1) Introduction
Snowball Arena is great fun. I personally love it more then Dragonball Arena, and I played Dragonball quite a bit. To help people on their way to play this nifty event game, here is a little guide with some pointers to get the maximum out of your games.
2) Basics
So what does a player have to know about this little game to become good at it?
Well, first know the skills. I'll link to the good folks at guildwiki for this one: snowball skills.
most skills are the same for everyone.
There is one skill that changes with the side you play for.
Grenth's side: Yellow snowball
Dwayna's side: Avalanche
You can't choose your side, so just play with what you are given. Many players have a preference for playing on Dwayna's side, because of the ranged cripple it provides. Which is of course, very usefull in a game like Snowball Arena that centers on running presents.
Grenth's side provides a way to remove conditions (i.e. the Cripple from Dwayna's side) and a way to spread Disease.
The removing of conditions takes 2 seconds, which is a bit slow. For this reason, playing on Dwayna's side gives an advantage, as is believed by many players.
Then there is one skill that changes with the primarary profession you take in the arena:
Assassin: Side Step
The shadow stepping will cause you to drop the present if you hold it. And you often need the healing the most when you are running a present. For this reason, I consider the Assassin a pretty weak profession in the Snowball Arena.
Dervish: Depending on the side you play for:
Avatar of Dwayna or Avatar of Grenth
Fun skills, which can give a bit of healing while in 1v1 skirmish and tip the balance. However, in general, this profession won't be a matchwinner since Snowball Arena is not centered around fighting 1v1 skirmish.
Elementalist: Icicles
A nice snare that also does a decent amount of damage. The only downside is it's 2 second cast, which makes it relatively easy to interrupt. When playing on Grenth's side, this is your only way to have a snare on your team. A solid profession.
Mesmer: Blinding Snow
An interrupt with 10 second recharge. Nice to interrupt Hidden Rock, Icicles or other critical skills. The blind it also causes is only usuable as covercondition, as the Snowball skills are Spells. So primarily, this is an interrupt. Solid profession.
Monk: Ice Breaker
A nice heal to protect the runner with. The knockdown clause causes that the attacker can't easily capture the present of the runner and it takes some pressure damage away. Solid profession.
Necro: Holiday Blues
Interesting skill, that can do quite a bit of damage. But using it takes yourself out the battle, and that is something many players seem to forget. It can easily wipe out Jack Frost spirits though if there is need for that. Use with care, preferably only when you are about to die anyway. Your positioning will determine how effective you can be with Holiday Blues. Not a bad profession, but certainly the one that is played often the worst in Snowball Arena due to triggerhappiness of players.
Paragon: Steady Aim
Disappointing. 2s cast for this shout makes it less attractive. Would be nice to combo with Mega Snowball. The nature of Snowball Arena is however that you can't communicate and that often the team is split up, meaning the effect is so-so in general for the team. For this reason, I consider the Paragon a pretty weak profession in Snowball Arena.
Ranger: Flurry of Ice
The biggest advantage of this skill is it 3/4 cast time, which is a bit faster then Snowball. In other words, its easier to lock someone down with Dazed or Snow Down the Shirt with this skill. Aside from that, a bit so-so since players aren't often balled up that it will trigger the 'adjacent' requirement. So-so profession.
Ritualist: Jack Frost
With strategic positioning of the spirits, you can add some pressuredamage with the spirits. Not a bad profession.
Warrior: "Let's get 'em!"
An earshot-range speedbuff. Solid pick.
Last remark as part of the basics: don't forget the winning condition of Snowball Arena: delivering 5 presents to your Avatar. This is not an annihilationmatch, where killing leads to victory. It is more like the relicrunning in Heroes Ascent.
3) Tips & Tricks
For the players aiming to get some progress on the 'Gamer' titletrack, here is a list of tips that might give you a helping hand.
- Preperations: before the match-timer starts
1) Vampiric weapons work. this helps to kill yourself if you are on low hp, and there is little to do (no presents to run, present with runner out of reach). Of course, running in to a 'Holiday Blues' well will accomplish the same.
2) Weapon inscriptions and runes that lengthen dazed duration, reduce cripple, reduce daze, 10% cast time, etc. etc. all work with snowballs.
3) Before the gate opens, put up Hidden Rock. The glyph stays up indefinetely till you use your snowball.
4) Keybind 'closest item'. It's awesome to pick up presents that are being dropped by runners
- General pointers
5) There is no deathpenalty system. It can be advantageous to let yourself be killed. You'll spawn at the res shrine, which can be a nice way to get all healed up again and at a new location. Also great for buying time if a teammate is running a present, and you want to 'keep them just busy' is to just take the damage and soak it up.
The other way around: keeping at low health can be more threatening then killing him. Kill him when there is a need:
A) He's running the present.
B) He's attacking your team's runner.
6) If a teammate is running present: try to give him speedboost if you are war, Ice Breaker him if you are a monk and see the runner is taking damage, and knockdown/daze/slow the attackers.
7) Don't throw around little snowballs randomly. They aren't gamewinners. The only time to really use snowball is when you want to kill someone attacking a teammate that runs. he'll be forced to Snowcone, which blacks him out. No more attacks from him for a while.
If you think you can kill the opposing runner like this, go for it naturally.
If you want to charge up on adrenaline for Mega Snowball and have the time for it, that's fine of course.
8) 2 of the presents drop in the water, which slows you down if you stop. It is possible to time your movement in such a way, that you won't be slowed by the environment effect. Just when you about to pick up the present, push your movement button in the direction you want to run.
9) Knocking down opponents on the ice is quite effective. The effect that slows them down takes them out of the battle for a short period of time, which can pay off with another present cap.
10) Always make sure to target the nearest enemy to you if you are carrying a present. Make sure to have Hidden Rock active, so that you can quickly conquer any lost present back.
- Positioning & movement
11) This is right after the gate opens:
Notice the positioning. We are all spread out towards places the first present could possibly drop. This gave us an advantage to pick up the first present.
Also notice: the monk was second from our base, while I as war was third in the line. I could quickly speedboost the team from my position if the first present spawned at position 2, 3 or 4. (4 being the furtherst from our base, 1 the closest).
12) The presents drop at XX.15 and XX.45 of each minute. So if you res, take a quick peek at the timer, and decide if you want to position yourself in a way to pick the new present up while the other players are fighting over the current present.
13) Keep a sharp eye on the radar. Blue circles appear if a present lies on the ground, and pressing 'closest item' regulary also makes you aware of the location of presents. You'll be fast to pick up new presents like that. Also seeing enemy players move towards their Avatar at slow rate is a good indication that there is a present in his hands.
14) Bodyblock. Just by standing in front of someone, you can hinder his movement.
15) Snowballs are projectiles, and can be dodged by moving away from the snowball's path. Of course, this is easier when normally moving then when carying a present or being snared.
- Skill use: beyond buttonsmashing
16) Hidden Rock + Snowball or Mega Snowball make the carrier of a present drop it. So if possible stand next to the opposing runner when you use it, so you can immediately steal it from him. Just run up to him, then use the skill. Using hidden rock +snowball when you are a bit away doesn't do much. You won't be in time to pick the present up unless a teammate is already standing next to the runner picking the present up instead of you.
17) Snow fortress: There are about 3 uses for this.
A) Before the first present appears and they are hitting on you.
B) The snow fortress is nice if you are defending your team's runner and need some protection to stay alive yourself.
C) The most important one: Let's say you're running a present and you have a guy after you. He runs in front of you, so you know he's about to hidden rock+snowball you. Target him and once he finishes using hidden rock, hit Snow Fort. Provided he does what 80% of people do, he'll use Snowball just as you use Snow Fort, meaning that you get up the fort just as it hits. You won't be knocked down, but will drop the present. Since you won't be knocked down, you can quickly pick the present up again. Hit 'target nearest item'-key and spacebar to pick up the dropped item instantly. Wasted hidden rock+snowball on enemy side.
18) Yellow snow: I can imagine 2 uses for this.
A) To remove Cripple or Dazed.
B) Its worth considering putting up Yellow Snow before the timer starts instead of Hidden Rock. You'll probably have enough time to do disease an enemy, and still put up Hidden Rock before the first present spawns. If you are about to hit 11 seconds and haven't Diseased someone, just cast Hidden Rock then. Playing on Grenth's side, this little more aggressive approach may just make the difference.
19) Snow Down the Shirt: usefull to protect a teammate who is running. hex+dazed = everything is interrupted. I prefer to use it only when an enemy is close to me, else i'd go for hidden rock + snowball probably first before using this hex.
20) Simple one: don't use snowcone until you dropped below 200 hp.
21) If Ice Breaker is up on the runner, you can try to knockdown the runner, but since you will be knocked down as well, you won't be able to the present up. If a teammate is nearby, he can do it. Else just wait till the yellow enchantment arrow wears off and knockdown then.
Well, that should help you on your way. Good luck and have fun.
I want to thank the following persons who all have contributed with tips and pointers for this little write-up about Snowball Arena:
Wacky, Burst Cancel, Relambrien, Sakki, TheEpic, Eonwe and Ensign.
Hope I didn't forgot anyone.
"Be warned: too much Snowball Arena leads to overestimation of abilities"
Snowball Arena is great fun. I personally love it more then Dragonball Arena, and I played Dragonball quite a bit. To help people on their way to play this nifty event game, here is a little guide with some pointers to get the maximum out of your games.
2) Basics
So what does a player have to know about this little game to become good at it?
Well, first know the skills. I'll link to the good folks at guildwiki for this one: snowball skills.
most skills are the same for everyone.
There is one skill that changes with the side you play for.
Grenth's side: Yellow snowball
Dwayna's side: Avalanche
You can't choose your side, so just play with what you are given. Many players have a preference for playing on Dwayna's side, because of the ranged cripple it provides. Which is of course, very usefull in a game like Snowball Arena that centers on running presents.
Grenth's side provides a way to remove conditions (i.e. the Cripple from Dwayna's side) and a way to spread Disease.
The removing of conditions takes 2 seconds, which is a bit slow. For this reason, playing on Dwayna's side gives an advantage, as is believed by many players.
Then there is one skill that changes with the primarary profession you take in the arena:
Assassin: Side Step
The shadow stepping will cause you to drop the present if you hold it. And you often need the healing the most when you are running a present. For this reason, I consider the Assassin a pretty weak profession in the Snowball Arena.
Dervish: Depending on the side you play for:
Avatar of Dwayna or Avatar of Grenth
Fun skills, which can give a bit of healing while in 1v1 skirmish and tip the balance. However, in general, this profession won't be a matchwinner since Snowball Arena is not centered around fighting 1v1 skirmish.
Elementalist: Icicles
A nice snare that also does a decent amount of damage. The only downside is it's 2 second cast, which makes it relatively easy to interrupt. When playing on Grenth's side, this is your only way to have a snare on your team. A solid profession.
Mesmer: Blinding Snow
An interrupt with 10 second recharge. Nice to interrupt Hidden Rock, Icicles or other critical skills. The blind it also causes is only usuable as covercondition, as the Snowball skills are Spells. So primarily, this is an interrupt. Solid profession.
Monk: Ice Breaker
A nice heal to protect the runner with. The knockdown clause causes that the attacker can't easily capture the present of the runner and it takes some pressure damage away. Solid profession.
Necro: Holiday Blues
Interesting skill, that can do quite a bit of damage. But using it takes yourself out the battle, and that is something many players seem to forget. It can easily wipe out Jack Frost spirits though if there is need for that. Use with care, preferably only when you are about to die anyway. Your positioning will determine how effective you can be with Holiday Blues. Not a bad profession, but certainly the one that is played often the worst in Snowball Arena due to triggerhappiness of players.
Paragon: Steady Aim
Disappointing. 2s cast for this shout makes it less attractive. Would be nice to combo with Mega Snowball. The nature of Snowball Arena is however that you can't communicate and that often the team is split up, meaning the effect is so-so in general for the team. For this reason, I consider the Paragon a pretty weak profession in Snowball Arena.
Ranger: Flurry of Ice
The biggest advantage of this skill is it 3/4 cast time, which is a bit faster then Snowball. In other words, its easier to lock someone down with Dazed or Snow Down the Shirt with this skill. Aside from that, a bit so-so since players aren't often balled up that it will trigger the 'adjacent' requirement. So-so profession.
Ritualist: Jack Frost
With strategic positioning of the spirits, you can add some pressuredamage with the spirits. Not a bad profession.
Warrior: "Let's get 'em!"
An earshot-range speedbuff. Solid pick.
Last remark as part of the basics: don't forget the winning condition of Snowball Arena: delivering 5 presents to your Avatar. This is not an annihilationmatch, where killing leads to victory. It is more like the relicrunning in Heroes Ascent.
3) Tips & Tricks
For the players aiming to get some progress on the 'Gamer' titletrack, here is a list of tips that might give you a helping hand.
- Preperations: before the match-timer starts
1) Vampiric weapons work. this helps to kill yourself if you are on low hp, and there is little to do (no presents to run, present with runner out of reach). Of course, running in to a 'Holiday Blues' well will accomplish the same.
2) Weapon inscriptions and runes that lengthen dazed duration, reduce cripple, reduce daze, 10% cast time, etc. etc. all work with snowballs.
3) Before the gate opens, put up Hidden Rock. The glyph stays up indefinetely till you use your snowball.
4) Keybind 'closest item'. It's awesome to pick up presents that are being dropped by runners
- General pointers
5) There is no deathpenalty system. It can be advantageous to let yourself be killed. You'll spawn at the res shrine, which can be a nice way to get all healed up again and at a new location. Also great for buying time if a teammate is running a present, and you want to 'keep them just busy' is to just take the damage and soak it up.
The other way around: keeping at low health can be more threatening then killing him. Kill him when there is a need:
A) He's running the present.
B) He's attacking your team's runner.
6) If a teammate is running present: try to give him speedboost if you are war, Ice Breaker him if you are a monk and see the runner is taking damage, and knockdown/daze/slow the attackers.
7) Don't throw around little snowballs randomly. They aren't gamewinners. The only time to really use snowball is when you want to kill someone attacking a teammate that runs. he'll be forced to Snowcone, which blacks him out. No more attacks from him for a while.
If you think you can kill the opposing runner like this, go for it naturally.
If you want to charge up on adrenaline for Mega Snowball and have the time for it, that's fine of course.
8) 2 of the presents drop in the water, which slows you down if you stop. It is possible to time your movement in such a way, that you won't be slowed by the environment effect. Just when you about to pick up the present, push your movement button in the direction you want to run.
9) Knocking down opponents on the ice is quite effective. The effect that slows them down takes them out of the battle for a short period of time, which can pay off with another present cap.
10) Always make sure to target the nearest enemy to you if you are carrying a present. Make sure to have Hidden Rock active, so that you can quickly conquer any lost present back.
- Positioning & movement
11) This is right after the gate opens:
Notice the positioning. We are all spread out towards places the first present could possibly drop. This gave us an advantage to pick up the first present.
Also notice: the monk was second from our base, while I as war was third in the line. I could quickly speedboost the team from my position if the first present spawned at position 2, 3 or 4. (4 being the furtherst from our base, 1 the closest).
12) The presents drop at XX.15 and XX.45 of each minute. So if you res, take a quick peek at the timer, and decide if you want to position yourself in a way to pick the new present up while the other players are fighting over the current present.
13) Keep a sharp eye on the radar. Blue circles appear if a present lies on the ground, and pressing 'closest item' regulary also makes you aware of the location of presents. You'll be fast to pick up new presents like that. Also seeing enemy players move towards their Avatar at slow rate is a good indication that there is a present in his hands.
14) Bodyblock. Just by standing in front of someone, you can hinder his movement.
15) Snowballs are projectiles, and can be dodged by moving away from the snowball's path. Of course, this is easier when normally moving then when carying a present or being snared.
- Skill use: beyond buttonsmashing
16) Hidden Rock + Snowball or Mega Snowball make the carrier of a present drop it. So if possible stand next to the opposing runner when you use it, so you can immediately steal it from him. Just run up to him, then use the skill. Using hidden rock +snowball when you are a bit away doesn't do much. You won't be in time to pick the present up unless a teammate is already standing next to the runner picking the present up instead of you.
17) Snow fortress: There are about 3 uses for this.
A) Before the first present appears and they are hitting on you.
B) The snow fortress is nice if you are defending your team's runner and need some protection to stay alive yourself.
C) The most important one: Let's say you're running a present and you have a guy after you. He runs in front of you, so you know he's about to hidden rock+snowball you. Target him and once he finishes using hidden rock, hit Snow Fort. Provided he does what 80% of people do, he'll use Snowball just as you use Snow Fort, meaning that you get up the fort just as it hits. You won't be knocked down, but will drop the present. Since you won't be knocked down, you can quickly pick the present up again. Hit 'target nearest item'-key and spacebar to pick up the dropped item instantly. Wasted hidden rock+snowball on enemy side.
18) Yellow snow: I can imagine 2 uses for this.
A) To remove Cripple or Dazed.
B) Its worth considering putting up Yellow Snow before the timer starts instead of Hidden Rock. You'll probably have enough time to do disease an enemy, and still put up Hidden Rock before the first present spawns. If you are about to hit 11 seconds and haven't Diseased someone, just cast Hidden Rock then. Playing on Grenth's side, this little more aggressive approach may just make the difference.
19) Snow Down the Shirt: usefull to protect a teammate who is running. hex+dazed = everything is interrupted. I prefer to use it only when an enemy is close to me, else i'd go for hidden rock + snowball probably first before using this hex.
20) Simple one: don't use snowcone until you dropped below 200 hp.
21) If Ice Breaker is up on the runner, you can try to knockdown the runner, but since you will be knocked down as well, you won't be able to the present up. If a teammate is nearby, he can do it. Else just wait till the yellow enchantment arrow wears off and knockdown then.
Well, that should help you on your way. Good luck and have fun.
I want to thank the following persons who all have contributed with tips and pointers for this little write-up about Snowball Arena:
Wacky, Burst Cancel, Relambrien, Sakki, TheEpic, Eonwe and Ensign.
Hope I didn't forgot anyone.
"Be warned: too much Snowball Arena leads to overestimation of abilities"
Thanks for the effort for to make this guide, although i know all this stuff but a lot of people who are experiencing SBA for the first time this year and need nice guide like this...thanks again Makkaert.
Nice guide Makkert,
One remark, the mesmer really is the best proffesion to get in there IMO. You can prevent KD's (Hidden Rock interupting).
I'm not too sure on the elementalist, it seems kind a weak skill (2 sec cast I think).
I also use the Snow Fortress to clean the Rit their 'spirits'.
You also base-rez every full 5 seconds I think.
One remark, the mesmer really is the best proffesion to get in there IMO. You can prevent KD's (Hidden Rock interupting).
I'm not too sure on the elementalist, it seems kind a weak skill (2 sec cast I think).
I also use the Snow Fortress to clean the Rit their 'spirits'.
You also base-rez every full 5 seconds I think.
Originally Posted by Medion
Nice guide Makkert,
One remark, the mesmer really is the best proffesion to get in there. You can prevent KD's (Hidden Rock interupting). I'm not too sure on the elementalist, it seems kind a weak skill (2 sec cast I think). |
Its my personal opinion which professions are the best. You are entitled on your own opinon.
I also use the Snow Fortress to clean the Rit their 'spirits'. |
I'm not following what you mean to say here... |
use of Snow fortress: only before the first present appears and they are hitting on you. Or if you carry the present, you got 2 or 3 players bashing on you, and you want to buy time for your team to reach you (note: you still can drop a present, so this only works against poor teams that won't steal the present from you in a quick way). The snow fortress is nice if you are defending your team's runner and need some protection to stay alive yourself. |

I've added this to the Wintersday Guide... well a link to this 
Can a mod sticky this guide at the top, think it will be useful for people to see.

Can a mod sticky this guide at the top, think it will be useful for people to see.
Blind doesn't actually do much except as a cover condition because the snowballs are spells (as far as I can tell).
Necro suicide bombing wipes out enemy rit spirits good too.
But the interrupt is sweet, when you're running presents, many opponents like to use hidden rock when really close to you. It buys you 10 more seconds without a present grab.
Necro suicide bombing wipes out enemy rit spirits good too.
But the interrupt is sweet, when you're running presents, many opponents like to use hidden rock when really close to you. It buys you 10 more seconds without a present grab.
/signed for sticky
Helpful guide.
Helpful guide.
Burst Cancel
The ritualist, if used correctly, is one of the stronger classes, because they're insane at 1v1 (Snow Down the Shirt + Jack Frost = gg), making it easy to split 3/1. Monks, if you have enough of them, become really stupid because they can force you to trade KDs for protracted periods.
A few additional tips:
1) Because of the respawn mechanic (ie. near-instant res and no DP), the only time dying matters is when you are running a present, or you are supporting the runner. This implies a few things:
- Random fighting without a present at stake is mostly useless. I usually just dodge snowballs or let them kill me and respawn.
- Unless there is a present at stake, it is better to leave people at very low health than to kill them outright. As a corollary, you should bring a vamp weapon to kill yourself when you are at low health (not strictly necessary - there will almost always be someone on the other team who can't resist killing you).
- Do not use snowcone unless you are holding a present. There is no point staying alive if you can't fight. It is always better to just die and respawn. This also saves your snowcone for when you're running a present.
- It should go without saying, but don't use your snowcone when you are above 200 health, as it will heal for less than it should.
2) KDs are more important than anything else. Every runner has 800 effective health, which takes 16 normal snowball hits to chew through, whereas a single KD will make him drop his present. This means:
- Whenever you have any downtime, put up Hidden Rock. After you die, put up Hidden Rock. The glyph isn't timed, so you should *always* have one up.
- Look for other people using Hidden Rock and try to interrupt them. A lot of chasers will try to run next to you or in front of you to use it when you are running a present. You can Snow Down the Shirt them as they run by you, at which point Rock is an easy interrupt at 2s activation.
- Don't throw a snowball with Rock up if the target is already KD'd. If you are already in the process of using snowball when he gets KD'd, cancel your throw (I'm sure all of you have practice from canceling skills to prevent Diversion).
3) Tab between the enemies in range so you can react quickly to their skills.
- Keep track of people using Hidden Rock, so you know when you must dodge a snowball.
- If you see someone using Avalanche on you, use Yellow Snow *before* the Avalanche hits, so you take the cripple off immediately.
- Use Ice Breaker on-reaction to a snowball hit. Don't use it when you aren't about to get hit.
4) Ice Fort is not as useful as it seems. Since you can't move while using it, it is primarily a stall tactic. Furthermore, you can still be interrupted, and you will still drop your present if you are hit by a KD (although you won't actually be KD'd, so you can immediately pick it back up). Ice Fort should only be used when:
- You need more time for the rest of your team to get to you. Be aware of anyone around you using KD skills, and be ready to pick your present up immediately when you get hit.
- You are supporting your runner, but are low on health.
- You are harassing their runner, but are low on health.
- On-reaction to a KD you know you can't avoid.
5) A few things to note as a runner:
- Putting Snow Down the Shirt on someone that's chasing you too closely is a really easy way to shut them down for 20s, especially if you have any teammates supporting you. Works especially well with Dazed, for obvious reasons.
- If you have Avalanche, it's worth the time to turn around and cripple any pursuers. Aside from simply buying you time, it makes it very hard for them to steal back the present even if you are KD'd.
- You *can* dodge long-distance snowballs even while holding the present. Right before they are about to release, run perpendicularly to the snowball's flight path, and after the snowball is released, immediately run the other way. Have the opponent targetted to help you time. If running on a hill, you can dodge snowballs simply by running forward until just before the snowball is released and then running backwards (run, not backpedal); the difference in elevation will cause the snowball to miss.
- If you anticipate a 1v1 situation, prep Hidden Rock before you pick up the present, even if that means letting them pick the present up first. Daze + Snow Down the Shirt will allow you to 1v1 them easily even while running a present.
A few additional tips:
1) Because of the respawn mechanic (ie. near-instant res and no DP), the only time dying matters is when you are running a present, or you are supporting the runner. This implies a few things:
- Random fighting without a present at stake is mostly useless. I usually just dodge snowballs or let them kill me and respawn.
- Unless there is a present at stake, it is better to leave people at very low health than to kill them outright. As a corollary, you should bring a vamp weapon to kill yourself when you are at low health (not strictly necessary - there will almost always be someone on the other team who can't resist killing you).
- Do not use snowcone unless you are holding a present. There is no point staying alive if you can't fight. It is always better to just die and respawn. This also saves your snowcone for when you're running a present.
- It should go without saying, but don't use your snowcone when you are above 200 health, as it will heal for less than it should.
2) KDs are more important than anything else. Every runner has 800 effective health, which takes 16 normal snowball hits to chew through, whereas a single KD will make him drop his present. This means:
- Whenever you have any downtime, put up Hidden Rock. After you die, put up Hidden Rock. The glyph isn't timed, so you should *always* have one up.
- Look for other people using Hidden Rock and try to interrupt them. A lot of chasers will try to run next to you or in front of you to use it when you are running a present. You can Snow Down the Shirt them as they run by you, at which point Rock is an easy interrupt at 2s activation.
- Don't throw a snowball with Rock up if the target is already KD'd. If you are already in the process of using snowball when he gets KD'd, cancel your throw (I'm sure all of you have practice from canceling skills to prevent Diversion).
3) Tab between the enemies in range so you can react quickly to their skills.
- Keep track of people using Hidden Rock, so you know when you must dodge a snowball.
- If you see someone using Avalanche on you, use Yellow Snow *before* the Avalanche hits, so you take the cripple off immediately.
- Use Ice Breaker on-reaction to a snowball hit. Don't use it when you aren't about to get hit.
4) Ice Fort is not as useful as it seems. Since you can't move while using it, it is primarily a stall tactic. Furthermore, you can still be interrupted, and you will still drop your present if you are hit by a KD (although you won't actually be KD'd, so you can immediately pick it back up). Ice Fort should only be used when:
- You need more time for the rest of your team to get to you. Be aware of anyone around you using KD skills, and be ready to pick your present up immediately when you get hit.
- You are supporting your runner, but are low on health.
- You are harassing their runner, but are low on health.
- On-reaction to a KD you know you can't avoid.
5) A few things to note as a runner:
- Putting Snow Down the Shirt on someone that's chasing you too closely is a really easy way to shut them down for 20s, especially if you have any teammates supporting you. Works especially well with Dazed, for obvious reasons.
- If you have Avalanche, it's worth the time to turn around and cripple any pursuers. Aside from simply buying you time, it makes it very hard for them to steal back the present even if you are KD'd.
- You *can* dodge long-distance snowballs even while holding the present. Right before they are about to release, run perpendicularly to the snowball's flight path, and after the snowball is released, immediately run the other way. Have the opponent targetted to help you time. If running on a hill, you can dodge snowballs simply by running forward until just before the snowball is released and then running backwards (run, not backpedal); the difference in elevation will cause the snowball to miss.
- If you anticipate a 1v1 situation, prep Hidden Rock before you pick up the present, even if that means letting them pick the present up first. Daze + Snow Down the Shirt will allow you to 1v1 them easily even while running a present.
Thanks for the tips guys/gals. This is what I like to see, people helping each other.
Suprised no-one seems to have mentioned "relay"
If say you have one present runner and one person defending him with snowballs, and are facing 2 or more enemies from the opposite team chasing you, its generally best for the defender to stay nearly adjacent to the runner. When the runner is inevitably KD'd, the defender can instantly scoop up the present and keep running while the other is getting to their feet. This will get your present to base a lot faster. Takes some crazy coordination for a random arena though.
If say you have one present runner and one person defending him with snowballs, and are facing 2 or more enemies from the opposite team chasing you, its generally best for the defender to stay nearly adjacent to the runner. When the runner is inevitably KD'd, the defender can instantly scoop up the present and keep running while the other is getting to their feet. This will get your present to base a lot faster. Takes some crazy coordination for a random arena though.
Former Ruling
Actually I don't like you implying that some of those classes are useless..
Necro: Putting your Well up at the right location can screw runners up bad...
Ranger: Flurry has a faster cast than snowball, so its PERFECT for interupts on Shirt'ed enemies or to still throw while you are Shirt'ed and being Snowballed.
Rit: One of the strongest IMO. Jack Frost can be a game breaker if set up right.
Mesmer: Interupting the right skill as a Helper for your runner will win games. Nuff Said.
Necro: Putting your Well up at the right location can screw runners up bad...
Ranger: Flurry has a faster cast than snowball, so its PERFECT for interupts on Shirt'ed enemies or to still throw while you are Shirt'ed and being Snowballed.
Rit: One of the strongest IMO. Jack Frost can be a game breaker if set up right.
Mesmer: Interupting the right skill as a Helper for your runner will win games. Nuff Said.
Originally Posted by Makkert
4) use of Snow fortress: only before the first present appears and they are hitting on you. Or if you carry the present, you got 2 or 3 players bashing on you, and you want to buy time for your team to reach you (note: you still can drop a present, so this only works against poor teams that won't steal the present from you in a quick way).
The snow fortress is nice if you are defending your team's runner and need some protection to stay alive yourself. |
Let's say you're running and you have a guy after you. He runs in front of you, so you know he's about to hidden rock+snowball you. Target him and once he finishes using hidden rock, hit Snow Fort. Provided he does what 80% of people do, he'll use Snowball just as you use Snow Fort, meaning that you get up the fort just as it hits. Mash semi-colon (or whatever your target nearest item key is) and spacebar to pick up the dropped item instantly. Wasted hidden rock+snowball, gg. Very fun to do ^^
And I'd just like to say, this is an awesome guide. Lays things out very well. Take it from the guy with the Pro Skillz title, I love it ^^
great article.
Snowball Arena is a serious business.
Snowball Arena is a serious business.
Faith Angelis
One tactic I've found to work really well is really morean exploit of other team's bad tactics: Make a lot of noise at their avatar and respawn point, or in the area between it and the ice. Dropping a Jack Frost (as a rit, obviously) right in front of their avatar can often draw one or two of their players into wasting time killing it, relieving pressure on your team to carry presents.
I think assassins can somehow "dodge" hidden rocked snowballs or mega snowballs while you are running a present with shadowstep, but that requires alot of skill and it might even teleport you further away from your destination.
During downtime, its better to attack someone with regular snowballs to charge up mega snowball to have an extra KD when a present spawns.
But IMO Mesmers rock! ^^ its so hilarious to interrupt someones hidden rock during a 1v1 situation
During downtime, its better to attack someone with regular snowballs to charge up mega snowball to have an extra KD when a present spawns.
But IMO Mesmers rock! ^^ its so hilarious to interrupt someones hidden rock during a 1v1 situation

Another major use of Snow Fort is for Ritualists...
Simply plant yourself (when opportunity permits), directly on either side of the hill where the enemy's avatar is. Cast Jack Frost, and when the enemies approach, throw up snow fort, cast avalanche (if you're on Dwayna's side) and use snowballs to allow you and Jack to pummel them into oblivion.
Normally it takes 2-3 enemies to take me down, during which time your allies are running presents like mad.
Simply plant yourself (when opportunity permits), directly on either side of the hill where the enemy's avatar is. Cast Jack Frost, and when the enemies approach, throw up snow fort, cast avalanche (if you're on Dwayna's side) and use snowballs to allow you and Jack to pummel them into oblivion.
Normally it takes 2-3 enemies to take me down, during which time your allies are running presents like mad.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Actually I don't like you implying that some of those classes are useless..
An experiment to find a way to evoke discussion. And so far, there have been so good arguments for the other classes, so I'm happy. I liked your argument for the ranger skill.
I also expected people to fight my claim that Dwayna's skill is better then Grenth's, but suprisingly no one has...
Originally Posted by Relambrien
Let's say you're running and you have a guy after you. He runs in front of you, so you know he's about to hidden rock+snowball you. Target him and once he finishes using hidden rock, hit Snow Fort. Provided he does what 80% of people do, he'll use Snowball just as you use Snow Fort, meaning that you get up the fort just as it hits. Mash semi-colon (or whatever your target nearest item key is) and spacebar to pick up the dropped item instantly. Wasted hidden rock+snowball, gg. Very fun to do ^^
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
great article.
Snowball Arena is a serious business. |
Helpful? Yes, i believe it can help some players. Move along.
Originally Posted by Faith Angelis
One tactic I've found to work really well is really morean exploit of other team's bad tactics: Make a lot of noise at their avatar and respawn point, or in the area between it and the ice. Dropping a Jack Frost (as a rit, obviously) right in front of their avatar can often draw one or two of their players into wasting time killing it, relieving pressure on your team to carry presents.

Originally Posted by Sakki
I think assassins can somehow "dodge" hidden rocked snowballs or mega snowballs while you are running a present with shadowstep, but that requires alot of skill and it might even teleport you further away from your destination.
Originally Posted by Sakki
During downtime, its better to attack someone with regular snowballs to charge up mega snowball to have an extra KD when a present spawns.
Faith Angelis
Another tip after I found really useful to get to Skillz last night on a 20 win streak: Don't be afraid to be a little pushy with your team! Obviously I don't mean yelling "Do this you bunch of noobs!!!1" But since you've read this guide, you know what you're doing, so try and spread that knowledge around if it looks like your team doesnt.
* In the spawn point before the counter hits zero, cast hidden rock with CTRL+4, you'll see others on your team follow suit.
* You know that presents spawn every 15 and 45 seconds; do your team know that? If a present spawns and your closest teammates havent spotted it, ping the compass until someone does.
* Before the start of the match, draw lines on the compass to encourage people to spread themselves out to the spawns.
* You can recognise an enemy carrier off the compass. Can your team? If it looks like someone's going to get home free, ping him a few times top give your team a heads up.
Little things like this can turn an unskilled but willing team into a streak machine, especially if you couple it with a few "Good job!" and "You guys rock" comments.
If it wasn't for a couple of team mates acting like this early on in the festival, I'd still be as useless now as I was then, having done maybe a dozen RA matches in my whole career!
* In the spawn point before the counter hits zero, cast hidden rock with CTRL+4, you'll see others on your team follow suit.
* You know that presents spawn every 15 and 45 seconds; do your team know that? If a present spawns and your closest teammates havent spotted it, ping the compass until someone does.
* Before the start of the match, draw lines on the compass to encourage people to spread themselves out to the spawns.
* You can recognise an enemy carrier off the compass. Can your team? If it looks like someone's going to get home free, ping him a few times top give your team a heads up.
Little things like this can turn an unskilled but willing team into a streak machine, especially if you couple it with a few "Good job!" and "You guys rock" comments.
If it wasn't for a couple of team mates acting like this early on in the festival, I'd still be as useless now as I was then, having done maybe a dozen RA matches in my whole career!
Good tips all round. But I always found the main issue is people just don't follow pings on the map!
Or they don't focus on running gifts, instead they keep fighting pointlessly.
The best of the lot however last yesterday, here we go...
noob: How do I heal?
Me: What do you mean?
noob: ****, we lose, we have no monk!
Me: This isn't Random Arena, we don't need to have a monk, use Snowcone.
noob: What???
Me: You don't need a monk to heal!
noob: **** *** man, **** we need a monk... I'm off LOLz
noob as left the game
Or they don't focus on running gifts, instead they keep fighting pointlessly.
The best of the lot however last yesterday, here we go...
noob: How do I heal?
Me: What do you mean?
noob: ****, we lose, we have no monk!
Me: This isn't Random Arena, we don't need to have a monk, use Snowcone.
noob: What???
Me: You don't need a monk to heal!
noob: **** *** man, **** we need a monk... I'm off LOLz
noob as left the game

16- axe mastery
15- strength
FoW knights armor with 5 superior vigor runes, is required for this build.
Mega Snowball
Snow Down the Shirt
Hidden Rock
Ice Fort
Mmmm. Snowcone
"Let's Get 'Em!"
This is a very complicated build that only the most experienced players can master. I worked on it all night and now ppl just ragequit when they see me with a snowball.
16- axe mastery
15- strength
FoW knights armor with 5 superior vigor runes, is required for this build.
Mega Snowball
Snow Down the Shirt
Hidden Rock
Ice Fort
Mmmm. Snowcone
"Let's Get 'Em!"
This is a very complicated build that only the most experienced players can master. I worked on it all night and now ppl just ragequit when they see me with a snowball.
I haven't seen anyone post this little tip. The one thing I've found very useful when helping out my teams runners is to knockdown any opponents on the ice.
The effect that slows them down effectively takes them out of the battle for a short period of time, which can pay off with another present cap.
Also, my personal favorite character to play is the necro. Holiday Blues is very good because of versatility.
Protecting a runner you can lay down a well for him to drag people through, and hopefully your team will give you a couple of knockdowns or snares on foes in the well.
Offensively, at a chokepoint Holiday Blues and a snare is insanely powerful against runners.
And its last use is to get back to your spawn whenever you need. (ie helping a runner)
The effect that slows them down effectively takes them out of the battle for a short period of time, which can pay off with another present cap.
Also, my personal favorite character to play is the necro. Holiday Blues is very good because of versatility.
Protecting a runner you can lay down a well for him to drag people through, and hopefully your team will give you a couple of knockdowns or snares on foes in the well.
Offensively, at a chokepoint Holiday Blues and a snare is insanely powerful against runners.
And its last use is to get back to your spawn whenever you need. (ie helping a runner)
Well this guide except for the fact that 99% of the people who need it will never, EVER read it or go near a forum.
On the other hand, the overall strategy I see going around these days is a script to hit enter mission every now and then. Ben playing for 4 hours now and at lease half of all the new teams I join have one leecher. GG, no way can that be identified as a bot, nothing what soever you could do about it... too GG
On the other hand, the overall strategy I see going around these days is a script to hit enter mission every now and then. Ben playing for 4 hours now and at lease half of all the new teams I join have one leecher. GG, no way can that be identified as a bot, nothing what soever you could do about it... too GG
Originally Posted by leguma
Well this guide except for the fact that 99% of the people who need it will never, EVER read it or go near a forum.
On the other hand, the overall strategy I see going around these days is a script to hit enter mission every now and then. Ben playing for 4 hours now and at lease half of all the new teams I join have one leecher. GG, no way can that be identified as a bot, nothing what soever you could do about it... too GG |
There is no benefit to leeching in Snowball, quit moaning and deal with it.
nice little tip Epic on the ice kd. i'll add all tips to the first post when i have the time for it.
as for necro's: they can be great, but 9 out of 10 necro's in SB Arena plays it wrong. They are in love with their self-destruct button, even when not warranted.
as for necro's: they can be great, but 9 out of 10 necro's in SB Arena plays it wrong. They are in love with their self-destruct button, even when not warranted.
Extra Tip if it hasn't been said already.
Always make sure to target the nearest Enemy to you if you are carrying a bit. Make sure to have Hidden Rock active.
That way you can keep track of what they are going to use on you
Always make sure to target the nearest Enemy to you if you are carrying a bit. Make sure to have Hidden Rock active.
That way you can keep track of what they are going to use on you
if everybody reads this guide i guess i can say goodbye to the relaxing winning streaks in the snowball arenas.
really nice guide, very many people really need to check this out (of course if you're reading this, you already have...)
most of that stuff is pure snazziness, although i also use the snowfort thing just as a one-time block right after i grab the present to prevent a knockdown. (hit "C" to check out the nearest foes activity.)
good stuff.
really nice guide, very many people really need to check this out (of course if you're reading this, you already have...)
most of that stuff is pure snazziness, although i also use the snowfort thing just as a one-time block right after i grab the present to prevent a knockdown. (hit "C" to check out the nearest foes activity.)
good stuff.
I also find that if everyone is tied up at one spot, going after a single present, and another one spawns, you could sneak out and get that one or see if it's a fake, and if it's a capturable one, take it home yourself, either sneaking a capture or drawing a few of them away from the other runner as they come after you.
Dwayna side seems to have it better as a lead player can Avalanche an oncoming carrier, buying a teammate time to grab the present, then you can defend that runner. I haven't seen much use for Yellow Snow other than condition-removal and fairly useless Disease.
Necro's Holiday Blues is useful when well placed, either on softened opponents going after your runner, or on softened enemy carriers when your teammates are around, ready to grab it when dropped. Mesmers and Ritualists, when well played, can also prove pivotal. I personally use a Jack Frost to soften attackers or to make a carrier or defender eat a Snowcone. Too bad Rangers have a Barrage-style of snowball chucking for their unique, or they would be just as useful on the interrupt department as Mesmers. Up against a tightly-bunched enemy squad, though, Flurry + Hidden Rock is very useful.
Icicles is also neat for slowing down the enemy, especially if you're on the Grenth side, as it's just as useful as Avalanche, only on single targets. Putting Ice Breaker on the friendly carrier can also be useful, especially if the opponents are trying to KD the carrier from a distance. Otherwise, as others have implied, Paras, Dervs, and Assassins are useless in SBA's other than fillers.
Still, to me, it all comes down to teamwork, a good random selection of teammates, and a healthy dose of luck in being at the right spot at the right time.
Dwayna side seems to have it better as a lead player can Avalanche an oncoming carrier, buying a teammate time to grab the present, then you can defend that runner. I haven't seen much use for Yellow Snow other than condition-removal and fairly useless Disease.
Necro's Holiday Blues is useful when well placed, either on softened opponents going after your runner, or on softened enemy carriers when your teammates are around, ready to grab it when dropped. Mesmers and Ritualists, when well played, can also prove pivotal. I personally use a Jack Frost to soften attackers or to make a carrier or defender eat a Snowcone. Too bad Rangers have a Barrage-style of snowball chucking for their unique, or they would be just as useful on the interrupt department as Mesmers. Up against a tightly-bunched enemy squad, though, Flurry + Hidden Rock is very useful.
Icicles is also neat for slowing down the enemy, especially if you're on the Grenth side, as it's just as useful as Avalanche, only on single targets. Putting Ice Breaker on the friendly carrier can also be useful, especially if the opponents are trying to KD the carrier from a distance. Otherwise, as others have implied, Paras, Dervs, and Assassins are useless in SBA's other than fillers.
Still, to me, it all comes down to teamwork, a good random selection of teammates, and a healthy dose of luck in being at the right spot at the right time.
Also, weapon inscriptions and runes that lengthen dazed duration, reduce cripple, reduce daze, 10% cast time, etc. etc. all work with snowballs.
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by Wacky
Blind doesn't actually do much except as a cover condition because the snowballs are spells (as far as I can tell).

Originally Posted by GuildWiki
Blindness is a condition affecting a character's ability to accurately land blows on opponents. While affected, that player's attacks have a 90% chance of missing and projectiles have a greater chance of straying from their intended target.
Guildwiki is incorrect.
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by Eonwe
Guildwiki is incorrect.
LoKi Foxfire
Originally Posted by Eonwe
Also, weapon inscriptions and runes that lengthen dazed duration, reduce cripple, reduce daze, 10% cast time, etc. etc. all work with snowballs.
Also, I can usually make up for dazed using fast cast and 20% skill recharge really helps on Icebreaker. Note: You have to use the "all" spells type to get any effect with HCT/HSR. And yes, I know this works for a fact.
... (until it's nerfed)
Nirconus Otreum
Funny; I was actually going to do this and you beat me to it. XD Anyway, there are quite a few from my list that aren't on yours or on anyone else's who has perviously posted. Here goes:
For everyone:
Always try to keep Hidden Rock on yourself - especially when you pick up the present. Use your own judgement of whether or not you need to cast it on yourself again while you still have the present.
Never play as a Dervish, Paragon, Assassin, or Ranger. They just don’t have good skills.
If you see an enemy very low on HP, kill it – the time you lost will be well worth not taking damage and knockdowns
NEVER use Yellow Snow if it would cancel Hidden Rock unless you have the present.
Make sure Ice Fort is on you if you have the present and you decide to cast Yellow Snow or Hidden Rock.
Play smart – target your closest opponent with tab if you have the present to see what he/she is doing.
Although you cannot be knocked down while Ice Fort is on you, be aware that if a knockdown attack hits you, you will still drop the present. However, since you are not knocked down, you can immediately pick it up. Use this strategy if you have the present and you think the enemy is about to use a knockdown.
If you’re about to die, try to get one last knockdown or burst of damage in.
Strafe left, right, and backwards to avoid snowballs. Mega Snowballs are very easy to dodge like this.
If you can do nothing else, try to bodyblock the present holder.
If Snow Down the Shirt is on you, target the caster try to time your spells to where you won’t be interrupted.
If you are playing a Mesmer:
If you have the present, target a closeby enemy and try to interrupt a vital skill such as Hidden Rock or Mega Snowball with Blinding Snow.
If you are playing a Warrior:
If you can, save “Let’s Get ‘Em!” for when you or an ally have the present.
If you are playing a Monk:
NEVER cast Ice Breaker just to stay alive – use it only to protect the present.
If you get the present, don’t just automatically cast Ice Breaker – wait till some enemies close in on you.
If you are playing a Ritualist:
If you have the present and become slowed, set up an Ice Fort, summon Jack Frost, and use Hidden Rock on yourself before moving again – these will give you more of an advantage as it is spending better use of your time than trying to move with the present and slowed down (do not use this strategy if Icy Ground is on you).
Place Jack Frost right beside the middle ice line at the beginning of the fight.
Use strategic placing with Jack Frost; don’t just place him anywhere. If someone has the present (your team or your opponents’) and he/she is slowed down and it looks like it may be a bit before anyone moves, place Jack Frost down.
P.S.: I usually get 5-13 consecutive wins when I am playing Monk; it's generally the best class.
For everyone:
Always try to keep Hidden Rock on yourself - especially when you pick up the present. Use your own judgement of whether or not you need to cast it on yourself again while you still have the present.
Never play as a Dervish, Paragon, Assassin, or Ranger. They just don’t have good skills.
If you see an enemy very low on HP, kill it – the time you lost will be well worth not taking damage and knockdowns
NEVER use Yellow Snow if it would cancel Hidden Rock unless you have the present.
Make sure Ice Fort is on you if you have the present and you decide to cast Yellow Snow or Hidden Rock.
Play smart – target your closest opponent with tab if you have the present to see what he/she is doing.
Although you cannot be knocked down while Ice Fort is on you, be aware that if a knockdown attack hits you, you will still drop the present. However, since you are not knocked down, you can immediately pick it up. Use this strategy if you have the present and you think the enemy is about to use a knockdown.
If you’re about to die, try to get one last knockdown or burst of damage in.
Strafe left, right, and backwards to avoid snowballs. Mega Snowballs are very easy to dodge like this.
If you can do nothing else, try to bodyblock the present holder.
If Snow Down the Shirt is on you, target the caster try to time your spells to where you won’t be interrupted.
If you are playing a Mesmer:
If you have the present, target a closeby enemy and try to interrupt a vital skill such as Hidden Rock or Mega Snowball with Blinding Snow.
If you are playing a Warrior:
If you can, save “Let’s Get ‘Em!” for when you or an ally have the present.
If you are playing a Monk:
NEVER cast Ice Breaker just to stay alive – use it only to protect the present.
If you get the present, don’t just automatically cast Ice Breaker – wait till some enemies close in on you.
If you are playing a Ritualist:
If you have the present and become slowed, set up an Ice Fort, summon Jack Frost, and use Hidden Rock on yourself before moving again – these will give you more of an advantage as it is spending better use of your time than trying to move with the present and slowed down (do not use this strategy if Icy Ground is on you).
Place Jack Frost right beside the middle ice line at the beginning of the fight.
Use strategic placing with Jack Frost; don’t just place him anywhere. If someone has the present (your team or your opponents’) and he/she is slowed down and it looks like it may be a bit before anyone moves, place Jack Frost down.
P.S.: I usually get 5-13 consecutive wins when I am playing Monk; it's generally the best class.
On the Monk's elite:
If Ice Breaker is up on the runner, you can try to kd the runner, but since you will be kd'd as well, you won't pick up the present. if a teammate is nearby, he can do it. Else just wait till the yellow enchantment arrow wears off and kd then.
on Grenth's side:
I found that starting on Grenth's side, its better to put up yellow snow before the timer. you'll have enough time to do disease an enemy, and still put up Hidden Rock before the first present spawns. Playing on Grenth's, this little more aggressive approach may just make the difference.
I'll clean up the first post today.
If Ice Breaker is up on the runner, you can try to kd the runner, but since you will be kd'd as well, you won't pick up the present. if a teammate is nearby, he can do it. Else just wait till the yellow enchantment arrow wears off and kd then.
on Grenth's side:
I found that starting on Grenth's side, its better to put up yellow snow before the timer. you'll have enough time to do disease an enemy, and still put up Hidden Rock before the first present spawns. Playing on Grenth's, this little more aggressive approach may just make the difference.
I'll clean up the first post today.
smee again
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Good tips all round. But I always found the main issue is people just don't follow pings on the map!
Or they don't focus on running gifts, instead they keep fighting pointlessly. The best of the lot however last yesterday, here we go... noob: How do I heal? Me: What do you mean? noob: ****, we lose, we have no monk! Me: This isn't Random Arena, we don't need to have a monk, use Snowcone. noob: What??? Me: You don't need a monk to heal! noob: **** *** man, **** we need a monk... I'm off LOLz noob as left the game ![]() |
i also had a person that kept entering and leaving in the first 5 seconds, i think they thought it helped for the skillz title
1.monk 2.Rit 3.Ele 4.War 5.Necro
You mention that basic snowballs should rarely be thrown, but there are some very good times to throw them even if you aren't trying to kill someone. If you are waiting around for a present to spawn and there is someone close enough to chuck snowballs at (even if you can't see them because of an obstruction) I would go ahead and throw some just to get your adrenaline up for a mega snowball later on. If you've already got mega snowball ready, just throw a normal snowball every once in a while to keep the adrenaline up until you need the mega. It doesn't matter if the snowball you throw misses, you gain adrenaline from throwing it.
It took me longer then I expected, but I finally cleaned up the first post and made it a bit more decent for a guide.
Thanks for all the tips and pointers.
~ Makk.
Thanks for all the tips and pointers.
~ Makk.
dr love
/signed sticky
i can't believe this went into the 2nd page of the forum
/signed sticky
i can't believe this went into the 2nd page of the forum
Rushing Wind
Warrior or nothing for me! Coming from someone who does nothing but running around with my warrior.
Call me biased but I would definitely take the Black Beast's word and The Human Typhoon's for how things work! Thanks Mr. Makk and RTS for the awesome guides and thanks to everyone else that have added some awesome ideas.
Griefers - Please go jump off a bridge.
Makk's hero

Call me biased but I would definitely take the Black Beast's word and The Human Typhoon's for how things work! Thanks Mr. Makk and RTS for the awesome guides and thanks to everyone else that have added some awesome ideas.
Griefers - Please go jump off a bridge.
Makk's hero