Underworld: The Easy Way
For those of you like me who have never made it through the underworld and seen all the sights now is your chance. when you go into the underworld in the Wintersday Quest "In Grenth's Defense" you have a free run of the entire underworld. , Id suggest completing the quest first otherwise you'll have a very short trip
Unfortunately I keep getting slaughtered by the Grenth's so it's not going to happen for me. I can't figure out for the life of me how to defeat them when they do 50dmg per shot and I have no way to heal.
I've never done that. I haven't played much because I HAVE the christmas blues.
Doesn't the snowcone give you health?
Doesn't the snowcone give you health?
Yeah at the expense of disabling all skills for 10 seconds. I just dont understand these UW quests. Their way too hard for most people. Everyone in Kamadan is complaining about it. Aren't event quests supposed to be fun?
Some people say that you just have to avoid their snowball and then take a shot. But after I evade one of their shots, and try to take my own, they fire so quick that I get hit before I get a shot off. It makes no sense to me.
i find it easy. i use hidden rock. then just bombard them with snowballs
before they spawn always use hidden rock and it should be no problem. only time i needed to use heal was with the boss at the end
before they spawn always use hidden rock and it should be no problem. only time i needed to use heal was with the boss at the end
In real snowball fights when I was a little tyke I used cover and peeked out to throw a snowball.
Is there any places to hide behind?
If snowballs need line of sight, it might be an intended strategy to duck behind cover and then jump out and throw a snowball like when we were kids.
Is there any places to hide behind?
If snowballs need line of sight, it might be an intended strategy to duck behind cover and then jump out and throw a snowball like when we were kids.
Kry Onicle
Take one at a time, Ice fort is your friend if taking on 2-3 Ice breaker as well works well. Completed it on second try.
They fire too fast for me to peak out and get a shot off. They fire almost once every second. I just tried it and it didnt work.
all done
you cant be doing it right Cygnus, when u get in use hidden rock straight away. stay by the presents the whole time wait for them to come to you. just as they are about to get in ur aggro circle throw a snowball at them. then keep firing snowballs until its dead. the only time he should be able to hit you is with his first throw. If the snowman cast a spell first you should be able to kill him without him hitting you once.
Originally Posted by Cygnus_Zero
They fire too fast for me to peak out and get a shot off. They fire almost once every second. I just tried it and it didnt work.
Other than that, precast hidden rock.
When you see a mob charging at you, throw snowball when they're just out of range. As soon as you throw it, move to the side. Most of the time, you should dodge their snowball, and they'll be dazed from your attack, giving you enough time to kill them.
Save mega snowball adrenaline for the next round, but make sure to always pre-cast hidden rock.
i the quests in about 10 mins.
i kited around
hid behind walls
used the KDs alot
snow forted as needed
snowconed only when i was under 200
easy quests
i kited around
hid behind walls
used the KDs alot
snow forted as needed
snowconed only when i was under 200
easy quests
Personally, I found these quests quite easy and enjoyable. Of course, I was a huge fan of the Snowball arena last year and this year, so am used to the dynamics of the environment.
DO NOT take on more than 1 grentch at a time, unless you have Ice Fort and Snowcone available. You'll die fast with 2 grentches hitting you if you're unprotected. The knockdowns exacerbate this. You cannot tank this mission.
ALWAYS precast hidden rock. If that hits, every subsequent hit interrupts their action.
Ritualists have a much easier time in this area, due to the above effects. Jack Frost is a portable turret, and fires as fast as you do, increasing the interrupt effect of Hidden Rock. Pull a grentch, then retreat behind Jack. This tactic also works very well for the bonus rounds. Recast Jack when he's low on health or in his last 20 seconds or so. If they get a Jack Frost out, don't bother to take him down; you'll waste precious preparation time for the next incoming. Just relocate out of range and recast your own Jack for the next wave.
I found that Hidden Rock and Jack Frost in combination are almost invincible. I only had to use Ice Fort about 3 times through the whole mission utilizing the above tricks.
DO NOT take on more than 1 grentch at a time, unless you have Ice Fort and Snowcone available. You'll die fast with 2 grentches hitting you if you're unprotected. The knockdowns exacerbate this. You cannot tank this mission.
ALWAYS precast hidden rock. If that hits, every subsequent hit interrupts their action.
Ritualists have a much easier time in this area, due to the above effects. Jack Frost is a portable turret, and fires as fast as you do, increasing the interrupt effect of Hidden Rock. Pull a grentch, then retreat behind Jack. This tactic also works very well for the bonus rounds. Recast Jack when he's low on health or in his last 20 seconds or so. If they get a Jack Frost out, don't bother to take him down; you'll waste precious preparation time for the next incoming. Just relocate out of range and recast your own Jack for the next wave.
I found that Hidden Rock and Jack Frost in combination are almost invincible. I only had to use Ice Fort about 3 times through the whole mission utilizing the above tricks.
Guardian of the Light
1. Use Hidden Rock before you go in
2. If you are facing multiple foes use Icebreaker or Ice Fort to protect yourself for a few seconds.
3. Knock down your foe, hit him once with a snowball and then use Mega snowball if you have it
4. Kill your foe(s) then sit there and wait for your skills to recharge and you to naturally reg.
Repeat till everyone is dead and use Snow down the shirt on the boss.
1. If your taking on more then 2 foes then kill one, run, use hidden rock and take on the next.
2. Be very careful when facing 2 foes, run if needed
3. kill everyone around a boss before aggroing him
4. Hide behind walls if needed or run
5. If your frustrated smashing the keyboard into the sceen will not help. Go to a happy place
2. If you are facing multiple foes use Icebreaker or Ice Fort to protect yourself for a few seconds.
3. Knock down your foe, hit him once with a snowball and then use Mega snowball if you have it
4. Kill your foe(s) then sit there and wait for your skills to recharge and you to naturally reg.
Repeat till everyone is dead and use Snow down the shirt on the boss.
1. If your taking on more then 2 foes then kill one, run, use hidden rock and take on the next.
2. Be very careful when facing 2 foes, run if needed
3. kill everyone around a boss before aggroing him
4. Hide behind walls if needed or run
5. If your frustrated smashing the keyboard into the sceen will not help. Go to a happy place
Sasuke The Betrayer
For me, the assassin is the BEST for this, or maybe jack frost. Using assasins... I....
1. Use hidden rock
2. Shoot snowball
Since I'm the one using it first, I get half a second to dodge it, and most of the time I do. If I don't, I still have 450 hp left.
3. The grentchie is knocked down, so I'm free to shoot 1 more snowball
4. I shoot another snowball, but the enemy starts to cast snowball too (But I casted half a second faster)
5. Use the mouse to move left or right... OR use assassin's side step to dodge AND gain hp I lost.
If I'm battling 2 guys are once, I just put up ice fort and start spamming away. The assassin has a great skill... you can dodge using sidestep AND heal. The only heal you'll ever use is sidestep, if you want to. If you don't have a sin, you can strafe or move around to dodge it (Like you do in dodgeball or dragon arena). As for jack frost (I haven't tested this out), but I'm rpetty sure you can put one up and then lure one over to jack. While jack gets hit, you start hitting the enemy yourself. The enemy should be dead in seconds. Lastly... always keep up hidden rock before you go attack another enemy, if you don't, your a goner! I beat bonus and only got hit once the ENTIRE time (due to the fact that the stupid enemy summoned jack frost and i got hit once... after I killed the enemy, i ran back to the presents and jack didn't follow so it just died).
The KD's your allowed to have are valuable skills that should be abused >. Use it. While their KD'ed, you attack, and then once their back up, you basically run around to dodge it (IT should be VERY easy to see a snowball coming, because if you use hidden rock on every enemy, their dazed... giving you more time to hit and more time to react to it). DAZE=GOOOOOD... even though it won't interrupt ^^
Tip: When your dancing with a sin, you can use side step and you'll still be dancing from where you left off ^^ lol
Mouser, daze only works with normal attacks (i.e wand, bow, axe attack or attack skill). A dazed enemy cannot get interrupted if you use a spell while they are using a spell. You'd still have to cast 2x longer then usual while in affect of daze, but you won't get interrupted if your hit by a spell (only interrupted if they decide to use hidden rock on yourself during the mission, and then in rare occasions run up to you and use a normal attack... which i've seen range from 12-50 or so) They just don't get interrupted. So... your tips=wrong. Also, the only thing you should need for this mission in all reality is snowball + hidden rock. You should never need to use ice fort (Unless you mess up terribly) or snowcone.
Jack just makes things go a bit faster, but he's a bit weak himself (few blows to kill it).
1. Use hidden rock
2. Shoot snowball
Since I'm the one using it first, I get half a second to dodge it, and most of the time I do. If I don't, I still have 450 hp left.
3. The grentchie is knocked down, so I'm free to shoot 1 more snowball
4. I shoot another snowball, but the enemy starts to cast snowball too (But I casted half a second faster)
5. Use the mouse to move left or right... OR use assassin's side step to dodge AND gain hp I lost.
If I'm battling 2 guys are once, I just put up ice fort and start spamming away. The assassin has a great skill... you can dodge using sidestep AND heal. The only heal you'll ever use is sidestep, if you want to. If you don't have a sin, you can strafe or move around to dodge it (Like you do in dodgeball or dragon arena). As for jack frost (I haven't tested this out), but I'm rpetty sure you can put one up and then lure one over to jack. While jack gets hit, you start hitting the enemy yourself. The enemy should be dead in seconds. Lastly... always keep up hidden rock before you go attack another enemy, if you don't, your a goner! I beat bonus and only got hit once the ENTIRE time (due to the fact that the stupid enemy summoned jack frost and i got hit once... after I killed the enemy, i ran back to the presents and jack didn't follow so it just died).
The KD's your allowed to have are valuable skills that should be abused >. Use it. While their KD'ed, you attack, and then once their back up, you basically run around to dodge it (IT should be VERY easy to see a snowball coming, because if you use hidden rock on every enemy, their dazed... giving you more time to hit and more time to react to it). DAZE=GOOOOOD... even though it won't interrupt ^^
Tip: When your dancing with a sin, you can use side step and you'll still be dancing from where you left off ^^ lol
Originally Posted by Mouser
ALWAYS precast hidden rock. If that hits, every subsequent hit interrupts their action.
Ritualists have a much easier time in this area, due to the above effects. Jack Frost is a portable turret, and fires as fast as you do, increasing the interrupt effect of Hidden Rock. Pull a grentch, then retreat behind Jack. This tactic also works very well for the bonus rounds. Recast Jack when he's low on health or in his last 20 seconds or so. If they get a Jack Frost out, don't bother to take him down; you'll waste precious preparation time for the next incoming. Just relocate out of range and recast your own Jack for the next wave. I found that Hidden Rock and Jack Frost in combination are almost invincible. I only had to use Ice Fort about 3 times through the whole mission utilizing the above tricks. -M |
Jack just makes things go a bit faster, but he's a bit weak himself (few blows to kill it).
The easiest way is to do a 180 as soon as you get in. You can explore those two areas (the demonweb pits and the planes) first. Then, there are two archways, one leading to the Grentches and the other through the mountains and back around to the regular UW starting point. From there you can explore the wastes and the valley. The only place I was not able to explore was the castle, as there was no quest to take like in regular UW to open it up. Once you have explored everything, you can make your way back to the beginning and do the quest/mission if you desire to see the stuff up there. It is a very small part that the Grentches inhabit.
Even if you suck at the mission, you can just turn around and explore the rest of UW before chancing a death and boot.
Even if you suck at the mission, you can just turn around and explore the rest of UW before chancing a death and boot.
I used an Assassin and it was rather easy. Start with Hidden Rock, send one Snowball, wait for the enemy to fire one, while they are "casting" run one side and let their snowball go wide. Send a snowball back at them, send a Mega whenever you can. I think it only takes 4 snowballs to knock them out. Getting hit once or twice isn't that nasty as the time inbetween spawns is long enough for you to Teleport-heal around lol.
Snowballs arfe very easy to dodge. They follow the path that you were moving at the moment they were cast. If you see them cast a snowball, click on the ground on the opposite direction, and the snowball should miss you by a mile. Also, bringing a ritualist makes it MUCH easier, as jack frost(the special rit skill) is as good as another person.
Pre casting hidden rock is good. Use the fort. Go slow. They are pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
Pre casting hidden rock is good. Use the fort. Go slow. They are pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
Originally Posted by Cygnus_Zero
Unfortunately I keep getting slaughtered by the Grenth's so it's not going to happen for me. I can't figure out for the life of me how to defeat them when they do 50dmg per shot and I have no way to heal.
On a different thread someone mentioned they found elementalist to be the easiest way to do this. I had used my ranger the first couple times and didn't get too far so I then used my elementalist and it really is easy because you can basically hide behind stuff and just cast icicles and kill them without them touching you. There are a few times here and there where you do have to fight them with snowballs, but that isn't bad if you do 1 on 1 and do the hidden rock thing that everyone else has mentioned.
The bad thing about this is that the recharge on icicles is 20 seconds and it takes 3 icicles cycles to kill 1 grentch. One minute per grentch makes for a long and boring quest. Still, its not too bad and its a safe approach for people who suck like me.
And as a side note this was the first time for me in the UW so it was pretty cool to be able to explore it.
The bad thing about this is that the recharge on icicles is 20 seconds and it takes 3 icicles cycles to kill 1 grentch. One minute per grentch makes for a long and boring quest. Still, its not too bad and its a safe approach for people who suck like me.
And as a side note this was the first time for me in the UW so it was pretty cool to be able to explore it.
the two quests are unbelievably easy. the snowballs have such a high arc, you can easily dodge them. and when your facing more than one just throw up ice fort and spam snowball..just remember to take out trecherous grench's first. even the bonus(s) arent that difficult, the key is ice fort and interupts/running away
edit: i also just explored the entire UW solo'd the whole thing with a candy cane sword! UW is incredible, the next chapter should just focus on it.
edit: i also just explored the entire UW solo'd the whole thing with a candy cane sword! UW is incredible, the next chapter should just focus on it.
I want a Lyssa world next year.
With the stairs all over the place and weird beasties.
With the stairs all over the place and weird beasties.