Faction Allegiance
I have a bit of a problem, actually a large glowing like the sun problem. I am working on my Grandmaster Cartogropher title for Cantha, just one hitch: I am Luxon and I could not explore Kurzik lands. I tried other methods of getting through, didnt work. So I changed sides so I could bypass the spot that blocked me from exploring about 20-30% of the map. Now I have gathered the info I needed, then went to change BACK to a Luxon. Only I cannot, there is no quest for it anymore since I already did it. I worked up 10k faction, did not work, spent 10k faction Luxon to get rid of Kurzik, did not work. HOW THE HECK CAN I GO BACK TO LUXON?! Yee gods I hate Kurzik lands.
You don't need a quest to change back to Luxon. You just do more quests (including repeatable ones like the Jade Arena), challenge missions like Zos Chivros, and also alliance battles to get back your Luxon faction.
You account's Luxon faction just needs to be greater than the Kurzick faction.
So just go earn back my 10k luxon and it is done? Didnt work the first time round, oh well, here goes nothing.
exiled mat
strange problem indeed, even if you had 0 kurzick and 1 luxon faction you should be able to be luxon

Have any of you actually done this before?
Thom Bangalter
Are you talking about the 'befriend the luxons/befriending the kurzicks' quests? seems like you're taking them a bit too literally. They're just quests. As long as you have more luxon faction than kurzick they treat you normally, but remember: you're technically canthan.