I'm back

Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind


Join Date: Dec 2006

Hiya everyone. I quit guildwars for a while and played FFXI but I dont think its really my game so I might be comming back. Can anyone give me the basics on the 2 new jobs and the stuff that has changed? Do people still duo the underworld and things of that nature? How is pvp? (I played all the way through the first and second game and if I returned I would get nightfall too). How is gvg? That was one of my favorites. I have 6 level 20 characters from the first and second game on the same account, could I get my account back or would I have to make a new one (I quit about 5 months ago). How is the community changed? or has it stayed the same? Any other major changes in the game in the last 5 or 6 months would be great to post too.

And the top question: Will it be worth it to come back?

Just wanted to say hi! My last account was captainccc (or something of that nature) anyone remember me? I had a lot of characters that had "Captain -".
Thanks for any help.

P.S.- I'm also having a problem installing the software again. I installed the active 9.0 or whatever and when I click install guild wars the box dissapears and nothing happens. Any help?

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Well welcome back. I dont exactly know what you mean by two new jobs (maybe the Dervish and paragon?). If you do mean the D and P they are very good professions. One is a scythe wielding hooded warrior that fuels off enchants (Dervish) and the other a spear throwing fighter who uses shouts to support the team (Paragon)

Recently alot of changes have happend ingame. With the huge Wintersday event taking place came two new features - Reconnect after Disconnect and Party Search.The community is basicly the same (with the addition of party search) but heros (controllable henchmen with custom skills ect) have had an effect on the PuG side of the game.

You should be able to get back onto your account if you have the password and email still. Just my view but it is worth it to return to the game. People may complain about its current situation but most of the points they complain about are very stupid (oh no! Mallyx doesnt drop a unique skin!)

Good Luck

Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind


Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Free Runner
Well welcome back. I dont exactly know what you mean by two new jobs (maybe the Dervish and paragon?). If you do mean the D and P they are very good professions. One is a scythe wielding hooded warrior that fuels off enchants (Dervish) and the other a spear throwing fighter who uses shouts to support the team (Paragon)

Recently alot of changes have happend ingame. With the huge Wintersday event taking place came two new features - Reconnect after Disconnect and Party Search.The community is basicly the same (with the addition of party search) but heros (controllable henchmen with custom skills ect) have had an effect on the PuG side of the game.

You should be able to get back onto your account if you have the password and email still. Just my view but it is worth it to return to the game. People may complain about its current situation but most of the points they complain about are very stupid (oh no! Mallyx doesnt drop a unique skin!)

Good Luck
Professions sorry. And yes thats what I meant (been playing to much FFXI...). Any suggestions on the DL problem? It just dissapears after I click it. Id REALLY like my account back that has all my plat on it. It would kinda suck starting off with only nightfall and no money



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

East Coast =D

Various GvG Guilds...Always Moving


Ah. Found my old gwg account (this is piece of mind).

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Originally Posted by Piece of Mind
Professions sorry. And yes thats what I meant (been playing to much FFXI...). Any suggestions on the DL problem? It just dissapears after I click it. Id REALLY like my account back that has all my plat on it. It would kinda suck starting off with only nightfall and no money
You should take the problem to Technichans Corner forum. Some guys there may know what the problem is (if it is still a problem)

Have you checked your firewall?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Yes, I remember you - you owe me like 200plat!!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

yeah,you owe me 100plat

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Your account is stored on ANet's server, so it will be there waiting for you. That is, unless you did something to get perma-banned. Remember your password ?

Nirconus Otreum

Nirconus Otreum

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Well, let's see...

The new professions. Dervishes now have the most powerful weapon in the game. Their builds focus around using Enchantments and, most often, status conditions. Three of the popular builds for GvG use Avatar of Grenth, Ebon Dust Aura, and Avatar of Melandru. Paragons are obviously used for support - one of their skills, "Incoming!" has actually been nerfed already. You don't really see them much anymore with that gone. Sometimes you put them in builds with Searing Flames eles to compliment the Burning.

Hero's Acent is now 6 vs. 6.

You can't mix dye anymore. Also, it shows what the new item will look like before you apply the dye. There are new dyes, too: Brown and White. Grey Dye has replaced Dye remover.

After the next ladder reset, the GvG is going to have a whole new rulebook. It's going to be more "tournament-based." So, after this ladder reset, the ladder is never going to be reset again. In fact, there won't even be a ladder. Read more about it on www.guildwars.com, I don't know all that much about it.

That's about all I can think of for now. I'll post more if I think of anything else.