Thanks to the new (or old) AI of the monsters in Guild Wars I found it very normal to not be able to stop and rest while running Droks. (Not like I needed to anyway.) I was doing some warm-up runs while waiting for other runners to leave so I could egt some customers and then I noticed 2 things.
1) There was never an unending aggro
2) It was very easy to shake off aggros.
So is there an update that I missed or is it just me?
AI Dumb Again?
Kotetsu Rain
well they fixed perma aggro not to long ago
this is on the site
hope that answers your question
Originally Posted by Wrath Of Dragons
12/15 Guild Wars Game Update
Update - Friday December 15 * Fixed a bug that caused some monsters to remain permanently aggressive toward their targets. |

Kotetsu Rain
Ahh.... thank you very much