Treasure hunter title - how to get that now ?
In the good old days where u could do alot of port sledge runs u could make your chest running profitable. But now where A-net has ruined that how do u get the max title ?
I can say so much that I don't have 10 mil on me so I have to sell the unid gold but that's kind of impossible too, so what now ?
What can I do to afford the keys ?
In the good old days where u could do alot of port sledge runs u could make your chest running profitable. But now where A-net has ruined that how do u get the max title ?
I can say so much that I don't have 10 mil on me so I have to sell the unid gold but that's kind of impossible too, so what now ?
What can I do to afford the keys ?
hope you get some good drops

I still maintain my gold balance through chest thou.Might not gain much as farming. All you need to do is try to use buy/sell board.
If all you ran was Port Sledge, you were doomed to misery. If you can't afford a 100 keys at a time, you have other issues anyway. Do some farming, buy more keys. Not much else you can do.
Not everything in the game was meant to be easy... ~_~
Mods and inscriptions sell fast.
Chest running is somewhat easier now with heroes and random drops, which no longer mandate groups, making it much faster.
Elona is where it's at. Wurms make chest running a breeze.
Chest running is somewhat easier now with heroes and random drops, which no longer mandate groups, making it much faster.
Elona is where it's at. Wurms make chest running a breeze.
Neo Nugget
yeah i just got my 1st rank of that title.(yaaaay) and i got some very good drops.
1,159 chests open so far, last 400 or so have all been in Nightfall. Port Sledge hasnt been profitable in ages. Just find a new location theat hosts desirable drops. Unid golds are going for more now than ever.
Also take advantage of double drop/ triple key weekends. I turned 100k profit out the other weekend. 2 fiery blade axes, 2 sup vigors, and a bunch of other things. If you chest run the right location, your drops will fund your next set of keys plus some profit.
Also take advantage of double drop/ triple key weekends. I turned 100k profit out the other weekend. 2 fiery blade axes, 2 sup vigors, and a bunch of other things. If you chest run the right location, your drops will fund your next set of keys plus some profit.
My character died, how am i suppose to get the survivor title now? I dont have time to death level and get Defender of Ascalon, how do i get it now?
Not everything is suppose to be easy you have to work for it.
Not everything is suppose to be easy you have to work for it.
Jeff Highwind
You can't chest run now with the new spawn points, you can only chest fight. Regardless to that fact both Eldred and Highwind both got their tier1 treasure hunter without any problem.
And MMS you wouldn't believe how much I stressed just trying to get tier 1 survivor. xD
And MMS you wouldn't believe how much I stressed just trying to get tier 1 survivor. xD
Curse You
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
And MMS you wouldn't believe how much I stressed just trying to get tier 1 survivor. xD

Also, I've never much cared for chest farming, but from the looks of things, you're trying to farm an area that's been removed of most good drops (as most areas near Droknar's have).
The best places are around the end game spots (or so I would think), like Raisu Palace (Explorable).
Jeff Highwind
My friend is trying to get tier1 survivor as a paragon. I should relay your info, but he doesn't have highest AL yet nor does he even know of the ferries in Kamadan.
Originally Posted by Firefox78
But now where A-net has ruined that how do u get the max title ?
I DISAGREE with you stating that A-net ruined it. the Title it self was meant just for Opening "High end chest". How has A-net ruined "opening Chest"? Yes if they removed or limited the chest per map or raised the prices of keys... then YES i would agree hole hearty... for the items you get and making a profit off Chest farming is another story... that is not Anet's problem or concern.
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
You can't chest run now with the new spawn points, you can only chest fight.

You just got tomahawked
umm...well you can farm the money then buy keys and have a grand ole time running till ur heart explodes.
Jeff Highwind
Originally Posted by Thargor
Thats funny, I just ran 40 chests with no problems and didn't fight a single thing. Areas ran were Torment areas and desolation areas. Maybe I missed an update
![]() |
Whatever though, you do have a point that running is possible. I just prefer to fight, nothing like getting treasure for power-leveling Melonni.
To bad that treasure is purple eh?
I usually make most my money back from chest running I have a big profit from all of them that I ran. So no ANet didn't ruin might not be profitable for some may for others...certain factors take place. Knowledge on how to sell items, Knowledge on where to run and what gives you the most bang for your buck, Luck is a big big one and that's all I can think of at the moment.
I usually make most my money back from chest running I have a big profit from all of them that I ran. So no ANet didn't ruin might not be profitable for some may for others...certain factors take place. Knowledge on how to sell items, Knowledge on where to run and what gives you the most bang for your buck, Luck is a big big one and that's all I can think of at the moment.
Jeff Highwind
I have a good profit margin but nothing that allows me to go for tier 2 of the Treasure Hunter track. Sadly all my funding for chest runs are from a 10% sellers fee for my guildies when they go treasure hunting as well.
I swear we should rename our guild "Shinra Inc. Trade Department"
I swear we should rename our guild "Shinra Inc. Trade Department"
All zones are CR-able on all professions. I CR desolation (try poisoned outcrops). I'll even take you through the run if I'm not doing something at the time (Christmas farming + running ele through game = mostly busy though, but i have my bored nothing to do moments as well). Usually 4-6 chests throughout the zone... takes 5-8 mins per run. I've tried d/mo and r/rt so far... guildee runs with me with a mo/r... had a p/w guildee run with us... so i think its possible for all profs... even in realm of torment, nightfallen jehai is perfectly runnable. As for staying in business... my primary income source is CR-ing... Running 20~ chests a time wont profit you much. It is only profitable in the Long Run. I'll admit it is very slow though. Rangers still at 1550~ and Dervish around 300~
You do what everyone else in the game does, and EARN the gold some other way.
Consider what its like for those classes who cant solo farm easily and arent able to do chest runs as easily as wammos or 55 monks or other such builds.
They would have found it hard to make gold to buy keys to attain the treasure hunt title long before any changes Anet made.
But im not really seeing the problem. If your usual way of making gold easily has been nerfed, then find another way.
Consider what its like for those classes who cant solo farm easily and arent able to do chest runs as easily as wammos or 55 monks or other such builds.
They would have found it hard to make gold to buy keys to attain the treasure hunt title long before any changes Anet made.
But im not really seeing the problem. If your usual way of making gold easily has been nerfed, then find another way.
i made my first 100k chest running, then a few weeks later i made my first 500k.
at end of the month i was on 700k
then anet nerfed chests, so now i only have 175k left
i say bring back chests that have same type inside them. Just stupid how one person can get a gold and everyone else gets purple
at end of the month i was on 700k
then anet nerfed chests, so now i only have 175k left
i say bring back chests that have same type inside them. Just stupid how one person can get a gold and everyone else gets purple

Lets say the average value of a drop from a chest is 200g. That means that each key would give a 400g loss. So for every 100 keys you use you have to make 40k from selling mods/weapons to players. Doesn't sound too hard. You'll probably end up breaking even. Isn't that good enough? You still get the title..
not every key costs 600 gold, most of the end-game keys are way more expensive.
I could be wrong, but wouldn't that mean that you should probably not mass-farm with those keys?
Overall, I don't find the quality of endgame loot, especially with the quantity of people farming there (and thus lowering market prices), to be enough to justify spending 1.5k per key.
Overall, I don't find the quality of endgame loot, especially with the quantity of people farming there (and thus lowering market prices), to be enough to justify spending 1.5k per key.
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
Lemme guess, Echo Shadow Form?
Whatever though, you do have a point that running is possible. I just prefer to fight, nothing like getting treasure for power-leveling Melonni. |
If you prefere to fight that is great too, you actually might make some cash along the way to buy more keys and with the drops I have been having lately I may have to start fighting jsut to buy more keys

Here's a suggestion: Don't chest run or worry about the title unless you can hypothetically afford 10,000 keys.
many of the titles are pretty much meant to be a money sink anyways.
i don't worry about the 10 000 keys
i have 2500 chests so far and earned about 100k in this way. The problem is that this took about 100 hours and i dont like to spend about 400hours ONLY chestrunning for the title + beeing very busy selling my stuff
(whoot i farm 1k per hour
i have 2500 chests so far and earned about 100k in this way. The problem is that this took about 100 hours and i dont like to spend about 400hours ONLY chestrunning for the title + beeing very busy selling my stuff
(whoot i farm 1k per hour

Chest running isnt so hard just go to a area where weapons that are wanted drop and with NF you can slap that 15^50 mod on it and sell it for alot more then with that 15enchanted. Its like the old saying you have to spend money to make money. I havent chest ran in over 4 months but my ranger managed to open 350+ chest in less then a week and made back my key money+ profit. Also my ranger chest running also feed my wisdom title on my necro so it was a double title feeding for me
Chest running gives you back alot of mods so try selling the mods in a bunch instead of one by one. Also if your having problems selling the mods just sell them for cheaper then going price and someone usually jumps on it because there greedy side is telling them they can try to make a little profit off it thus getting it off your hand and making it someone elses problem.

Chest running gives you back alot of mods so try selling the mods in a bunch instead of one by one. Also if your having problems selling the mods just sell them for cheaper then going price and someone usually jumps on it because there greedy side is telling them they can try to make a little profit off it thus getting it off your hand and making it someone elses problem.