So, I liked the game enough to pick it up. Im really enjoying it, especially all this wintersday craziness.
I just finished up doing the missions for Grandfather Kringle, and I notice Skruuj is still offering me missions- is it possible to do both sets of missions? and does that have any repercussions?
krazy wintersday question...
Sasuke The Betrayer
Well, for me, I did the quests one by one. There's a total of 6 quests for each God (Grenth and Dwayna... 3 for each). Do the first Skruuj quest, then your kringle quest will be unattainable untily ou finish Skruuj's quest. Once you finish skruuj, I'm pretty sure you can get the 2nd quest that follows after Skruuj's first quest OR you can go do Kringle's first quest.
For me I did it in this order.
1. First quest for Grenth
2. First quest for Dwayna
3. 2nd quest for Grenth
4. 2nd quest for Dwayna
5. 3rd quest for Grenth
6. 3rd quest for Dwayna
Edit: to directly answer your question, yes you can do both quests. There's some quests in lion's arch too, if you didn't do them.
For me I did it in this order.
1. First quest for Grenth
2. First quest for Dwayna
3. 2nd quest for Grenth
4. 2nd quest for Dwayna
5. 3rd quest for Grenth
6. 3rd quest for Dwayna
Edit: to directly answer your question, yes you can do both quests. There's some quests in lion's arch too, if you didn't do them.