How much does fow run nowadays?

The one Casey Squid

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Northeast

Knights Of Thulcandra [KoT]


Ive been saving up and I have a few sets of 15k im willing to salvage...

Anyone care to tell me how much a full set runs?

Male mesmer if it matters



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]

It's pretty much the same as 15k, just add 105 ectos and shards to the price I believe. You can do the math for the exact price.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Lotus Eaters


I payed 6.5k ea for ecto for 60 ecto (plus 7.5k ea when I bought my obsidian hose)

Add that to 2.5k for 35 shards and 3.5k for 60 shards.

Bottom line is price may vary a bit, but overall, be prepared to shell out big bucks to look good. 15k Armor is peanuts compared to FoW in price...