About Ventari's Sell



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

British Columbia

The Lost Reign [SEEK]


The How to: guide doesn't explain to well. I am still utterly confused.

What does TBC mean?

What is the significance of B/Os and RESERVES? Why do people post a S/B of 10k and B/O of 15k? Isn't that sort of pointless. and what's the point of telling people ur reserve to be 60k, and have a s/b of 50k.

and if you wish to sell something at a certain price range, what do u do? like say for example I want to sell something for 'this amount of price' or best offer? What type of sale is that? auction or first come first serve?

basically, how do auctions work on guru? and if you don't want to auction, how do the other types of sales work? I probably need a really experienced person to answer this. Cuz i have tons of stuff to sell, but Im afraid to break some rules and mess up how it all works...

need detailed explaination

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


I don't know about TBC.. where did you find it?
People are free to set their reserves/starting offers; if they want a starting offer of 10k and a buy out of 11k I don't see any problem with that. They are hoping for a quick buy out doing that way.
As for the s/o of 50k and the reserve at 60k, if I did something like that, I would consider a 50k offer still satisfying, but I did set the 60k as reserve to see if I could squeeze a little more cash.
If you wish to sell something at a certain price range, let's say 80-90k... You could just write it in your post, or set a s/o of 80k and a b/o of 90k, as it better suits you.
You're also free to end the auction when you see an offer that you like. The only 'obligation', is that you have to sell the item to whoever offered the buy-out on that, no matter if there are higher offers.
Most people in Ventari don't pay too much attention to the kind of sale they're putting up, like auction/first come-first serve.
They basically set a starting offer and a buy out, or they let it run freely. Again, do as you think it's better. And if I may give an advice, always put an ending date, so that people know when they are expected to pick up the items and get the cash ready. I couldn't be bothered to wait indefinitely for an item even if I would really want it.
Merry Christmas




Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Arya Nibelrund
I don't know about TBC.. where did you find it?
People are free to set their reserves/starting offers; if they want a starting offer of 10k and a buy out of 11k I don't see any problem with that. They are hoping for a quick buy out doing that way.
As for the s/o of 50k and the reserve at 60k, if I did something like that, I would consider a 50k offer still satisfying, but I did set the 60k as reserve to see if I could squeeze a little more cash.
If you wish to sell something at a certain price range, let's say 80-90k... You could just write it in your post, or set a s/o of 80k and a b/o of 90k, as it better suits you.
You're also free to end the auction when you see an offer that you like. The only 'obligation', is that you have to sell the item to whoever offered the buy-out on that, no matter if there are higher offers.
Most people in Ventari don't pay too much attention to the kind of sale they're putting up, like auction/first come-first serve.
They basically set a starting offer and a buy out, or they let it run freely. Again, do as you think it's better. And if I may give an advice, always put an ending date, so that people know when they are expected to pick up the items and get the cash ready. I couldn't be bothered to wait indefinitely for an item even if I would really want it.
Merry Christmas
and make sure not to bump your thread within a 24th period. [edit is your friend]



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

erm..TBC=to be checked?..if some1 dsnt know the price of item..they put TBC next to it, then put it on price check..but not sure

to be confirmed..lol
i go with checked :/



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

British Columbia

The Lost Reign [SEEK]


Thanks everyone, here's still a little bit of confusion.

About reserves, isn't it a certain price that 'must' be reached before i want it sold. Back to ex. with s/o 50k and reserve 60k. Arya said 50k is still satisfying, but doens't that make the reserve pointless? I don't see how putting down a reserve encourages the buyer to reach it if it doesn't have to be reached. Need some clarification on that.

I found TBC beside b/o on the High End forums. Thanks for clarifying, to be confirmed makes sense.

If I put an enddate to a auction, what if no one puts down an offer?

If I don't put down any prices, I just want to sell this one item. How do I do that? Ex. Selling 15^50 Jade Sword... how will buyers react to that?

Also, how do you change the title of a post. In the beginning I put Selling Nightmare Weapons, but later I updated the post, and it now sells other weapons as well, with only 1 nightmare weapon in it, I try to change the topic name, it doesn't work.

and Merry Christmas everyone!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



TBC = TBD = To Be Determined, meaning the seller is not certain what the item is worth and wants to see how the bidding goes.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


I don't see how putting down a reserve encourages the buyer to reach it if it doesn't have to be reached. Need some clarification on that.
Well, the buyer knows that if he hasn't reached the reserve he probably won't get the item, so he's driven to bid higher. Then it's up to the seller to decide whether the offer is still satisfying, but the buyer is not sure he will get the item.

If I put an enddate to a auction, what if no one puts down an offer?
Then you can:
a) repost the item again (after 24 hours)
b) try to sell it ingame
c) merchant it as noone showed interest for it

If I don't put down any prices, I just want to sell this one item. How do I do that? Ex. Selling 15^50 Jade Sword... how will buyers react to that?
A few people will probably lowball, like starting with 1k offer. Then serious buyers will eventually come and offer a fair price for it. You can add a reserve and a buy out later on, if the sale is not going as you want.

Also, how do you change the title of a post. In the beginning I put Selling Nightmare Weapons, but later I updated the post, and it now sells other weapons as well, with only 1 nightmare weapon in it, I try to change the topic name, it doesn't work.
You cannot, just PM me and I will edit the title Cause I can^^



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

British Columbia

The Lost Reign [SEEK]


Thanks, I see how it works now.

Last 2 things, what's the difference between quick reply and reply?

and if I put an enddate to an auction, by the time of the enddate no one put down an offer, am I allowed to close that thread somehow, and make a new one, attempting to sell the item again?

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


Quick reply: basic options
Go Advanced: many more things too choose... fonts, colors, etc
After the end date, close the thread editing the original post with: 'closed by seller', wait 24 hours and then post a new thread (with the same item or different ones, as you wish).
We have a few additional rules for Ventari subforums, make sure you check them out at General Ventari Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
and there's also a 'how to guide'.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

British Columbia

The Lost Reign [SEEK]


Thanks Arya, I read the How to Guide and the rules. Not as helpful as this though .

Problem Resolved.