dedicated to "FARMING" , by that i mean the ones who actually take the time to do it. As nice as a gift as these chests are thats all they really are is a bandaid. I've mentioned before if Anet really wanted to fix the economy the only way to do would be an increase in the drops, i also said that before anet wasnt gonna increase the drop rate when nightfall started with inscriptions.

For those who still think that Anet put some kind of cap on how much u can trade to other players, get over it there isnt one. The only reason there is a 100k cap on a person is that is the most you pay a NPC for any 1 item.

Thom The Brawler

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006


What's with this I'm poor stuff? Everybody playing this game has the same oppertunities to get gold as everyone else. I see it all the time here and in the game and it just makes me wanna laugh. Like the ppl who will spend 30 mins begging for 50g to get into storage LOL

Ansgar Two Hand

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



Really. People don't "need" super rare items; the thing I like about GW is that a casual gamer can still pull their weight. I was dirt poor for the longest time, and now the only reason I have 20-30K is because of new demand for NF items and shrewd use of the party search panel.

As for gold farmers, the main negative effect I see from that is outrageous inflation on prices of perfect mods and rare skins. However that doesn't really hamper my gameplay, since I can live with a +28hp axe mod or +14% ^50, and all us normal poor players who do find perfect mods can sell 'em and roll around in gold for a while.