Possible bug with Candy Cane Weapon Damage ?
Monkey Blonde
I'm using a 15-15 Candy Cane bow and hitting the 60AL target in the Great Temple of Balthazar area. I'm only doing 5 damage. Comments ?
Njaiguni Blaze
Psst! Armor reduces damage. :O
Monkey Blonde
Psst !! All damage calculations are based on 60AL. Next ?
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by Monkey Blonde
Psst !! All damage calculations are based on 60AL. Next ?
Monkey Blonde
OK, I figured it out. I had a brain fart with the no attribute requirement of the candy cane weapons. I still need marksmanship of 12 to get the stated damage. Silly me.
Um the no requirement means that you won't need a requirement in any attribute it will still do the same damage. And armor does come into play when damage is being done and it really doesn't matter what the damage is, it is just supposed to be a fun item not meant to farm FoW.
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by jrk247
Um the no requirement means that you won't need a requirement in any attribute it will still do the same damage. And armor does come into play when damage is being done and it really doesn't matter what the damage is, it is just supposed to be a fun item not meant to farm FoW.
Caelus The Fallen
The OP is absolutely right on game mechanics. You need a 12 in Weapon Mastery to do stated damage to a 60AL target, irrespective of the weapon req.
Njaiguni Blaze
Sorry, you're right. It has been researched that the damage begins at 60 AL when the requirement is met. Wouldn't know how to explain it then. I wouldn't worry about it neither.
Astro Pubes
Originally Posted by Sasuke The Betrayer
(Unless of course, you battle someone in pvp who's running around naked :S)

Originally Posted by jrk247
it really doesn't matter what the damage is, it is just supposed to be a fun item not meant to farm FoW.