Tormented Staff Animation Vid Here!
Check it out. Sorry about the poor quality.
It looks freaky. I like it.
Are those heroes moving around? I hate how heroes do that when I'm trying to get a screen of my character!
They even switch positions every time I switch equipment.
Are those heroes moving around? I hate how heroes do that when I'm trying to get a screen of my character!
They even switch positions every time I switch equipment.
oh wow! it's animated? I wasn't going to get one, now I got to have one!
The Last Anthem
I want one....
I want one....
Now I'm curious what the Shield's animation looks like...
Yeah the heroes were in the way for a while before I finally came to my senses and ordered them out of the way.
I dont know why the quality looks like that. Must be that gamecam thing.
I dont know why the quality looks like that. Must be that gamecam thing.
Don't worry about the quality. I found that regardless of what settings I save my videos in, youtube reduces the quality somehow. It's mean.
Looks cool. Tip for next time, flag your Hero's away from you.
Oh. My. God. Gotta get one!
There's a good shot of it right around :26.
Don Zardeone
*sits back as he sees prices shoot up to the moon then come falling down like leaves on an autumn day*
Wow, looks amazing! Got.. to.. get... one...
Is that thing for sale?
looks nice, too bad the purple isn't dyeable
looks nice, too bad the purple isn't dyeable
i like of the few caster weapons that actually stands out
lyra_song LOVE purple
I thought the days of extremely expensive items are over.... guess i was wrong. lol
finally a new willy/kaoly!
too bad my finances are still the same as at the time of the biggest hype of those two - non-existant
too bad my finances are still the same as at the time of the biggest hype of those two - non-existant
Still don't like it, but the animation makes it pretty nice. I'm pretty sure spear, wand and focus won't be worth it either though, so I probably won't be using any Tormented items.
Maria The Princess
if the bow does the same thing (animation) im going out of my way to get one. and custumise it
That's soo extremely cool. I WANT ONE!
looks amazing!
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that all of the weapons have this sort of animation. If that's the case, I think I'm fine without a glowing purple sword.
storm of daeth
not all the weapons do the sword and many others are just black.
Very nice skin
whats so special about these tormented things ...i mean their not even cool :O
Being the one that took that vid, their very cool.
But what's so special about them ? because they are shiny ?_? i mean whats different about the stats or something ...
Originally Posted by ecknine
But what's so special about them ? because they are shiny ?_? i mean whats different about the stats or something ...
nope, they're just the same as every other weapon(daggers are req 9, 15^50 inscriptable) but they're just totally different then any other weapon out there. oh, and they cost about 3-5 mil(15 of each gemstone)
I want to see the Tormented Sycthe .__.;
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
I want to see the Tormented Sycthe .__.;
if the blade was animated to be like some sort of lightbundel like the MargonitesO.o
I want to see Tormented Daggers, tho they'll prolly never appear,
I want to see Tormented Daggers, tho they'll prolly never appear,
...must...grind...the shit out of myself...cause I want it :|
It's so pwnage!
...must...grind...the shit out of myself...cause I want it :|
It's so pwnage!
Stranger The Ranger
Meh, I mostly avoid Glowy/Plastic'ish skins... (Storm Bow/Eternal Bow) But I kinda like the staff.
Too bad its gonna be another "WTS Tormented Staff ONLY 100k + *insert insane amount of* ECTO!!!!" skin xD
Too bad its gonna be another "WTS Tormented Staff ONLY 100k + *insert insane amount of* ECTO!!!!" skin xD
As far as I know, when I took that vid 2 days ago, that was the only tormented staff in existence. There are a couple shields out there. Either way, you can probably count all tormented items in existence on 1 or 2 hands tops. So they are going to cost a fortune. And they will most likely remian very pricy for a long time because they arent easily farmed. They arent like special greens that you can just go and farm a boss over and over. They take an extradinary amount of skill and work to obtain. They may cost millions forever.
i dont get it why they are so expensive ... with these 'gemstones ' ?
You need 60, and they are only found in the most difficult area across all 3 GW campaigns. Even if these areas weren't that difficult, it still would be very time consuming to get 60 because they aren't easy to come by. So no matter what happens, it will always take a long time to get one of these weapons, which is why I believe the price will always be high. It may come down a bit, but they will never be affordable for the non-rich.
Someone pointed out that these are the weapons equivelant of FoW armor, and that's exactly what they are. FoW will always be fairly difficult to obtain, and will always cost a lot of money. Same deal here. Also, as with FoW armor, most of us probably have weapons with just as good, or even better stats, but these weapons were put in the game to give you something cool to work towards to keep you interested in the game. And their also a symbol of status. Owning one shows you are either very rich, or a very good player to actually earn the 60 required gems.
Vahn Roi
Gratz on getting the staff, I don't think I'll get one though. The shield was a bit of a letdown too.
bump for those that may have missed it that are interested.
Total Rogue
very nice, you almost made me want one