Still Casual Gamer Friendly?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hello! I haven't played computer games for over a year, but I played Guildwars back when it came out. When I played, it was casual gamer friendly. Is that still the case?

I would be playing about 30mins-1 hr at a time, and not daily. Is this enough for Guildwars now?


T N Player

T N Player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Bay Area


what do u mean "casual gamer friendly"?



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by T N Player
what do u mean "casual gamer friendly"?

Originally Posted by dyersituations
I would be playing about 30mins-1 hr at a time, and not daily. Is this enough for Guildwars now?
He answered your question in his OP.

It is definitely casual gamer friendly. This is one of those rare games you can set down for months at a time and come back to and still feel like you have an idea what is going on. If you happen to have Nightfall and the new hero system, you will find it even easier than before. The entire campaigns are completable with henchmen and heroes, so you decide who and where you spend that precious time.

Give it a whack, the best part is it won't cost you a penny to try it again and see how it fits.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Simple things like completing the game, competing in PvP etc are still casual friendly. But getting high end vanity items are not.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

The game it self is even more casual friendly with Heros and other options. Hurry and join in the Wintersday fun.

The gamers in the game, however, seem to be even more impersonal and anonymous. I see the word "noob" being used like Michael Richards uses his N word. No joke, same behavior. People try to pull gold from anything they can, from ferrying to Consulate Docks to selling a freaking Stormbringer beginner green for 3k. Even the party search window is basically another trade chat.

Just get some heroes and pretend it's Chrono Trigger on the SNES.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Caleb - thanks for the clarification - that's what I meant.

So, is it impossible to get into groups and such now with nightfall?

...too bad I still don't have my original guildwars code to give it a try...

Thanks for information!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

You can find groups for missions in Nightfall easily. But for regular quests, the magic of forming groups is mostly gone from what I've seen. I took my Tyrian character to Kamadan and went as far as Bone Palace. In all that time, I've seen groups form for missions. But only seen people trying to form groups for a primary quest a couple times. I've been in one group for a primary quest, a group originally formed for a mission which we did before the quest.




Join Date: Jul 2005

You don't need your cd key. Just download the client and reinstall that way. All you need is your login email and password. Although if you've forgotten those you might be in a tight spot. Best to contact support and see what they can do.>support



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


Originally Posted by Linksys
The gamers in the game, however, seem to be even more impersonal and anonymous. I see the word "noob" being used like Michael Richards uses his N word. No joke, same behavior.
Yeah I got called "noob" for having a lag spike the other night in a snowball fight. :: facepalm ::

However, I think it's very casual gamer friendly. I'm far from an OCD player myself, and I easily make a decent pile of gold, have items I like, and have a great time. The heroes make it very nice to hop on and sneak a quest or even mission in when you don't have much time and don't know if you'll have to run off.

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

There are not many games that you'll get a lot out of from playing 30m-1h every few days. That's simply not enough to get anywhere in any MMO game - you can have some fun by yourself, but such a small amount of time means it could take you 6 months to complete a single chapter. When I think "casual player friendly", I think a game that allows casual players to compete with fully committed players. Guild Wars is such a game, and the only thing a full-time player will have over a casual player is more experience and fancier appearances on their weapons and armor. But my interpretation of a casual gamer is one who plays maybe 5-10 hours a week, not 1-2.

It's not impossible to get in groups, but I suppose it can take longer than it used to, especially for smaller quests which are easily completed with heroes and henchmen. Most people still prefer human teams for missions.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



to getting missions dones:
