Wintergreen Candy Cane: Remove 15% DP?!



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


The new Wintersday collectors no longer give Candy Canes which remove all DP, but Wintergreen Candy Canes, which only remove 15% of DP.

One question: Why the heck did they switch it?!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

So Cal

The Sinister Vanguard


Originally Posted by Zinger314
The new Wintersday collectors no longer give Candy Canes which remove all DP, but Wintergreen Candy Canes, which only remove 15% of DP.

One question: Why the heck did they switch it?!
Old news on what the Wintergreen does... however the mysterious Rainbow Candy Cane has yet to be seen...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Manchester, England

New Dragons [NDR]

Perhaps the "Rainbow" candy canes will remove all DP, but will probably be harder to aquire.

You have to admit, removing all DP makes it a bit overpowered, especially if you have loads of them.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

So Cal

The Sinister Vanguard


Well, it's PvE only, so "over-powered" is a bit strong... peppermint already remove all DP, so I'd expect something a bit different. Perhaps a morale boost?

King's Spectre

King's Spectre

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Syracuse, NY, USA

The Amazon Basin (AB)


[soothing voice]You seem so angry lately, Zinger. Pull up a chair by the Dwarf. Sip on some 'nog and a have a candy cane. Relax. [/soothing voice]

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Unnerfed, they would have made for very very lucrative farming.

Anet disapproves of very very lucrative farming.

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Oh its complaints about the candy canes...please god leave the candy canes alone!

Like said we have yet to see rainbow candy canes do...

Curar Partida


Join Date: Oct 2006

Halfway To Hell


From what iv'e heard rumored is that Rainbow Candy Canes will give u an automatic 10% morale boost. Not that great

dr1zz one

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Having 15% DP is not a problem.
But, have you ever had 30% DP and thought, maybe after one more death....I'll use a CC? I think 15% DP removal works perfectly for those situations.
We would all rather have the removal of full DP, but these can work too.
Besides, its hard to complain about something free.
And if you dont want them, you dont need to get them.

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


I'm already bored with the event, just means more lag for me.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Posers and Wannabes [nubs]


At least they didn't let us waste a few days farming gargoyle skulls before we found out ... oops they did.

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Originally Posted by leprekan
At least they didn't let us waste a few days farming gargoyle skulls before we found out ... oops they did.
And on top of that each nerfed cane is double the cost of last years fully functional canes.


1 skull = 1 Cane = 60% DP removal

1 skull - 1/2 Cane = 7.5% DP removal

Basically, 1 skull should be worth about 1/8 of what it was last year.

During it's peak peppermint CC were selling for about 1k. I expect Wintergreen CC to top out at about $250 (If Im' lucky).

I didn't spend an inordinate amount of time farming skulls but I purchased some for what I thought was a good deal and it turns out I'll probably lose money on them. (I don't feel bad about that though because a Guild member used the money to buy Ancient Armor)

In a speculative market you sometimes lose.

On the up side. In a long elite mission, there is usually that one guy who insists on going to 60% DP before using a precious cane. In the meantime, his weakness starts a chain reaction in the team. By the time he uses his CC others in the party may have died a few times and the team suffers. Perhaps the Wintergreens will reverse this philosophy. It's much easier to justify a green cane after a couple of deaths to reduce DP to a managable level if the price is 1/4 that of a red cane.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
I'm already bored with the event, just means more lag for me.

haha me 2! those quests were crap xD when they bringing new things in..tomoz i guesss, then more the next day and so on, i bloody hope not!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

The only thing that's iffy about all this for me is that regular candy canes are now gonna be worth a lot more


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Defiant Dragons

Originally Posted by Linksys
The only thing that's iffy about all this for me is that regular candy canes are now gonna be worth a lot more
I really think prices on the old ones would drop. Before this event, the old candy canes were the only way to carry around DP removal. now, the new CC's are out. Not as good, but there will be TONS of them in the market. The old ones aren't the only game in town anymore, and the new ones aren't being held by a select few people who can dictate the sell price. We just went from a seller's market to a buyer's market for DP relief.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

the dmg for cc is not good and the skin is also not so good(for me).i dont like cc so just saying.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Gaile was in Kamadan last night, and someone asked her about it. She said they never meant for the original cc's to remove all DP, but that it had been a mistake. So this year, they fixed the mistake. Don't yell at me - I'm just repeating what I saw her say.

But I agree that there's a nice upside to the 15% ones. You no longer feel like you're wasting half a candy cane if you use one at 30%.

I'm hoping the rainbow ones work on the whole team, so we have the option to patch up heroes and henchies.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by LicensedLuny
Gaile was in Kamadan last night, and someone asked her about it. She said they never meant for the original cc's to remove all DP, but that it had been a mistake. So this year, they fixed the mistake. Don't yell at me - I'm just repeating what I saw her say.
You know, that's funny, because the description displayed when you hover over them says "Double-click to remove all Death Penalty. This item cannot be used in PvP".

They seem to function exactly as described. So... the description is a mistake as well?



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


well theres a possibility that they changed the description after they realized what had happened. =o

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

I don't recall that there was ANY description until recently. People just experimented with them until the effect was discovered.

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Who *cares* if the CCs are different this year? >.< I only collected about 35 of the things and I'm sooo dependent on their DP removal that I still have 28 after a full year's passed. And most of those used CCs were given to other people!
