Rainbow Candy Canes

Scarlett Romanov

Scarlett Romanov


Join Date: Jul 2005


Is there any reason as to why they're not available from collectors? I'm just curious to see if anything has been stated about this yet.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Winters Gifts are so far no where to be found as well.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


They're adding new stuff daily. They obviously don't want you to have those items yet

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by xiaotsu
They're adding new stuff daily. They obviously don't want you to have those items yet
So, what was added today? I haven't been able to go and have a look plus there's no updates on gw.com.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Might have been the Spiked Eggnog today (From Dwayna collectors in Elona and Grenth Collectors in Tyria)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

omg!! gotta be an update soon! cant wait 4 wintergreens and rainbow cc's XD


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Now that we now what Rainbow Candy Canes are for (Morale Boost for Party), has anyone seen anything about when they will be available, where you can get them, what will the cost be (shards, glob of ecto, etc.)?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

Someone direct me to where we know what Rainbow CC's are used for? I cant find this info anywhere but everyone seems to "know their use" but again I can find no documentation.

*edit* *places nub stamp on forehead.

I checked wiki again and apparently Gaile revealed it in game.

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Originally Posted by Kaltris
Now that we now what Rainbow Candy Canes are for (Morale Boost for Party), has anyone seen anything about when they will be available, where you can get them, what will the cost be (shards, glob of ecto, etc.)?
Could be given out during the Finale by Dwayna/Grenth (like how they gave items out last year for "bribes"). Have wintersday gifts been added yet?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006


Country Roads [HOME]

I hope we can trade our candy cane shards for Rainbow Candy Canes.
What else would people do with their candy cane shard stacks?
Buy all available weapons and fill up their huge and never ending inventory spaces??


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Stormcloud
Someone direct me to where we know what Rainbow CC's are used for? I cant find this info anywhere but everyone seems to "know their use" but again I can find no documentation.

*edit* *places nub stamp on forehead.

I checked wiki again and apparently Gaile revealed it in game.
Go Here


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Massachusetts, USA


Last year during the finale, it was basically about 30 minutes worth of stages, where every 5 minutes or so, presents would appear on the ground next to Dwayna or Grenth. I would guess those are the winter gifts they're referring to. I thought I saw something somewhere that suggested the rainbow candy canes wouldn't be available until then either but I can't seem to find it.

And to the question about what else people would do with shards, I remember salvaging them into glittering dust which at this time last year was a really hot item in Droks and you could make about 50-100k in a week selling crafting materials (materials with an s, not just dust). I haven't done that in a long time though and I would imagine with factions and nightfall, there's new armor and new mods that have probably killed off the market for most of those.