Put a stop to leechers
(my frustration level is off the meter right now so this will prolly sound like flame)
Leeching has become a big issue in the snowball fights, and from my 4 4hour session. at least half of the tems I joined when going in had a leecher. It is as bad as it was when ABs first came out. Unfortunately, unlike the ABs, the snowball fights have a limited duration. This makes the time wasting caused by leeechers so bad it's not even funny. People that are going for the title get precious time wasted, time that cannot really afford to loose.
This is not a new problem, but in almost 2 years, the devs have done NOTHING to address it, NOTHING at all. How hard can it be to detect leechers? They have a script that hits enter mission every so often and they spend the entire game doing NOTHING. I'm not a programer by trade, but I know that is is not hard to see that a player's client has transmited NO actions to the server for the duration of an entire game.
If nothing can be done against them, at least implement a /kick command so that people will be able to rid themselves of the dead weight after the game. Yes, I know, that can be abused, but let's face it, the abusability of a kick command is o, so , so much smaller than the amount of leechers that the pros by far outweigh the cons.
And as a last note. A.net, if you are going to make random arenas, with random grouping, have the decency to make them RANDOM. It has always been possible to spike enter and get a full team if you give a few tries and have no lag. otherwise have the decency to call them Pseudo-Random Arenas.
Leeching has become a big issue in the snowball fights, and from my 4 4hour session. at least half of the tems I joined when going in had a leecher. It is as bad as it was when ABs first came out. Unfortunately, unlike the ABs, the snowball fights have a limited duration. This makes the time wasting caused by leeechers so bad it's not even funny. People that are going for the title get precious time wasted, time that cannot really afford to loose.
This is not a new problem, but in almost 2 years, the devs have done NOTHING to address it, NOTHING at all. How hard can it be to detect leechers? They have a script that hits enter mission every so often and they spend the entire game doing NOTHING. I'm not a programer by trade, but I know that is is not hard to see that a player's client has transmited NO actions to the server for the duration of an entire game.
If nothing can be done against them, at least implement a /kick command so that people will be able to rid themselves of the dead weight after the game. Yes, I know, that can be abused, but let's face it, the abusability of a kick command is o, so , so much smaller than the amount of leechers that the pros by far outweigh the cons.
And as a last note. A.net, if you are going to make random arenas, with random grouping, have the decency to make them RANDOM. It has always been possible to spike enter and get a full team if you give a few tries and have no lag. otherwise have the decency to call them Pseudo-Random Arenas.
Servant of Kali
Originally Posted by leguma
but in almost 2 years, the devs have done NOTHING to address it, NOTHING at all.
On GWO, Gaile: "..we dont see leechers as a problem."
(you can search gwo website, it's easy to find numerous threads where her quote is mentioned.. it was initially posted in the thread where tons of us complained about leechers)
ps: welcome to the club. The solution: ragequit. There are tons of us who enjoyed playing Fort Aspenwood (which is a cool map) etc etc, but leechers simply kill your enjoyment, so it's not worth playing.
Ragequiting is not a sullution IMO. WHat I don't get is that this is borderline botting. I fail to see the difference between botting for cash and botting for faction or whatnot.
As for the not seeing leechers as a problem, that might be because they have their head up their a$$es... hard to see much like that, but it does explain the overall direction of the game theese days.
As for the not seeing leechers as a problem, that might be because they have their head up their a$$es... hard to see much like that, but it does explain the overall direction of the game theese days.
King Kong
Originally Posted by leguma
They have a script that hits enter mission every so often and they spend the entire game doing NOTHING

Nothing is going to change, A.net have already stated they don't find leechers as a major problem.
No point in worrying about it, because its not going to go away.
No point in worrying about it, because its not going to go away.
Silver Spook
It's too bad people arent leaving instead they play 3v4 and leecher benefits. Leechers level up their new char, get gamer title and a lot of CC shards over night while they are afk.
Under normal circumstances, yes, it is not major. However, with such time limited events, and titles that you can only get during them it becomes a HUGE problem.
How would you feel if out of the only possible 100 hours of game time for this event, 50 of them were wasted on games lost because of leechers? THis is not about RA or ABs or anything like that, this problem is especially hard in the snowball fights, and unless you spike enter and get a full team of peope on vent, you have to do it the Pseudo-Random way...
Gratz on system A.net.
And even if they don't do anything about leechers as such, there is no reason not to have a KICK command.
Believe me I would, if I didn't have to go through GTB which is like PvE replayer's haven for some strange reason from beyond reason.
How would you feel if out of the only possible 100 hours of game time for this event, 50 of them were wasted on games lost because of leechers? THis is not about RA or ABs or anything like that, this problem is especially hard in the snowball fights, and unless you spike enter and get a full team of peope on vent, you have to do it the Pseudo-Random way...
Gratz on system A.net.
And even if they don't do anything about leechers as such, there is no reason not to have a KICK command.
Originally Posted by Silver Spook
It's too bad people arent leaving instead they play 3v4 and leecher benefits. Leechers level up their new char, get gamer title and a lot of CC shards over night while they are afk.
Double posting isn't allowed, also bad mouthing A.net won't get you anywhere.
Cow Tale
/signed to send leeches anthrax filled envelopes
If they implemented a kick command that would worsen Guild Wars so much, PUGS would become non exsistant because if you didn't listen to the elitist thinks he/she knows it all leader you'd get kicked. No thanks.
How about just abandoning Snowball fights and that title altogether. Because it's boring and there are much better titles. I also think it's just bad luck you keep getting leechers, but I never really have done any thing like Aspenwood/AB/ boring Snowball fights..that have had leechers as much. I get bored of those things so fast it doesn't matter anyway and well I can see how it might become a problem if it keeps becoming a larger practiced thing, but I don't think it is as of now.
I'd also just quit, because no reason to help the leecher out. Keep quitting on them, they'll give up eventually.
How about just abandoning Snowball fights and that title altogether. Because it's boring and there are much better titles. I also think it's just bad luck you keep getting leechers, but I never really have done any thing like Aspenwood/AB/ boring Snowball fights..that have had leechers as much. I get bored of those things so fast it doesn't matter anyway and well I can see how it might become a problem if it keeps becoming a larger practiced thing, but I don't think it is as of now.
I'd also just quit, because no reason to help the leecher out. Keep quitting on them, they'll give up eventually.
i dont mind saying what i said over at the other site (does guru allow mentioning other sites or is that a no-no here too?)
the more the merrier.
aspy was trashed because of afks and anet did nothing about it. so - as rude as it is - i am actually glad others are having problems with afks too. since this way - maybe enough ppl will get pissed off and anet might finally do something about it.
till then - enjoy how i feel over at aspy.
the more the merrier.
aspy was trashed because of afks and anet did nothing about it. so - as rude as it is - i am actually glad others are having problems with afks too. since this way - maybe enough ppl will get pissed off and anet might finally do something about it.
till then - enjoy how i feel over at aspy.
Servant of Kali
PUGS would become non exsistant because if you didn't listen to the elitist thinks he/she knows it all leader you'd get kicked |
1) enter someone elses group
2) make your own
If you make your own, do what you want.
If you enter someone elses, then YES you either listen to group leadership or get the hell out of there, comprehendo? Im not the only one tired of leeroys. And i never met a skilled GW players who would say "dont tell me how to play the game". In 100% cases someone said that, he was a noob, and usually a 12yr old kiddo.
I haven't had a problem with group leaders. But being able to kick people from the group would be bad. There are people out there who would turn around and threaten to kick you at the most inopportune time unless you gave them something like....money?
I really do bet that people would pull that.
I really do bet that people would pull that.

Um, people... A kick command would work much like a resign command. if EVERYBODY in the party wants to kick someone, they SHOULD be able to do it. With 3/4 and 7/8 peopple having to be in agreement to kick someone, I fail to see how this could get abused except in the rarest of cases. Besides, this isfor PvP, and having to play with one less person is a large handicap. If an entire party is willing to take it, the one that is voted for kicking deserves it in 99.9999% of the cases.
/kick and the person's party number... it is THAT simple, why don't they do it?
/kick and the person's party number... it is THAT simple, why don't they do it?
Please stop moaning, leechers aren't going anywhere.
Even if we all stopped playing tommorow, leechers would still be leeching.
The end.
Even if we all stopped playing tommorow, leechers would still be leeching.
The end.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Please stop moaning, leechers aren't going anywhere.
Even if we all stopped playing tommorow, leechers would still be leeching. The end. |

Very simple and easy solution:
You have a leecher? You leave. If everyone does this then leeching won't be rewarding anymore. And nobody will leech anymore. Very easy.
You have a leecher? You leave. If everyone does this then leeching won't be rewarding anymore. And nobody will leech anymore. Very easy.
Franco Power
ugh this is only a few days arena , enjoy what Anet gave you, play have fun and stop complaining and moaning like its a Life or Death matter, jeez Anet has more to worry about then a few 12 year olds titles.
If there is something wrong, or bad about something else, others shouldn't try to silence a person for speaking out against it, just because they think nothing will be done. This is just further preventing change to it. Does every post have to contain something derogatory?
Servant of Kali
Originally Posted by gobla
Very simple and easy solution:
You have a leecher? You leave. If everyone does this then leeching won't be rewarding anymore. And nobody will leech anymore. Very easy. |
Ya the snow ball fights were good the first day or two.. now.. ... ya.. i give up..
funny... in the chat log with GG (from GWO yesterday) she said she going to play the snowball fights wonder is she had any afker's
funny... in the chat log with GG (from GWO yesterday) she said she going to play the snowball fights wonder is she had any afker's
to resolve the probrem of leecher wont be hard.
put a admin who check 1 hour of snowball each day.
if someone is caught write down the dame somewhere. and send a warning.
the day after check the log again if he is keeping leeching
ban or reset title.
put a admin who check 1 hour of snowball each day.
if someone is caught write down the dame somewhere. and send a warning.
the day after check the log again if he is keeping leeching
ban or reset title.
Lord Mendes
I think Leguma has a very valid point, and a slight modification to do something about leechers could greatly improve the "random" arenas (RA, Dwayna vs Grenth, Fort Aspenwood).
Seriously, it takes very little code to impose a 24 hour "ban" from an arena if the player has not performed any actions (moved) for an entire game, and such a sanction could greatly improve these arenas.
Leechers and afkers are a problem, and it is obvious that Anet does not allow this to obtain any titles (lightbringer anyone?).
Also, no need to say things like "Stop crying about it", it is simply a frustrating issue that should be adressed because it is bothering many people, and it can easily be solved with a few lines of simple code.
Seriously, it takes very little code to impose a 24 hour "ban" from an arena if the player has not performed any actions (moved) for an entire game, and such a sanction could greatly improve these arenas.
Leechers and afkers are a problem, and it is obvious that Anet does not allow this to obtain any titles (lightbringer anyone?).
Also, no need to say things like "Stop crying about it", it is simply a frustrating issue that should be adressed because it is bothering many people, and it can easily be solved with a few lines of simple code.
Originally Posted by gobla
Very simple and easy solution:
You have a leecher? You leave. If everyone does this then leeching won't be rewarding anymore. And nobody will leech anymore. Very easy. |
The only way to get them is to auto-kick for inactivity. But even then they would probably find a way to fake activity.
It's is very hard to detect them if they don't want to be
Companies exist to make profit. Anet has said that they don't see leeches as big enough problem. It is time to put economical pressure. Every reasonable company will react to that. Boycott everything which has something to do with Anet or GW. It would eventually solve the leech problem.
Now let's go back to the reality and realize that boycotts never work because people prefer to complain instead doing something real and these forums hold only tiny margin of the whole community anyway. Conclusion: leech problem will never vanish. End of the story.
Now let's go back to the reality and realize that boycotts never work because people prefer to complain instead doing something real and these forums hold only tiny margin of the whole community anyway. Conclusion: leech problem will never vanish. End of the story.
Bah, five matched after each other i had a leecher.. and we lost each time. Frustrating, but nothing that can really be done.
At least it gives me time to muck around instead of picking up present the whole time
At least it gives me time to muck around instead of picking up present the whole time

Originally Posted by Servant of Kali
Look, when you PUG, you
1) enter someone elses group 2) make your own If you make your own, do what you want. If you enter someone elses, then YES you either listen to group leadership or get the hell out of there, comprehendo? Im not the only one tired of leeroys. And i never met a skilled GW players who would say "dont tell me how to play the game". In 100% cases someone said that, he was a noob, and usually a 12yr old kiddo. |
But if it's a voting system that everyone votes that person be kicked it wouldn't be that bad.
Ansgar Two Hand
If you're worried about PUG problems, then you can limit a kick command to random type arenas. However, I don't think they'll think leeching is a "problem" unless a LOT of people start complaining and leaving, and I can't really see that happening.
Diddy bow
i think the 3/4 kick thing is a gd idea (but only in random types), so many other games have it so why not gw... ive never really had problems with leechers but it can just be fixed pretty eaisily i think...
This is not a new problem, but in almost 2 years, the devs have done NOTHING to address it, NOTHING at all. How hard can it be to detect leechers? They have a script that hits enter mission every so often and they spend the entire game doing NOTHING. I'm not a programer by trade, but I know that is is not hard to see that a player's client has transmited NO actions to the server for the duration of an entire game. |
Originally Posted by keke_
If I leech I use the a little bird thingy that goes up and down that you see in ppls gardens. Thats not 3rd party programs, or scripting.
I'm not sure if I should be complaining that you're adding to the problem of leeching, or if I should plead for you to never draw a picture like that ever again. T_T"
Maybe both.
heh, if leechers werne't a problem then why remove the spiked eggnogs from the snowball fights. if it's about fun, then it shoud be played for fun period... remove all rewards for winning and losing. After all, it's about fun, if you want a reward then you're being selfish and greedy.
I have a great idea when people leave they should lose faction point and or titles points, with reconnectes now possible there should be no need for people to bail, if you bail you lose points. Problem solved eveyones happy except for the lazy akfers who is now gonna have work for title points and factions points. Its a simple solution, and with reconnects there is no excuse not to implent this, its possible to reconnect. Start punishing people with -points, other games do this all the time.
Well whether ANet sees it as a big problem or not, a lot of players find leeching extremely annoying. I know I stopped playing FA (or "Fart Asspenwood", which suits it better these days, hyuck hyuck) because there was always at least 2 leeches per team.
Divinus Stella
That pic is brilliant, i think any leecher who uses a toy bird to play guildwars for him is genious.
Servant of Kali
KICK option is needed for PUGs in PvE or PUGing is going to die fast. It already is more difficult to PUG, i understand why. But game isnt promoting pugs; making it easier to pug that is.
I've put some thing into this and it occurs to me that the only sollution is for me to start leeching as well.
Here is why:
1. People who loose because of leechers get frustated and either give up or start leeching themselves.
2. People who persevere will keep getting teamed with leeches and eventually rech one of the two conclusions in point 1.
3. If people will not leech and rather stop playing, the percentage of leechers goes up.
3. If people start leeching, the percentage of leechers goes up.
4. If this goes on for long enough, it will get to the pooint where the number of leechers in there truly does become a problem and A.net has to do something about it.
Hell, I've ben UAX for ages, but after this event is over I'm going to starrt leeching the RAs, even though I can't actually get any more faction, cause (let's all say it together now) "leeching is not a problem".
Here is why:
1. People who loose because of leechers get frustated and either give up or start leeching themselves.
2. People who persevere will keep getting teamed with leeches and eventually rech one of the two conclusions in point 1.
3. If people will not leech and rather stop playing, the percentage of leechers goes up.
3. If people start leeching, the percentage of leechers goes up.
4. If this goes on for long enough, it will get to the pooint where the number of leechers in there truly does become a problem and A.net has to do something about it.
Hell, I've ben UAX for ages, but after this event is over I'm going to starrt leeching the RAs, even though I can't actually get any more faction, cause (let's all say it together now) "leeching is not a problem".
Lord Mendes
Originally Posted by leguma
I've put some thing into this and it occurs to me that the only sollution is for me to start leeching as well.
Here is why: 1. People who loose because of leechers get frustated and either give up or start leeching themselves. 2. People who persevere will keep getting teamed with leeches and eventually rech one of the two conclusions in point 1. 3. If people will not leech and rather stop playing, the percentage of leechers goes up. 3. If people start leeching, the percentage of leechers goes up. 4. If this goes on for long enough, it will get to the pooint where the number of leechers in there truly does become a problem and A.net has to do something about it. Hell, I've ben UAX for ages, but after this event is over I'm going to starrt leeching the RAs, even though I can't actually get any more faction, cause (let's all say it together now) "leeching is not a problem". |
In regards to a party vote kik system.....this is elementary, I cant beleive you guys are even asking for such a stupid game wrecker as Party Kick.
Hmmmmm big group is fighting a mob, Player A dies, Monster A B, and C drop ectos for player A(never happen I know but bear with me),mmmmm, Player C to B, then to D, whisper, 'hey lets kik player A, and then wait here and we can have his 3 ectos', player B, then Player D, 'Hell Yeah'. Player A booted.
Player kick is NEVER going to happen, it matters not how many people want it, it is never going to happen, and rightly so, easiest thing is to accept it and stop wishing they would change it.
I fail to see how this could get abused except in the rarest of cases. |

Player kick is NEVER going to happen, it matters not how many people want it, it is never going to happen, and rightly so, easiest thing is to accept it and stop wishing they would change it.
Originally Posted by Grais
In regards to a party vote kik system.....this is elementary, I cant beleive you guys are even asking for such a stupid game wrecker as Party Kick.
Hmmmmm big group is fighting a mob, Player A dies, Monster A B, and C drop ectos for player A(never happen I know but bear with me),mmmmm, Player C to B, then to D, whisper, 'hey lets kik player A, and then wait here and we can have his 3 ectos', player B, then Player D, 'Hell Yeah'. Player A booted. ![]() Player kick is NEVER going to happen, it matters not how many people want it, it is never going to happen, and rightly so, easiest thing is to accept it and stop wishing they would change it. |